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Everything posted by NWD

  1. NWD


    Am I the only one that think that the old web was better? Now it looks like all the other 2 month servers webs or beta web. worst part is this: Suggestions to improve web: 1. remove this huge and ugly on of status indicator or make it normal design, small and delicate. 2. bring back normal info with levels, top pvp/pk/lbl castle statuses 3. bring back latest forum post section on main page. Peace
  2. NWD


    welcome to the game
  3. its not a good way when you start conversation with "we need some money"
  4. is it possible to get nm shield parts in toi/loa event?
  5. NWD


    ty for support
  6. NWD

    5lvl clan recruiting

    Recruiting support classes
  7. dual dragon slayers. *drops the mic*
  8. Those who play l2 should remember this also
  9. NWD

    5lvl clan recruiting

    Recruiting 70+ to main and others to another 4lvl clan
  10. NWD

    To Modoy...

    i dont know weed, and i dont get the guys who are under disguise on forum lol, its like talking behind mama skirt
  11. NWD

    To Modoy...

    is this some fancy reply that show that you are level 99 cool guy?
  12. NWD

    To Modoy...

    @YipMan who are you in game?
  13. NWD

    Mage LF CP 60-70

    sounds like i dont want to play and I cant follow any prime but if someone ask me very kindly i may join
  14. NWD

    new comer

    talisman I am going to reroll to bish, we will see how it goes
  15. NWD

    new comer

    because you lie on floor within first 10 seconds of battle?
  16. its easier to exp than ever, just make your own party instead of trying to find one if there are no rooms.
  17. NWD


    bd/sws is in very high demand, there are tons of DD's and its hard to find active BD/SWS/EE/SE/BISH if you are forming a CP. These chars are boxed by solo players but not by party players
  18. NWD


    WB A GEM X11 800k each
  19. NWD


    Hi and welcome, I can invite you to active international clan "ValyrianSteel" untill you get to high lev. 4lvl, decent clan skills, ally
  20. NWD

    5lvl clan recruiting

    LF BD/SWS/HEALERS also recruiting other active classes bonus: CW vs HDM and some other random daily pvp
  21. NWD

    cov vs pof

    Anyone know where can I see/read about actual resistance base numbers and mechanics? pof gives 10%, chant of spirit +20, how it scales etc