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Everything posted by chevignon

  1. u can also check with a google pretty fine too and have drop chances listened
  2. chevignon


    ​Its a offical L2 classic feature
  3. ​im sure exact this scenario will happen and i cant wait to see this shit waiting lines for quest mobs here we go
  4. chevignon


    ​Ich hatte es schonmal in einem älteren Thread angesprochen: Reine deutsche Clans haben noch nie lange Bestand gehabt, weil es auf Dauer an unserer Mentalität scheitert. Zusätzlich werden wir auch nicht alle die gleichen Intensionen haben und den gleichen Zeitaufwand in das Game stecken, was auch ein Punkt ist, der ein scheitern zur Folge hätte. Mit ein paar Leuten einen internationalen Clan zu joinen ist dahingehend schon wieder was anderes.
  5. ​this is just a non proven sentence...u can be sure that in facts the opposite is the truth since there isnt any similar project out there. so even if the server comes up in 6 month from now ppl who wanna play classic will be still there to join (except there comes up another project in this time)
  6. ​U just need 1 "NO" and that will come from draqla without any doubts... ...hopefully soon that we can close is topic costomer its like bossSuporter if he wont to pay premium ...and respect must be earned.....​i can show you servers with good quality 7000 player+ ..with your that 'NO'' you can play alone ...have 3000 L2 servers more ..with this one is 3001 .. so dont be so impressiv with this ..'''america its already found and conquered ​see its pretty simple: This server is a classic server and features of classic are known. There isnt any private classic server out there thats why ppl coming to this one because they wanna play classic and dont care about the 3000 other servers. U wanna play something leave to a server who is made for and stop making dumb suggestions like this one. PS: A classic server with 7k players at the same time isnt playable because of the size of the map...
  7. ​U just need 1 "NO" and that will come from draqla without any doubts... ...hopefully soon that we can close is topic
  8. chevignon


    ​Únd mit euch Pfeifen will ich sowieso nicht spielen *joke*
  9. thats the worst idea that ive read till now
  10. chevignon

    gute alte Zeiten

    Es ist Sommer, da lässt sich die Wartezeit mit vielen anderen schönen Dingen verbringen. Ich guck aller 1-2 Tage hier rein, ob es ein Update gibt und gebe evtl. irgendwo meinen Senf dazu...das wars aber auch :) dem Sinne..haut rein
  11. ​there isnt one...
  12. this days ppl dont understand that good servers allways need allot time of development. 6 months up to a year arent something special (nearly all big servers had this time till they went live) But u dont see this in a time when every day a new crappy 1 month server open his doors
  13. ​they never spoke about that they will provide a new assembly update on friday..u have to read carefully. and its not 4 weeks later now...(he wrote it at 16 June)
  14. ​no there isnt. Except u can go and get killed by guard. (10x and ur 1 lvl down) Im not very experienced in spoiler but i think on low exp servers a feature like this isnt needed anyways ?
  15. ​yep current beta the quest reward isnt set to 2x (like it will be on live)
  16. in beta 1.0 mail is disabled in 2.0 and on live it will work
  17. ​Chance on 10x drop are around 1:1000 When allot ppl farming the same mob the drop chance is higher then if ur the only one who farming this mob
  18. ​
  19. ​yeah chance is low but chance will be higher when more ppl farming it.
  20. ​dont needs a book
  21. just classic 2.0 BW light set is the goal to take
  22. ​giant monster eye