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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. ​If u get good slow debuf characters like freezing strike + bleed + entangle etc , u can do rb with meele pt but still tank is runing circles, we tried it, it goes even faster if u have good meele dds plus bd/sws hit :). If u stay, healers will go out of mana, no chance. Tbh this whole conception with training mobs/ doing rbs in circles looks stupid
  3. U CAN put only +1 -2 dyes on 30 lvl , they are not worth ur adena
  4. yes we farm only abg and loa and we are 50-60, we pvp randoms only there, what else do you expect? Should we suicide on 70s?
  5. in what way you will help a clan who is ALREADY LVL 5 by adding POB on high level locations? explain me.... because i dont understand your reasoning... ​they can farm it pretty fast while aoeing on high lvl areas and sell pobs for adena. EZ
  6. ​Thank you San0. I think this will be fair rate now. rly good change. Gonna farm after restart
  7. ​Prove me im wrong then. Like how do u imagine this? shield defending magic? Like u can def from necro nuke but from wc drain or sps nuke u cant cos of skil animation? WHAT A BULLSH!T UR TAlKiNG ABoUT . Maybe helmet resist magic also? or gloves? they have p def like shield does ;d. Koll plz add magic resist to armors on pve plz. :D
  8. yea sure. thats why it has p def not m def :D. Show me proof on movie
  9. ​this is installed on live server already, usually when you see me putting something that was fixed or changed on test server, most likely it will be installed on live server on the following restart. ​ Did 2 full buffs killing Doom servant's the spawns are pretty spread out but 2 people can cover the whole spawn no problem. For 2 buffs i got 2 PoB , bare in mind i am 62 and the mobs are white so i 2 shot them and have no drop penalty. Let's at best assume that adding an extra person will double the income ( it probably won't since i was clearing the 3 fields they spawn at consistently thats 12PoB/hour. Thats 416 hours just so I can chat with friends. We've had people quit over having to be in the alt clan and we've been playing here for 4-6 weeks. I am all for hardcore gameplay , but that's just dumb. Maybe have level 3 clan to be 40 people, still can't benefit from other benefits but can organize a bit better and chat while playing, not everyone can be on voice com all the time. Just as a funny side note i got 2 full drops while testing the PoB drop rate , Zubei gauntlets and chain gaiters, so i got the same amount of full drops as PoB :). ​+ gotta check new drop rate on krators tho but considering doom servant drop rate it looks like 2 ppl have to farm it 416h. Lets say they farm 5h/day (kiling x1 mobs with low exp instead of going to aoe or loa) that is 83 days of everyday farm. Then lvl 5 would be 166 days ( almost half year). This is just insane. Idc much about clan skills, just that 30 clan slots is way too low :x
  10. HAHAHAHHAHA DDDDDDDDDD. U made my day . Ur still claiming shield blocks nukes? Now u wanan customize server in ur sick dreams way that shield works o mobs nukes? . Shield never helped with nukes and never gonna help, wake up already dude. Went solo on ur -15 str dagger with shield but its so crappy class here that u need improvement to its shield cos cant exp? P.S. Show me it works on pvp and im ur fan . I thought u mistyped smth before in dagger thread about that shield blocks magic, but looks like u rly believe in it :d
  11. Hi, I dont know if its bug or intended change, but since 1,5 patch, drop rate of pob in cruma IS EXTREMELY DECREASED. Before update (on 1,3) i could farm around 10-20 pob in 20 min buff round, and now if i get 3 pob in 1h im lucky. Im playing here 2 months. I made clan with friends. We rly miss clan slots. We have clan lvl 3. We have more or less active ppl in clan but with 30 ppl max, its hard to get 9 ppl online to make 1 pt working and go farm together. And im talking about ONE PARTY WORKING. I think clan is supposed to be group of few partys that can cooperate. I saw u made a thread with suggestions about bringing more new ppl to the server. 1 guy made a good suggestion to make clan lvl 4 easir. Its big problem at the moment. U can have only 30 ppl in clan and u need 5000 pob to increase clan lvl. We tried to farm pobs and we got 5 pob in 2h cruma aoe.. Maybe increase pob drop rate or decrease the 5000 requirement? Or keep it hard but increase number of players in lvl 3 clan?
