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Everything posted by ezsembler

  1. every 5-10 mins "Polcka" promotes his twtch channel like that. Polcka: ~ Polcka: the stream will be launched on the start! p.s. he is not a bot Â
  2. proved. this doesn't apply on flagged players, excluding Party Members. Not flagged can be buffed
  3. ​и прекрати в игре спамить про стрим
  4. I don't know this is feature or what: he is not an agressive mob, but some of them uses sleep j4f or what.
  5. ezsembler


    ​​I meant that recipe is describing in ru lang.
  6. ezsembler


    ​​а че там с кармой? если остается, то напиши в репорт топик.
  7. ​​no, in 2.0 they added 1-2 skills for every class. https://l2central.info/home/classic/875-obnovlenie-lineage-ii-classic-age-of-war-v-koree
  8. ​Disadvantage? Example - Not based on truths or reality Solo mob kill 100xp Solo mob adena 10a Duo mob kill 55xp Duo mob adena 5a See the difference? Now lets go go go to level 10 at 2,000,000xp needed. Hm... he meant higher lvl enemies is much easier with PP in your hand​
  9. ​You can use only 1 account per PC except if you have a Premium account = 1 more account (using virtual machine or something else to bypass this restriction can be punish), but if you have 2 PC or more at your home then you can play with multiple account at same time (obviously if a GM see you or someone report you with 2-3 buffer following you, then you will be banned). It's not a IP restriction just Hardware restriction. ​oh, so. no worries, but thx for info.
  10. аниме для дурачков))))
  11. you should be prepared for all suprises. in 1.0 no new pets at 56+. p.s. and no soulshots for pet. gl & hf
  12. ​lvl difference reduces chance too much.
  13. ​with panther it doesn't work
  14. удалил 2 файла енв для проверки: или от них не зависит, или ресурсы используются с сервера. Помню, писали, что кастом не будет работать на серве.
  15. ​ env.int ​я пробовал через прогу изменить но для классика пишут нету пока, рабочий? На С4 работает, про классик не знаю.
  16. DA has long cast time without spiritshots and magic haste pots. But you are right he is very strong in this chapter and i'm a little bit afraid that all will get DA as main. Anyway mages must rape DA with debuffs and Nuke. p.s. sorc's cleanse is op
  17. кто знаеТ, чем отличается env.int от env_classic.int? в папке классики они вместе
  18. 1. international. You can't forbid ppl talking with their lang. Only if they're spamming with same words. 2. This is beta. how can we use trade and shout chat? "WTS SOP 4a" ? or "WTB LONG BOW 16+?" or may be "Rb PT 60+". that's okay to see this. 3. the game is translated from Russian client and it's obviously that ppl can write on Russian lang. Just relax, this is only start of the last beta, there were many ppl and you just notice only Russian words and ignore eng/ita/esp. May be you wanna see bear and balalaika with shapka-ushanka?
  19. 3. posts (eng) = коменты (ру) threat (eng) = пост/тред ( ру) 5. Отослать ник и линк фб в скайп.
  20. may I won't do it? cus I don't use skype​