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Everything posted by fishfood

  1. Fear is a mental attack, so I think it's safe to assume Horror acts the same way as Nuker/OL fear. Meaning mental shield does provide resistance.
  2. ​CON/MEN DOES effect resist on classic but I don't know the exact values, I'm assuming not so much it's all about the levels.
  3. Not worth the mp drain, especially since when you need pdef you have soulguard which essentially doubles your pdef making you well over 1000 pdef.
  4. ​They are calculated the same with base landrates. But things like mental shield/MEN effect mental resistance and stun resist/CON effect stun attacks.
  5. Nice video, but Matk hardly has any effect on your debuff land rate, so I personally wouldn't use the warcry toggle it just wastes MP.
  6. Yes it's still possible, It's 8+ level difference should be 0 chance of landing debuffs/stuns I'm using that info from the 4game test they did
  7. fishfood


    if you take winstrol or tren that's a +
  8. fishfood

    Clans GMT -5

    Perkunas / EternalShine / LesCompadrjes (sp?) all have a few south american parties that are around gmt-5
  9. ​You know they're can only be 3 different dagger hero's right? Not like it matters or anything. I wouldn't call playing a mage "doomed" lol idk if you notice but mages level faster than anyone else, strongest in pvp, necro's are just straight broken on classic
  10. fishfood


    ​abaut what ES archer you speak ? all was ok then land rate was like you say 100 %, cose normal land rate is 80 % for sleep, when enemy is 10 lvl less, than yes it can be 90 % for sleep, from this all fight ppl like you start cry for admin, and someone change is, Sano know it cose he teleport to us and we show how now all debufs work, its on list for fix, so stop CRY LIKE NOOB cose admin know what is bug now with debufs, we have lots prove of skills and lots movi when my OL 72 sleeping 55 pp and have 1 / 7 sleep and 1/9 feer, i dont know how abaut LOa with yours box, cose if you have so old info abaut debufs and other bugs i dont wana speak abaut some yours box in pvp ​PvP happened last Saturday bud, did you forget that fast or did we rape you too hard? ​hmmm 6 cp from us v 8-9 cp enemy + 8-9 cp other ally ? when just one pt from us is 70+ other 60-65+ ​I'm talking about the 9v9 in LoA when you and fanaxx came with ES archers while we had mobs on us ​ES have different play time than we, and we are not pvp together with tham, so we are not runing in loa with tham, and thay are to low lvl for pve or pve with us ​ Are you retarded? Are you saying any one who is 70+ trying to debuff somebody on 60+ is a 20% chance? Because I have fraps of 9v9ing you with some ES archers and your sleep landed 100% on level 65 players. ​abaut what ES archer you speak ? all was ok then land rate was like you say 100 %, cose normal land rate is 80 % for sleep, when enemy is 10 lvl less, than yes it can be 90 % for sleep, from this all fight ppl like you start cry for admin, and someone change is, Sano know it cose he teleport to us and we show how now all debufs work, its on list for fix, so stop CRY LIKE NOOB cose admin know what is bug now with debufs, we have lots prove of skills and lots movi when my OL 72 sleeping 55 pp and have 1 / 7 sleep and 1/9 feer, i dont know how abaut LOa with yours box, cose if you have so old info abaut debufs and other bugs i dont wana speak abaut some yours box in pvp ​PvP happened last Saturday bud, did you forget that fast or did we rape you too hard? ​hmmm 6 cp from us v 8-9 cp enemy + 8-9 cp other ally ? when just one pt from us is 70+ other 60-65+ ​I'm talking about the 9v9 in LoA when you and fanaxx came with ES archers while we had mobs on us ​ES have different play time than we, and we are not pvp together with tham, so we are not runing in loa with tham, and thay are to low lvl for pve or pve with us ​Idk if you were playing but Taduliz and Fanaxx char were with some ES archers (who I know are 66+) and they got smashed against a box party, couldn't even kill 1 person
  11. fishfood


