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JerrySM last won the day on September 2 2018

JerrySM had the most liked content!

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329 Excellent

About JerrySM

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/01/1991

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  1. He is not me, sorry. He is kktnxbye - a forum warrior as u know
  2. JerrySM

    Baium PVP - BD POV

    Chick chick 小鸡小鸡 Mu ji mu ji mu ji mu ji mu ji mu ji gu gu Day Xiao ji xiao ji xiao ji xiao ji xiao ji xiao ji gu gu Day Mu ji mu ji mu ji mu ji mu ji mu ji gu gu Day Gong ji gong ji gong ji gong ji Shui tou le wo de Chua mi
  3. Dont ask me to answer them, because if They have mental issues dude its not my problem. @MyrmidonAch like 5-6 months ago, You should sell ur bow and relax a bit ?‍♀️
  4. we could farm adena to buy Aden Hall in 1.3 in Loa without RmT and without out mental shield
  5. JerrySM

    OVER 9000!!!!

    If you are a Dragon balls fan, use this intro for next PvP video , anw just kidding