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Everything posted by riOrizOr

  1. tyrant is eine klasse die immer sehr stark war. Von c1 an bis ... heute. Die haben einfach den speed und die skill power welche sie brauchen um alles klatschen zu können + die Con um resisten genug zu sein. Natürlich gibts szenarien wo die nicht gut rein passen. z.b. ganz scheiße im siege aber im klassischen 9on9 oder 1on1 fast nicht kaputtbar.
  2. i know what hes talking about but still dont know if the sound is in reality too
  3. riOrizOr

    Laber Ecke

    ​Da ich die Möglichkeit habe, auch auf Arbeit spielen zu können werde ich hier wohl schon viel Zeit im Verhältnis zum Durchschnittsplayer verbringen. Und ja, ich habe prinzipiell etwas "roboterhaftes", wenn es ums Thema farmen geht. Seh das als Stärke und Schwäche zugleich. Meinen ersten Char hier hatte ich halt moneytechnisch absolut versaut. Hatte auf lvl 20 25k und scheiss equip. Beim zweiten char (ohne Sponsoring vom ersten) hatte ich auf lvl 20 schon gut 50k. Mittlerweile bin ich der Meinung fast das Optimum rauszuholen und habe knapp 100k auf lvl 20. Was ich an adena nicht mag ist der zeitaufwand den man investieren muss. Als ich classic ru gespielt hab, hab ich bis lv 20 nur adena quests gemacht. Hatte da locker 300k gemacht aber der preis war halt das ich langsam gelevelt habe. jedes mal bis zum ort latschen 10 mobs killen und zurück und das 6 stunden lang. Diesmal mach ichs genau anderes herum. Scheiß auf die adena, equip kommt mit der zeit. Hauptsache schnell leveln. Okay es kommt auch darauf welche klasse man spielt. Alle nuker brauchen eh nichts außer devotion bis 40.
  4. riOrizOr

    Laber Ecke

    ​ja, ich bin jeden Tag damit beschäftigt den idealen Weg zu lvl 40 im Bezug auf EXP/Money/Stunde zu finden, um das maximum rauszuholen. Equip>LvL, das steht völlig außer Frage. ​voll der statistiker. Is das net planlos? außer man weiß das man evtl. viel zeit hier verbringen wird.
  5. It is always a nuker until max level then melees will become much stronger. This is how l2 is and always will be.
  6. L2 is like that since 2002. Never heared of a fixed price. Dwarfs always compete eachother and thats good like that. Noone is forcing you to sit there for 8 hours. If you want tons of adena you anyways better stick with a spoiler.
  7. riOrizOr

    Adena Rates

    Actually i dont understand what your whole point is. If i understand you right you think there will be too much adena around? And to decrease that you want higher prices for Soulshots? What also makes no sense because the adena will not decrease at the server! just dwarfs will be much more rich. like you already said you kill 3x less monster to get the same amount of adena but on the other hand you get 3x quicker experience for doing this. People have to spend their adena just like on retail server for equipment in luxory etc. So at some point the adena on the server will decrease. There might be more adena around the server but only when people hit max level. But this will be very late at lvl 70 ~ or so when they dont depend on adena any longer.
  8. riOrizOr


    because people do not always want to search. Now matter how many times someone asks, it does not matter, it was not a direct question to you. So if you do not want to answer, do not waste your time talking shit ​Now that was the biggest own goal ive seen in my life. You just introduced yourself as a lazy mofo, someone who doesnt care whats going on around and stil trying to mark the big boss with your hard words. Epic. Enjoy the server kid gl
  9. Interesting stuff there but still its not "classic" yah i know its shit to walk around its hard and boring but in the end when you finshed a quest or so you feel even more happy
  10. riOrizOr

