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About ramG

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  1. but I think chic gold horn cap is the best from event, agathions are cools also. gz existent.
  2. Congratulations Erica for Chic Gold Horn Cap .
  3. ramG

    Fightclub 3 vs ?

    Many ppl don't know which is his role in pvp.
  4. ramG

    clan wars

    Can know if at 1.3 version will be fixed the rest of war bugs?
  5. ramG

    Cuenta la Leyenda

    Les va a pasar como a los COMA, se hicieron los locos y terminaron llorando bajando la war para luego pretender una una ally con nosotros (USA) y así terminaron quedando media CP en un clan... ya es tarde para empezar una nuevo bando.. o te unís a una ally o se te va a complicar demasiado.
  6. ramG

    Loot of CC

    The distribution button of command channel don't works, you can't change loot of command channel.
  7. ramG

    clan wars

    So apparently the war tag was fixed. But still missing fix of most important: war points, end of war every week and every kill of enemy war gives 1 point of clan reputation.
  8. ​There is no secret, like everything else, perseverance, time and dedication.
  9. Yes, after of restart of server 29/01, I and anothers friends was added 40- 60 ms extra. Today remains the same.
  10. ramG

    PK scrolls work

    You don't need change the system, just increase the price of Pk scroll (x4 or x5) and problem solved.
  11. ramG

    clan wars

    I suspected about war points.. +1 to fix all war issues.
  12. ramG

    War Icon.

    This bug still is alive... and i cheked that other people see the missing icon on a character same like me see, i think is a issue of server. Fix it plz, too upset and when you have a lot more wars.
  13. ramG

    CP busca Bishop 48+

    Bsucamos un bishop que tenga buen login (4hs o mas), en lo posible que sea 48+. PM in game o en el foro.