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Everything posted by ProGressive

  1. ​Totally agree, frenzy is ok. Rage dont care. But the thing that you cant prefrenzy before fight on your own sucks. If that somehow be able it would be cool.
  2. ​ One of our gladies in server. And about PR. Full youtube of videos with PR one shot. Choose wisely young newb.
  3. ​I suggest choosing class wisely, and after that choosing with who you are going to play
  4. ​actually sometimes u find enemies just because they forget to pick up 1 item or so, considering drops are disappearing really fast here, u know someone is there so u scout area more ​Man he was sarcastic... ​ Do u imagine how fast archers and mages would be with autopickup? Its like x2 time faster.
  5. ​One thing you need to learn about L2 Classic is patience my young Anakin. Except mage AoE there is not such a thing like fast exp ​there is
  6. ​actually sometimes u find enemies just because they forget to pick up 1 item or so, considering drops are disappearing really fast here, u know someone is there so u scout area more ​Man he was sarcastic...
  7. ​so pay 2 win for col? ​Add for adena then.
  8. Or just put nobless scrolls for COL. So when there goes massive pvp, it would be more fun.
  9. We will have something like those scrolls this 0:51-1:05 ?
  10. 23 kk, mail me in game "ProGressive
  11. no, he works correctly, and as he shut be. ​Should it have delay after cast around 3 sec? To start working ?
  12. ​from what i know, frenzy got duration boosted from 60 seconds to 90 from what ppl already suggested what could be done about it (dunno about other changes, maybe they are planned for future or are already done) u gotta deal with it that it sucks for now, all chronicles has worse and better classes, once it gets soulshots, it will be much stronger, and maybe at some update it will get something and will be insane in olympiad or idk u can say some dagger can xp faster than other dagger (because for example aw has hex), but thats not reason to put it in other tier ​Good boy, you just answered your self about destro
  13. ​haha, destro in fifth tier, u made my day, +1 from me for this joke ​HAHAHA PS sucks but still same group as ES and cat.
  14. Okey so because everyone is against it i want just to sum up and we can close this. There are four types of DD. Archer daggers mages warriors. Warriors and mages can aoe, others can't. My suggestion is make it like this Fourth group classes: Treasure Hunter Hawkeye Plainswalker Silver Ranger Abyss Walker Phantom Ranger Fifth group classes: Spellhowler Sorcerer Necromancer Spellsinger Warlord Gladiator Destroyer Tyrant Or make it like this. Fourth group classes: Treasure Hunter Hawkeye Plainswalker Silver Ranger Abyss Walker Phantom Ranger Fifth group: Warlord Gladiator Destroyer Tyrant sisxth group classes:Spellhowler Sorcerer Necromancer Spellsinger
  15. ​Love u :* is there command to get some kind of buffs?
  16. Offcourse they can, but they will have downtime for mana. Atleast on my friend necro 52 there was downtime. And when u say that gladi ws they are all warrios show me video. SHOW me video of sps sroceror exping duo they are mages too! Cant show 62 tyrant, dont have one. And please dont put wars and competitive game here, we are talking about groups, and i am sharing my thoughts that DD should be one group. Its not fair, play Destro, see that it is nerfed and change any other DD, but if start playing mage and understand that its not for you, or you are forced to go other class you cant.
  17. ​50+- cemetary 55+- EV 57 level tyrant gets 0.3-0.4 per pull, and pulls are fast.
  18. I was speaking about EV aoe tyrant + SE. I guess mobs there 55. Need tyrant to get 62 to check AB with rabbit. So can't now. If u want i can post satyrs aoe.
  19. 1)​I will show u alternative leveling duo for SPH+SE. 2)I dont know why the hell u talk about aoe here? I told that sorc and sps has no alternative duo and will never have because of lack cdl. And what i mean that WL+SE can make duo aoe, like any other fighter and any sorc/sps CAN't ​show me and this game was never solo game, u cannot expect to xp as fast as aoe groups with solo killing, so OFC warlord with SE pulling aoe mobs get better xp ​Here any fighter does that.
  20. Two more things. What about OLY aspect? I bet that there will be some fighters or archers changing to daggers, just to be a hero. And serious guys. If u start in CP as archer or fighter, later when your CP fails you can change to any other DD and join new CP. But if you play mage, you are doomed to play mage forever.
  21. ​But where to get adena for that? I dont know how to add them in inventory I'm noob on test server. Open beta was easier
  22. 1)​I will show u alternative leveling duo for SPH+SE. 2)I dont know why the hell u talk about aoe here? I told that sorc and sps has no alternative duo and will never have because of lack cdl. And what i mean that WL+SE can make duo aoe, like any other fighter and any sorc/sps CAN't 3)Daggers bad at leveling, thats why i said so. No offensive in pvp. BTW guys, groups were made on 1.0 adena and exp income. Because when fighter were sitting in forgotten temple, and mages were aoeing all open fields, people were crying that mages too op. Thats why they made that fifth tier. But now it makes no sense, the only plus that mages has against fighters nowadays is mass pvp in open fields. All other aspects are equal. And its different about Archers.
  23. I gave just an opinion to make all DD one tier.(withouth daggers) ​And what should people do that had Mage cp, and played mage. His CP failed, he searching for new one, but its only fighters? Leave server? Or go solo with 9 accounts? And what about people who leveled 50+, and then they understood they dont like that class, because L2Classic is different than interlude or high 5, reroll? Atleast other tiers has some choices, make that for mages also.
  24. If i have time i will post video how tyrant aoe withouth tank. I didnt say word about daggers btw. They should be other tier. Or just delete this crap.