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Tirnuel last won the day on August 23 2016

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9 Neutral

About Tirnuel

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  1. have demon set equiped (-hp) + when u get teleported in equip doom heavy + buff bless body, then you should be at approximately half hp
  2. when you have nothing to say then just don't say anything at all.
  3. >PK gets killed >PK loses his weapon/armor/jewelry no consequences? you are basically destroying your char and becoming a pker with no way back, you can't use any of the towns functions or nor can you normally exp. PKing is a game style like any other and is an essential part of L2. Can't really see a problem here.
  4. звучит как автоответчик и огромный болт в сторону твоего репорта
  5. ​ first column is crystalization, second failed enchantment
  6. ​what? pls stop using forums. U progressive cousin? ​da fuk. ​ yeaaah guys, let's make a topic about this! Oh, and he's probably a russian too so we need to ask gms to ban this guy! Quality stuff right here! ​what? pls stop using forums. U progressive cousin? ​no idea man, clearly the guy doesn't get sarcasm. shame.
  7. yeaaah guys, let's make a topic about this! Oh, and he's probably a russian too so we need to ask gms to ban this guy! Quality stuff right here!
  8. ​Have you played L2 like 10 years ago? Have you ever used a ship from Talking Island to Gludin? It seems no, because then you wouldn't worry about adena for tp. You can make a lot of "optimal choises", but then you'll destroy Classic. The real beauty of this game is when people gather in towns, sell stuff, shout for sales, parties and clans. I want to see Taurin surrounded by ppl again. ​can you stop wanking about how it was 10 years ago and appreciate what you have now? The past is in the past. smh. P.S. and yes i played since c3.
  9. gibbe da b00k ples b0ss
  10. Go to giran harbour and satisfy your player count needs there. Don't get it why you have to whine about dead towns?
  11. why would i want to waste adena to port from town to town to look for what i need? giran harbor is the most optimal choice