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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    Server Staff

    I just wanted to tell u my opinion about this server staff and show u ppl are happy about or job and apraciate it a lot. U guys are doing great job!!!. Its server with best staff i played on. San0 and Koll u are big! every bug i reported, was fixed within 24h wtf! U even fix minor bug with ng weapon ss consumption so fast ;D im rly surprised about ur job. Keep going!
  2. ​It was always like that, on every server ive played, just on classic ppl usually have lower atk speed and cast skills slower so its more visible. If u know about it u can adjust ur skill cast timing to it so u hit the mobs.
  3. Hi, i just bought ng weapon for my PP. I noticed its bugged. Weapon : Crucifix of Blessing (ng staff) consumes 2 bss ng and should consume 1. I think its not only 1 ng weapon bugged this way. Could u take a look into it plz?
  4. WTB gaitERs partS or full
  5. gg forum lagz. Cant see last 3 posts. KRATOR AOE! Would be helpful to farm pob for 4 lvl clan ._.
  6. WOlf might be wrong. I think it shouldnt give atk speed with other weapon. Others always worked exacly this way on other chronicles, so i guess nothing changed in this subject. totems give defensive stats + speed, only bison gives offensive with other weapons
  7. WTB BW Gaiters full/parts 200k(mail rizos), WTB bw gaiters rec 500k mail rizos
  8. Wtb BW helmet parts 1,3kk/recipe1kk mail to rizos in game
  9. If u want class u can solo go for sr + pp. If u want party class go for sws/tank they are needed for aoe farms
  10. WTB BW Gaiters and helmet parts /target rizos in Giran. WTB BW helmet/gaiters rec mail with payment request to rizos
  11. ​1 positive is that mages can't solo/group AoE porta/krator's anymore, you didn't even explain how it would be a disadvantage to you and how can you seriously compare with official when they've left summoners and tanks in the dark (bring little or no use to parties). How is it a disadvantage to me? First of all ,in the update it is said that Cruma 2 mobs are agro - not Cruma 3, which makes me think it's a bug and it was not intended to be so. Secondly, there are only 3 zones that are good to AOE on 40+ - Cruma, Alligator Island and Ant Nest. Cruma is actually the worst of all 3 for exp. Now there are only 2, which makes it harder for people who do not have full party, to exp efficiently - Cruma was the one place to exp good 40+ in a few man party. Thirdly, clan level items - how do you imagine smaller clans to get enough items? You need 5k items for lvl 4 clan and 10k items for level 5 clan. Being able to AOE Cruma made them available to everyone. I am not a mage, i am a new player here and my clan is new also. These changes have completely destroyed this zone for us and have made it unusable. Who even levels there anymore? Tell my ex CP 67+ lvl archers on official how unfair it is to have AOE zones on server and how evil mages are leveling too fast. There are other zones for single players that are not efficient for mages to AOE and are heaven for archers, like FOM. ​San0/Koll plz answer to this post. It puts new players in disadvantage.
  12. Rizos

