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Everything posted by BizQQuiT

  1. People hunt streamers and pk them permanently because of their attitude and what they say. Who will ever want to pk the most funny chuckling sound on YouTube (18:40)
  2. Like minded people. From my own experience people that have too much time tend to develop short-term toxic behavior due to offline uncertainties, that damages whole team (happens not once). In general these are settled people that know why they play and what they want to achieve with their gaming hobby. PS: CP is offering re-roll financing from other support classes to fill up the vacant slots - sws/se/ol, pm bizqquit on forum, send mail ingame.
  3. Recruiting CP 55+ pm BizQQuiT, Kiam, Uchihaitachi
  4. As others have said above, this classic server had more action on it's prime then even 2.0 GK. Everyone is arming up for 2.0 - that thing will be insane
  5. From the above players me and salaras play from beginning of server (gfbot too ?), and never did we ever seen you. Go away lol, bye)
  6. Hello dear community ! Our CP opens recruitment once again, we are looking to fill up our new vacant slots. We are interested in recruiting new SE/SWS/OL level 70+ or person to play our 71 SE and 72 OL. Prime hours - 19:00-22:30 CEST Requirements: - To hold prime 5 out of 7 week days. - Good English. - Working/Studying. Please contact me on forum or in-game by mail/pm BizQQuiT. Have a Wonderful Day !
  7. I just got info that Kiam botted to 76 lvl, this should be check asap !
  8. In the message I sent to you it was Jan 30 when DL was in their prime controlling epics and I told you then that we finished AQ strategy and are completing Core/Orfen right after it and if you want, this is the time to join back. This was before we took control of AQ. You obviously chose the path of DL "we like vigilance now" of course you do, sucking up on epics (made aq lvl 2 ? gz ). That was your last chance to switch but you didn't see far enough haven't you. And to all "alliance leader" should do this and that - go build a side and then we talk about famous wise man quotes. Just like few months ago - you don't see far enough to understand the new vectors the server is taking.
  9. What I stated is true and a fact, the stream is up, the videos are out there showing CC numbers.
  10. I don't get people who throw garbage at my side. I only did my job and built an ally which actually was weaker then the other one. If you failed it's not my fault and don't expect us to break to comfort you. Until we wipe the core parties of war we won't make any changes. in fact we are recruiting more in Europe (pm me on forum).
  11. There was a siege when we had 160 without ES and vigi had 280+ , i think we won every pvp in that siege. #FACT
  12. We are recruiting one more CP 60+ in our alliance to fill up the vacant slots. pm BizQQuiT/Uchihaitachi. ~WickedSick~
  13. What amuses me the most is people that are playing or played for just few months here, decided that they know something about politics and believe they are entitled to publicly tell everyone the state of the server. About server politics can talk only ally leaders in a podcast with admins, not the "I play one month, take break 2 months and play again" kind of players. I get that you guys play l2 more then a decade, guess what - everyone does, that alone doesn't give you the privilege to share your opinions. If you believe you have proper knowledge and team, I dare anyone to build a side like all of us did and then maybe your word will mean something. Until then everything is just tears of weakness.
  14. Vigilance embraced all Asia prime into one side and they farmed freely for 1 year just to actively open war when they severely over leveled competition (that was healthy ? ). Now Asia is contested by Wukong, so we decided to do the same for America to follow our long term goals. Wukong came in Asian prime and built a side when it was 100% dominated by Soil's gangs. That says that there is no excuse for anyone to build a side in America or Europe primes. Your "predictions" are wrong, we were in opposition for more then half a year, situation was similar - nobody got bored. The difference between WickedSick and Friends is that we know how to be in opposition and oppression, you guys dont. We built up from fresh level 50's to compete against already boosted 70+, if you think we will give up easy of our politics you should already find another server because obviously other vectors are unknown to you. PS: It's funny you come and talk about this only after we saw you free farm in LoA for several weeks but can't anymore.
  15. Everything you do is based on luck. - Taking AQ ring and doing all those name changes and trades to hide your identity was based on believing you will get some LUCK that you wont be tracked down. - Israd in FoM is acting for profit using LUCK for people to drop their items. When did you hear someone say " I hope I have a nice life", humans work for their nice lives. image uploader In the picture above some people see 2 humans faces and others see 1 big vase. Nice is not like the image above, you either are or you aren't - your perosnality is toxic.Where ever you are present things start shaking and crush (rip vigi). If you need nothing coming from a guy like me ( i admit, I'm dreadful ) why you took my alliance's AQ ring. You won't reply to me anymore because I will put you with your face in mud on ever single beef you open, publicly. and in the end, my not romanian infected soul - I dare you, punish me.
  16. These humans lol, running arround with train in forest asking people to help because they have big train. Who ever helps gets plently of mobs on him and this Israd nice guy stuns the victim under mobs to loot their drops. #fuckzakna хостинг фотографий
  17. you made it public once uploaded on web ~ just like it's public that the guy is a ratatouille