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About dpms2000

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  1. alot of active players came here with the idea of full CP in mind. now they are limited to 7 + 2 gaming. its obviously a problem for groups who play together as cp for extended time. also the bonus of experience in party system is based on number of players in party. at this moment with 7 max players on party, i believe you are limited to 70% bonus. there is more information available if you are to search for it.
  2. dpms2000


    nice to see new faces around. good luck!
  3. ​Take a look here : http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/5983-accountscharacters-sales-forbidden/ ​thanks
  4. trading of accounts for in-game assets/donate coins is not allowed?
  5. dpms2000

    elf tank stream

    its been added. stream is now live!
  6. 1) twitch.tv/dpms20002) english3) casual evenings/weekends4) yes
  7. i simply just fully relog and it is resolved until the next time
  8. dpms2000

    Need SWS

    added you on skype
  9. bump for serious inquiries only (8+ hours daily prime time)
  10. dpms2000

    elf tank stream

    occasional stream elf tank pov music at request english chat thanks for following! http://www.twitch.tv/dpms2000