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Everything posted by Destabilomaterializacja

  1. Cmon dont be rudeboy he won 1 time in last month ...
  2. They will not do this and everybody knows that, the reason? Simple AF.
  3. Omg you have so big emorage last 3 weeks Bro chill! This can kill you
  4. Hahaha mj neck+0 vs epic yay !!! You can now spend money from mj neck for biatches for all clans
  5. So much rage those days ... its zaken patch hype?
  6. So .. topic isnt about bots but who have bigger e-penis? Right?
  7. Someone have problem with read things .... EUPrime is the keyword ... i dont have time to be on all primes , sadly or not.
  8. hahahaha ? but w8 a sec ... where the fuck are you guys? bcz not in eu prime ?
  9. i leaved forum for a half hour and WTF is going on here ? stop this bullshit and start to play ... server could be 3 sides on sieges and daily but no ... who is taking out the trash in your relationship?
  10. i dont know im new here, maybe some casuals ?
  11. 3x more number's, 3x more heroe's .... that's notfair at all!
  12. Its good to be back funny siege I smell rage in the air
  13. Oh boiz cmon dont stop i need more infos its starting to be nice cool story i need to know everything when im back to share my time with you ?