    ​read one more time abaut debufs. from 72 to 70 lvl debufs is 70 %, to 60 lvl 50 % to 50 lvl 30 % ​That's pretty funny how you say that when you and xwarx could debuff/stun everybody at siege without a problem and our alliance is 52-65 ​in next 5 topics your ppl will be 30+ like i see ​2/3 of our archer parties are literally 5x, awakendemon CP KILLS orfen that's how low level they are, you've seen them do it lol.
  12. fishfood


    ​abaut what ES archer you speak ? all was ok then land rate was like you say 100 %, cose normal land rate is 80 % for sleep, when enemy is 10 lvl less, than yes it can be 90 % for sleep, from this all fight ppl like you start cry for admin, and someone change is, Sano know it cose he teleport to us and we show how now all debufs work, its on list for fix, so stop CRY LIKE NOOB cose admin know what is bug now with debufs, we have lots prove of skills and lots movi when my OL 72 sleeping 55 pp and have 1 / 7 sleep and 1/9 feer, i dont know how abaut LOa with yours box, cose if you have so old info abaut debufs and other bugs i dont wana speak abaut some yours box in pvp ​PvP happened last Saturday bud, did you forget that fast or did we rape you too hard? ​hmmm 6 cp from us v 8-9 cp enemy + 8-9 cp other ally ? when just one pt from us is 70+ other 60-65+ ​I'm talking about the 9v9 in LoA when you and fanaxx came with ES archers while we had mobs on us
  13. fishfood


    ​read one more time abaut debufs. from 72 to 70 lvl debufs is 70 %, to 60 lvl 50 % to 50 lvl 30 % ​That's pretty funny how you say that when you and xwarx could debuff/stun everybody at siege without a problem and our alliance is 52-65
  14. fishfood


    ​abaut what ES archer you speak ? all was ok then land rate was like you say 100 %, cose normal land rate is 80 % for sleep, when enemy is 10 lvl less, than yes it can be 90 % for sleep, from this all fight ppl like you start cry for admin, and someone change is, Sano know it cose he teleport to us and we show how now all debufs work, its on list for fix, so stop CRY LIKE NOOB cose admin know what is bug now with debufs, we have lots prove of skills and lots movi when my OL 72 sleeping 55 pp and have 1 / 7 sleep and 1/9 feer, i dont know how abaut LOa with yours box, cose if you have so old info abaut debufs and other bugs i dont wana speak abaut some yours box in pvp ​PvP happened last Saturday bud, did you forget that fast or did we rape you too hard?
  15. fishfood


    So a level 72+ CP is trying to fight a 65~ CP to show "skill" you realize we can't land a single debuff on you and you land all debuffs 95% chance right? clueless clown boasting about skill when you are carried by levels.
  16. fishfood


    ​Also it's funny you talk about "no skill" when you couldn't even kill one of us in LoA when we were boxing BP SWS BD against a 63~ party at the time
  17. fishfood


    Are you retarded? Are you saying any one who is 70+ trying to debuff somebody on 60+ is a 20% chance? Because I have fraps of 9v9ing you with some ES archers and your sleep landed 100% on level 65 players.
  18. fishfood


    Hate to break it to you bud but nobody is PRing from a level 60 group, they were PRing from the 73 group that lands every debuff 100% on those people.
  19. Log out when within ~1000 range, kind of hard too
  20. ​Taduliz is just bored because he is botting in BS with his buddy Dee
  21. From 2.0 no lvl cap. So you can lvl up and up. Dont realy know to how much. But i think still blue mobs must give exp. Cose if you will be pk and last mobs give 0 exp, than how drop karma. ​The max u can get in 2.0 is 80 because of the monster lvls (and that already means u farm light blue mobs after 77) after 79 ALL mobs will be blue, no sane person will go beyond 78 and just a handful will go for 79 because it just takes way too long farming blue mobs (look at korea, maybe 1% of playerbase have lvl 79 after such a long time and i don't think anyone has reached 80) ​​