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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Now srsly, imagien u cry to gms so much they nerf summoners, helaers, OLs, even WCs. DO u think if i finnish to exp my SH and i switch to it and ill nuke for like 30% more than wc on movie and 7-10k with when its hero, u gonna just accept it cos its mage? Or u gonna swicth ur jvls from BO +0 to MJ unsealed +5 instead of crying to Koll??
  2. Hero tyrant hit for 3k OP AAAA all rerol to tyrant, broken gameeeeeeeee. Hero sh nuke for 7k on 1.7k m def. and hero cloak. everything guci boiz, game balanced ?
  3. 1.1 is low on 1.8 k m def, isnt it? i had 2.4k m def on tyrant and sjeks m crited me for 4k
  4. will u remove death spike from necro once we play it tomorrow? Its summoner isnt it? kappa. It has more power on nuke than spell howler.
  5. Now thank to you, summoners were nerfed to ground so much and didnt get anything in reward that they are unplayable for factor cps, cos even wc setup is stronger. Ppl like me invested adena to buy buff slot books, changing dyes, buying weapons for 1+b, farmed oly 2 weeks got high advantage in points to just abandon char as useless poop. Are you pround of urself?
  6. Difference is we are not cry babies like you. When we see mages are op we enchant jvls, buy core 3, exp paladins. When we see meeels are op we buy +8 bw on bish etc. When you think some class is OP u go cry to gm to make custrom change and nerf them but run on BO +0 jvl on bards. How many times i posted that server is broken from fkd up economy demon stafs +15 etc. When there were movies like this released everything was fine. Now suddenly ppl who get rekt from 3 wc setup cry to gms, classes are nerfed. Cool story edit. Look at mirror. U gus are geting rekt from WCs. Arent u ashamed of urself? How about learning how to play before giving suggestions about server balance to gms?
  7. mages were always broken on this server cos of items. U just played with sjeks on ur side, not against him so mby u didnt notice. We tried hard, made mj jvls ++ unsealed in full cp, still geting 7k nuikes in previous patch. We just never cried like u to gms and were never listened by them about class balance remarks. Now since we bought several borken soes we gonna make several funny movies, especcially that there was not understood custom buff for mages with kiss of eva that multiplies the effect
  8. SPOILERS!!! I can tell u every magic class with decent skill reuse and nuke power 90-120, results gonna be the same. Just wait several days well log other classes too ?
  9. Wonderful how china cry bout zaken mobs droping items, instant custom change, deviate cry bout summoners, nerf after 2 weeks. We report Bugged zaken raid tp in december or january no change, pr skill power 2 months waiting. I wonder whats gonna happen now. Every class we play gonna be nerfed? I heard enemies cry already about MOH on healers ?. Cant wait to log necros, im 100% sure they will hit harder than WCs or Summoners
  10. Tyrant carried us again. Magic skills dmg perfectly balanced. Who do we nerf tomorrow? Poor warcryers cos too OP? Vote for tomorrow setup!!!!!!! 1. Necros 2. Healers 3. Nerfed summoners Enjoy P.S.
  11. Rizos


    make MUCH higher event drop rate in GC/DI dont support low location bot event farm T_T
  12. Rizos


    go event, a lot of ppl play now cos of corona, i logged my 60 char today and couldnt find free spot in abg/loa. Make event with tradeable cloak that u can alos get for col(like one in past) so server get profit, add nice rewards, can add mby red fruits, nobles scrols, some things especially for newbies like exp srolc with high chance, mby improved enchants, some beers, every1 happy server economy and players
  13. China can farm it so everything fine boiz. No need to disable raid, everything guci ?
  14. tomorrow u come in summoner setup? ?
  15. Rizos

    WTS EXP 70-80

    Exp sale suspended until end of March
  16. Please fix zaken or kill it by GMs untill its working properly. Today it was pure lotery.
  17. Well oly will be different cos u dont have mental and cant just stand and nuke but im also curious whats gonna happen. what is not correct, you can buy on this server soes +9 for price of demon dagger +10 while mage weapons have much lower chance to enchant than physical weapons. On off you need to enchant like 20 soes to make 1 x +7, here u ench bop, sell and buy more op soes that top sides on off had only from broken events. Then on top of that you put patch that boost skill power on magic classes and gg. Here you have results. On off soes +10 would cost more than demon dagger +15, here you have broken economy kkk
  18. My PS with d grade dagger and -12 int was nuking perfectbalance for 700 without m crit. Imagine what's gonna happen ???
  19. Already exped mage to abuse strongest poop setup and show ppl they are bad, not the class. Gms surprised me with patch so I'll just put gear on summoner
  20. Ok let's abuse new feature instead of complaining. Let's see how long it will take to make ppl Cry on forum bout disbalance. I can assure u 1 thing. Tyrant setup was shit compared to what's gonna happen now. Sadly today im in travel and cant play
  21. simply give mages skil power from later patches instead of making kiss of eva custo which boost summoners even more
  22. @MoDoygg summoners buffed before you made movie on "weak ones"