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Bambi last won the day on May 10 2015

Bambi had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

20 Excellent

About Bambi

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    Advanced Member

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  1. я думал фанаты фейса играют в вов
  2. Bambi

    WTB Magical Tablets

    you shouldn't suppose to say "nice try" on that kind of jokes, lurk more
  3. Нужен драйвер на нашего SWS/BD, очень желательно знание английского (слушать и реагировать) и опыт на классике, в перспективе - отдадим мыло от персов, вар/фан/кач каждый прайм (с 8 до 01+). Писать в личку.
  4. please, do not spam if you do not know the subject
  5. If anyone have working editor for current version - poke me in PM (just a small task, nothing serious), please.
  6. close but not the same, almost every teon holywars were epic back in the days, or i was too young and sensitive
  7. feels bad that there is no roleplay servers of lineage left in web, that guy have big potential
  8. это дефолтная ситуация)
  9. тут порой рандомы забусчены круче чем мемберы альянсов, так что успехов
  10. I suggest you to stop watching streams from official and fantasize.
  11. you better watch yourself cause x20 60+ randoms will hunt you now