    Laber Ecke

    Servus leut. Bin relativ neugierig Welche characktere habt Ihr nun erstellt hochgespielt bzw getestet? Hat sich wer von euch zusammgetan zum expen etc?
  11. riOrizOr


    why people always open new threads for questions the community answered like 5x already browse the forum a bit and search
  12. I guess i have a few moments i will never forget. 1. Hitting level 40 in c1 with my Treasure Hunter. Man now that was rare back in time! there was almost no human dagger around everyone was elf and dark elf. Took me 1 month form 1-40. 2. First time Cruma Tower with level 34~. I remember that moment also very well. I had a Asssasine Knife the 450k Dagger hitting a porta with 8 other random players for almost no damage but hell yeah i had a lot of fun. 3. World First Samurai longsword fulldrop had a friend of mine @ NA servers as Silver Range (it was on gustin) that was a OMFG moment! 4. I remember back in time soulshots didnt have weight! yeah really no joke not many people know that nowdays! rich people were running around with 500k ss in their inventory! but after the patch NCsoft gave Soulshots weight. When the people logged back to the game they couldnt move and the full clan came to pick up his soulshots otherwise he had to destroy millions of adena just to move :-) that was a funny moment. ...i have so many more good memories the list could be much longer
  13. Why would it bother you? dont get your point ^^ if this is really the level range i would like to see it.
  14. yeah its a group you have to kill on a little hill near the cave of trial. Its def not inside.
  15. Im pretty sure sever gonna have more than 1k+ peeps online when server is live. I guess the most are just not motivated to play now just like me. Dont wanna "waste" tons of time exping a charackter that will be deleted, that makes no sense. I just tried to figure out if the server was playable the past 4 days and it is. Now iam waiting for official statement at what time the server will come on, but as it seems it will take much much longer than 2 weeks. Getting no answer from devs/admins is actually always a sign that they feel not confident. IMO i think it will take even more than a month till it comes live
  16. As far as i know only people with a preorder on korean servers could get these dances. On this server 100% not avaible.
  17. Lineage 2 is and always be like that: Nukers and Archer will dominate you always until the endgame. The higher and more levels any melee gets the stronger he scales. The most valuable classes in pvp were always melee.
  18. You talking about real money for a inofficial server that gets basically no updates at all or any kind of special features. I read things about 10 € , 5 € each month etc...If you wanna throw your money out of the window you can do that. In my opinion its just stupid and i pretty much think i talk for the most people here. If you consider that this server is not even close @ beeing perfect! and still you wanna pay that these amount of money EACH month? Why you think people wanna play lineage 2 for free at a freeshard? for paying the server? now that makes no sense. You better help homeless people or play on retail servers where you have to pay 10€ also each month and there you have a full programm with updates, events and bug fixses period. I know donations always keeps a server alive and yes its a good thing but not in a "each" month system. If people wanna dualbox let them pay once. If you wanna help the server by paying...god!.. i will not hold you back but do that with the "donation" button or this server will be a two class society. Isnt it what we actually dont want in a game?
  19. On some clients i have lags too and i could fix lag when i disabled the reflections in the l2 settings. From full to noone. It might help you try it.
  20. as far as i know its not in the game yet. I didnt see a official post about offlineshops beeing active yet.
  21. riOrizOr


    ​no sense...its still the beta so i dont get your point. Ppl want equipemt to test things out not to struggle through the beta test
  22. Achso und für adena etc kann ich eine quest empfehlen. Lv. 21 NPC leopold in gludin. Quest name: vanquish remant. Man bekomm 8-10 adena pro getöteten oel mahum in abadoned camp. Klingt wenig aber wenn man bei 3x raten bedenkt das man von 21- 28 dort bleiben kann ist das doch ein relativ hoher betrag den man raus bekommen kann.
  23. ​Hier gibts auf der seite irgendwo eine .dll datei gepostet von Draqla für leute die probleme haben auf den server zu connecten. Die hat mir geholfen. Leider find ich dich nicht wo die gepostet wurde. Schau mal selber durch vielleicht findest du etwas. Zum server selber kann ich sagen das die geodata nicht die beste ist. Bin schon an einigen stellen hängen geblieben wo es einfach nich möglich war...Man könnte viel meckern wenn man bedenkt das die hälfte der NPC noch russische texte haben und ein paar skills nicht original sind aber das ist wurst. So wie es ist kann man es spielen