  12. Hello, We are new ppl on the server and we are around 50-60 lvls. We have international clan with mostly cz/svk/pl players. We have clan of friends but we miss some classes so we dont have to box. We are playing as a clan ( no CP system) and we create party from ppl that are online. We aoe Ancient Battleground daily (good exp + B drops) as a meele group. As we grow with lvls, we want to start having fun on pvps and thats why we want to create full active partys without boxes. we want to have bigger base of active players to create partys. We are lookign for: -Tanks -warriors(glad,tyrant,warlord etc) -any supports (EE SE BISHOP BD SWS WC OL PP) After we manage to make clan lvl 4, we may recruit archers and mages. Requirements: - English or cz/svk/pl speaking - lvl minimum 52 - playing hours around 15-23 gmt+1 For more info pm me or forum or mail in game "Rizos
  13. check ur passive from lvl 7 (armor mastery) is the 1 skill that helps with mp regen, 2nd skill on archer is esprint
  14. ​Good point. U can add some mid d shadow weapons or smth but dont make it top d(would affect economy). Also dont put any npc buffer for 20+ - this will make ppl solo in boredoom till 40. Now its cool that ppl make aoe pts on 20-40 cos they dont have buffs. Always smth going on low lvls, ppl fight for aoe spots, play together. All this changes ppl proposed are not going to bring clans. Easy start bonuses are going to bring randoms only, not organised ppl, but thats good also - better population. its hard to attact clans, i have no idea what you could do. They are being attracted when opening new server but this option sucks - our server is fresh. Clans dont care about how hard it is on the begining imo. I already saw many of your advertisements in the internet, u are doing well imo. Maybe u could open high rate server so ppl can convice fast there (geting high lvl fast, checking skills, pvp conditions etc) about server quality and they would be more encouraged to start on low rate since they know its stabile and good quality with active gms.
  15. ​that doesnt show if GM is on or not, that shows you if GM is with open messages or not, theres almost allways a GM online and at any time you can contact any of us in skype. pm on forum etc. so i think your argument is invalid here. to be very honest and being also humble i dont think you will find better service in ANY other server alive for as long as ours is. ​They are perma on. Bugs fixed 12h after report. What are u talking about temudjin?
  16. ​from perspective of new player, perkunas look too strong on daily pvps to boost em even more with more players, and ur clan looks like full of retards and handless ppl like bilboa, so i guess its the best to build 3rd side
  17. Nice to see new player. I also play here like 2 months only. I have found the same problem a you with pobs. I have small clan with friends but we are already 30, have some crp also, but we are not even trying to make lvl 4 clan, even tho we rly want. It looks imposible to collect 5000 pob while u drop 3 pob in 1h cruma aoe.... About giran harmor thing, its cool! u have free tp there plus u dont lag in giran if u need to go there. Also its announced in chat everytime u log in game that server market is in giran harbor and its highlighted on every gatekeeper so i dont see problem that some1 new could missunderstand it and look for market in giran. COLs are also ok, no pay to win with them
  18. u cant use caps in this command, whole command must be written with small letters, also try to move ur char abit, close to other shops. But if u dont get any info after typing comand u probably used big letters
  19. clan quest event is not good idea, cos the point is to make event for every1, permanent, not only some hours or some days and, and its much better if its global, not 1 zone. 1 zone sucks balls. Its much more fun if every1 random can participate and event is individual, not clan. U already have clan events like raids/epics/wars, what would such clan event change in current game? Only giving stronger clans more opportunity to get more ahead - pointless. Make it low reward and weak buff/debuff, so ppl actually dont care much if their faction wins, and they wont see point to abuse, and its gonna be fun to pvp
  20. to make win faction which u reged in
  21. Rizos

    Server Staff

    If u say so. For me, u and sano did best work so far in game
  22. Wow thats great!!!!!!! <3 Just 1 question. How do u want to protect this system from feeding( ppl reging boxes to enemy faction and killing em with main?)