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Everything posted by Anytime

  1. you also? ... damn i thought its SA for german players!
  2. mount is 3rd class - isnt it? so lvl 76 ... how much exp you gain on standing on GK each hour?
  3. bro - pls tell me how you counted this again?
  4. hm? we builded our CP in Vigilance-Clan and got transfered to Westworld (now OOC) by our old Ally-Leader Soil. After DL broke, OOC played alone for some time. And after that OOC joined Rebirth. How come you count 5 times side-switch for our cp? did i miss something?
  5. be honest to your self! you know the real reason why you left OOC ...
  6. @GanjaRockzZz 1-2 min before that fight we had a PVP with SM/NF at three way. Lot of us was on zero mana and not buffed cauz they just got rezzed! Maybe Situation got a bit out of control cauz of that!
  7. Anytime


    and what was on last weekend?
  8. up! What we are looking for? • Bishop (driving 70+ character - or with your own character) • Damage Dealer (prefers: melee DD - but we are open for class proposals)
  9. including special blitzkrieg tactics!
  10. wtf - did he rly called us remainders? ok - lets make the best out of it: Remainders-CP lf DD 70+ in EU-Prime (Remainders of any clans or CPs welcome) EDIT: except AwakenDemon and the other bad products of WS! ??? ... wait - are we in same clan?