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Everything posted by chevignon

  1. ​there is a big difference between "cant" and "i do not want". U just not want... Im a english speaking ppl too and cant speak or listen russian language but i dont have had any problem till now with it.
  2. ​thats a wrong calculation. at live server will have 3x korea/ru classic adena its 20x korea/ru classic adena drop ur calculation would mean 60x drop rate Increasing xp/adena rates to the same X multiplier dont solve the xp/adena "problem" since its still like on korea/ru classic just with higher rates.
  3. ​sorry but im not on your side here. first i understand ur math but the numbers a randomly choosen so it isnt a proof at all. i watched a movie from gran kain (at 20 min mark) they farming in orc baracks on elders/prefects and so on. they are 9 ppl in a party and getting 8-9 adena from them (4 are from footmans) They have a full party so 9x8=72 adena 72x20= 1440 I farmed yesterday night there and had drops up to 2k (best case) so adena rate is 20x
  4. Hey Freunde, nun sind ja die ersten 2 Tage der beta rum und ich würde gerne von euch wissen, wie ihr den Server bis jetzt findet ? zusätzlich interessiert mich, ob ihr irgendwelche Monster/Quests entdeckt habt, die besonders lukrativ sind. Mir persönlich sind da sämtliche 2x HP Mobs aufgefallen, die gut Adena und Drop (grad full drops liefern).
  5. me and my friends enjoing the server and we had 2 funny days already. If admins continuing their work like they do it atm im fine with that and i/we will play for sure on live
  6. yeah download and overwrite the existing file in the system folder
  7. ​360 adena each..buyable in hardins and drop from some mobs in cruma/dv
  8. chevignon

    beta :)

    ihr könnt mir ja mal die TS IP dalassen. Um 13 Uhr kommen bei mir allerdings 2 Weisheitszähne raus, ob ich da heut Abend Lust habe zu sprechen ist fraglich.
  9. "Our goal is to aim for live as quick as possible, we will probably run OBT for ~2 weeks approximately."
  10. ​i dont think that it will be a problem since its a international community and with the party matching system its easier to find a party
  11. ​its a economic decision..and its the RIGHT decision
  12. i will mainly concentrate in bug/exploit testing. I still remember allot of those from prelude/c1 chronicle and it would be good, if they dont work anymore. yeah that will happen for allways since allot ppl dont understand the difference between a beta and live
  13. ​same here...test mode on 100%
  14. or krean classic database with google translator
  15. For me its pretty simple..if PA costs more then 5 Euro/Month, i wont take it. All below is fine for me.
  16. ​machine specification. Power, memory etc. ​Is this really important ? I mean, allot big server never gave any informations about their pc tales, korea/ru classic, asterios
  17. chevignon


    I think train bots and take their drops is still one of the best anti bot protections out there and i cant wait to do it in the hope for good reward Atleast admins speaking about a unique bot protection here (ok every server says that) so we will have to see if it works at start..
  18. maybe its a dumb question but about which kind of server specs do u speak about ?
  19. When we can trust the words of the admins there were already more then 3.000 registered game accounts end of april and thousands of homepage hits/day. So the server is well known already and to be clearly...playing with more then 3k ppl could start to destroy the fun since the map and territories are too small for this amount of players.
  20. Its already the "installed" folder. Just wait for the system patch/folder (copy/paste) and ur rdy to play
  21. In a interview korean admins said that bots truly needed because otherwise the economy wouldnt work there. So that means in all their server spec calculations bots were included as a main factor.. for me it sounds sad and hard to understand
  22. chevignon

    OBT verlegt

    ​Das wird sich nach dem Ende der Registrierung zeigen, ob es die Leute abschreckt. Pay2Win ist immer noch ein lohnenswertes Geschäft. Wenn ich nur an Danieldafoe denke, der aufm offi allein ca 10k für nur 1 Waffe investiert hat, indem er Enchant Scrolls für rund 70 Dollar das Stück ausm Store gekauft hat. Und da reden wir nur von einem einzigen Spieler und einer Waffe. Vom Rest ganz zu schweigen. Serverkosten hängen von vielen Faktoren ab. Du kannst nen Home-Server für 20 Euro im Monat betreiben, der bei mehr als 300 Leuten oder der kleinsten DDOS abschmiert aber halt auch nen Profi Server mit Top DDOS protection für mehrere Tausend Euro im Monat. Die L2 Extreme Server hatten z.B. ca 25k Hardware Kosten.
  23. chevignon

    gute alte Zeiten

    Auf offi hat ja auch keiner Bock, weil dass pay to win system von update zu update immer extremer und unverschämter wird. Ich wart jetzt entspannt den 22. ab und wenn es dann wieder verschoben werden oder es nix greifbares geben sollte, dann guck ich mich nach Alternativen um.