    WTB BW HELMET 25kk

    WTB BW HELMET 25kk MAIL with payment request to Rizos in game
  13. ​yes cos its very hard to x1,3. I guess u finnished ur education before geting this lesson on math
  14. +1 to fix it. Annoying to change prices on buy shop
  15. ​https://4gameforum.com/threads/541633/ Shadow step is learned at level 50. The skills that will be added in 3ª job for Adventurer are -Focus Power: Increases critical damage (for AW/TH only according to Korea) -Focus Death: Increases blow chance and critical damage (for AW/PW only according to Korea) -Focus Chance: Increases critical chance(for PW/TH only according to Korea) For all dagger classes: -Lethal Blow: Attacks a target's vital area. -Critical Wound: Increases critical damage taken by the target by 10%. Increases blows critical chance. -Reset Movement: Resets the cooldown of Hide and Shadow Step. PD: The videos that Rizos showed are from TH and AW with 3 job skills being used(Focus power: +60% critical damage from the back and Focus death: +90% critical damage from the back and increases blow chance by 60%). So Rizos, the damage and blow chance you were comparing with are from characters with 3rd class skills of lvl 78+ (no one in classic reached that level yet) that will be added in classic 2.0. So you have no basis for comparison. ​As i said u never played dagger before. Focus death was around 30% bonus dmg output in fact(it was 90% only for auto attacks, looks like it increased crit p atk of character but didnt multiply skill power). Focus power was around 23%. Th doesnt have blow land rate bonus in focus power skill and yet he lands MUUUUUUUCH MOOORE skills on this movie than here on our server. Good that im not playing dagger. Keep then weak then and noncompetetive. Better for me - easy meatshield frags
  16. ​becoz agression is not a debuff skill ​Aggro is a debuff cause when you got it, it's on debuff bar. The fact is that need to be fixed, can't be the same 66 lvl tank's aggro with 35 lvl skill, there's power on it. Now only differense is the range of the skill. ​to be precisely, its a physical debuff skill, and a physical debuff skil has 100% landing rate ​Stun shot, sting, bleed etc are physical debuff skills and are not 100%. At least make it less seconds on others, 12 lvl aggro (35 lvl knight) got 1k power, 60+ tank with aggro got more than 2k power. But still sws-bd can keep on them 66-70 even 532 lvl char for 4 seconds. ​its just 4 seconds and 1 target in 600 range, i dont see any problems here, soil and sorry for the "debuff" i said earlier, even buttman quote a link somewhere said stun is physical debuff but from my experiences, it is not, what is physical debuff then, -23% pdef from glad/ stigma from SE, stun is just stun, and it has 90% landing rate ​U are wrong dude. Tyrants cripple is physical debuff and its not 100% chance. Its just new classic/god (glad debuf, sk para etc) physical debuff skills that are bugged. Old physical debufs work fine. Stigma was always 100% on every chronicle, wasnt it?
  17. yea go exp with -15 str, well its just waste of time to talk to u. U either never played dagger or pretending stupid. U just proved my point with ur tests. Even on full buff, where dagger should hit much harder than ordinary skills on warriors, he does not much more dmg and his skills have high chance to miss plus as u said its for ganking, who ganks with full buff s/d cat and mystic immunity + box tank with stun? Dorf can gank u pretty well on such buffs doesnt he?
  18. 1st of all i wanna see PW casting entangle and then geting close for bleed(bleed has meele range) while hes geting nuker or shoted bu archer. U are just funny 2nd u can interupt with switch trick sure but they have also 500 range not 900, 3rd i tested dmg with tyrant and dagger 52 lvl and dagger makes lower dmg even with backstab from behind than tyrant single target skills, while tyrant can also make ranged skils. Even stun was making smilar dmg. Also tyrant can spam skills nonstop cos has many of them and dont need to w8 for reuse, while dagger cant and must care to get behind target <<-- THIS JUST DOESNT PAY OFF DAGGER SHOULD HAVE HIGHER DMG WITH SINGLE SKILL TO PAY OFF ALL HIS DISADVANTAGES. 4th Debuff landrate is boosted so it affect dagger class a lot cos daggers dont have good debufs while they are beeing debufed nonstop 5th U had to be rly bad dagger player if u think dagger class works good on classic and is balanced. I dont say its bugged, i just say ncsoft made it extremely weak on classic, it does way too low dmg and miss way too much to pay off its disadvantages(meele range skills beind dependant on attack direction, no debufs, low def stats) 6th u compare archer to dagger, they make smilar dmg with skills on full buff while archer can cast em from 900 distance and doesnt matter if he shoot into enemys back and always has 100% chance, and can attack very well when being slowed or rooted and agression doesnt counter archers as much as daggers 7th https://4gameforum.com/threads/566669/ RoFL dagger 74 doing 4k dmg on naked target? @_@ isnt that low? 50% deadly blow land rate from behind? Its pretty much a joke imo. Backstab from behind 70% chance AHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAH. Was 100% on c5 So basically ur saying dagger is not weaker than for example on c5? I think it doesnt do even close dmg to that
  19. Whaaat? i always pk on spot where i farm so they must be +/- same lvls. Then u 1st time see real PK not a pussy i guess
  20. ​Totally agree! PK carebears who dont flag back
  21. Rizos

    New event

    Hello, Will we any nice ingame event anytime soon? It would be cool to have pumpkin event like on skelth https://4gameforum.com/threads/583741/ I would change prizez tho, no pirate fruits qhp cp pots etc.. *_*
  22. ​ Im not in any factor clan and for me pk works just fine. Its hard to dekarma on 5+ pks( last time i pked 4 ppl and had to dekarma 1h). If u dont like pk system then this game isnt for u, change game into some pve-like. Pk is very good feature to get rid of annoying ppl, ksing mobs,raids, trying to take over spot, flamers, its rly needed in this game
  23. I've played Dagger from c4 to h5 and i must admit on all these old chronicles dagger was never as weak as on classic. U dont have any CC(just 20% slow), but ok its normal, u never had until 77. Problem is all debufs got boosted a lot and ull be just perma stunned or rooted, U die from mage before u get close even if he is stupid enough and doesnt try to fear or slow u. Skill dmg is extremely low, like 50% of what it used to be on interlude, while other warrior skil dmg is boosted. U will be probably surprised when u meet an agressive dorf on 4x lvls. He will do more dmg with stun than you with backstab. Blows miss like never before. Even backstab misses from behind. Deadly blow from behind is like 50% and from front like 20%. I would agree to make the blows miss especially from front, but it should be rng class where u either miss or do high dmg. Here on classic u either miss or do same dmg as dorf stun. I dont even compare it to tyrant/glad dmg. Well warlord does more dmg with aoe skills :D. Where is the point of existing class that does lower dmg than ranged classes(archer/mage), which does have low land rate while archer/dagger has 100%, does have to care not to hit from front, while other classes dont care, isnt tanky, doesnt have crowd controll and needs to get close to deal dmg? In old chronicles it atleast had good physical skills and attack evasion rate + bluff and reliable blow land rate from behind with very high dmg/skill, not like here.. Fact is, back then on c4/c5/interlude Dagger had much better dmg, landed more skills and wasnt so debuff vulnerable like here and didnt look like pseudo tank runing in hvy with shield. I wonder if ppl who are claiming dagger is just fine here, tried to play one here and go through low lvls, check it on pvp,pve etc, and played on old chronicles to compare. All in all if u are masohist and like to play weak class with cut off balls without any cc in debuff meta, if u wanna play tank with low def and w/o ud/stun/para (thats how i see hvy armor daggers on classic) go on and try out one by urself Edit: If u wonder, maybe daggers are gonna get stronger, balanced and more fun to play, ull be surprised. Go check korean classic 2.0 oly on youtube and ull see how dagger cant even take half cp from bd, before dieing :D. Such a joke class.
  24. isnt 1/10 000 = 0,01% and 1/2 000 = 0,05%? Isnt it all 0,01% - 0,05% as u said? What do u want? Looking for math lessons on forum?