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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. no, 8v9 cos ur char always boxed ._.
  2. Every 3rd point is scam. Is it time for scam again?
  3. CPs want to have WC active cos its pretty powerful class on pvp. My WC stopped to play, mby wanna join cp?
  4. Oh i know the story already. There are already ex- members of pistolas cp playing ^^
  5. Elfy gave soul to me when he quit. Why would i even put it in dropshare after? Mby cos i wanted to be nice guy but yungratefull ppl dont care.Also i gave u chance to get soul in past even tho u had no cp. Why do u flame me now? Are u rly such an asshole?
  6. ??? You didnt say it. You just gave another offer but i prefered previous one and thats it.
  7. Yes, i update excel from discord channel reports. I was missing this report, asked u if u have screens or anything to show how many ppl u had. U didnt give info so i assumed u have 0, its normal isnt it? You said i can take baium talik if i give u AQ3 toi 6 core and dragon slayer. Now you have toi 6 core , dragon slayer + A grade items/enchants/books/adena, Mj items worth together imo more than AQ 3 cost. AM i lying?
  8. Looks like you werent there or u didnt care to report how many ppl you had - is it my fault or your?. So can i know why you are mad on me if you received what you asked for with this AQ exception?
  9. Sayomi CP and PISTOLAS (missing word "CP"). U sure? Dont u know i have excel with activity on epics and pistolas "players" since he has no cp had half of sayo CP activity. Good to know right? Not good to open smelly mouth when being clueless tho :X. Ye ur patheric. obeying oly rules was too hard for you. What more can i expect from such guy :). After you joined perks i didnt notice any difference in difficulty of killing em. Coincidence? How it was? TOP TIER Myrmidon CP? ?
  10. Seems like the oryginal plan is almost complete You received what you asked for (except that u got A grade items instead of AQ) Didnt you? If u did then stop spreading bullsh1t. You shouldnt receive anything at 1st place because solo players dont participate in share and you had no cp, you shoul dbe happy with that, but instead ur an ungrateful b1tch. Finally we got rid of ppl who drag us down like scammers, greedy ppl, handless ppl, ppl that cant complete a simple order . Now it should be only better. This month is kind of holidya month, most of us didnt play, many ppl didnt attend to olympiad (i did only 30 matches in total?). Now im back, lets see where the new road leads us to.
  11. True, im so cursed in this game that the game even tried to make me drop baium talik but failed Hmm so mby its bugged. Dont fix plz ^^
  12. Imposible. You get such message when game tries to drop talisman. :d
  13. but you can get lvl 1 othel (+75 crit rate) for like 700k. Thats a decent start i think
  14. yea, you need sponsor for comfortable start, or credit card
  15. wolf doesnt exist sadly :P. But there is different tool to improve solo exp -> Othell runes. You can cap crit rate on pp buff. I think you can easily exp 1-50 with blunt + othel
  16. bro dont look at books price. Its just earlygame problem, after 2 months ull know its irrelevant. Just play what you enjoy the most, like i do.
  17. DA is broken, its true. But there are freaks like me who play only dark elves and orcs so fk DA
  18. on classic its changed and works for all kind if dmg except DoTs
  19. Rizos

    One And Only

    Looks like you never played tyrant ^^. Also on oly usually better solution is to Stun lock than to use TSS etc
  20. Rizos

    One And Only

    Why would any1 want to switch to duals. TO decrease atk speeD? oO
  21. Never asked u to exp my char, didnt even personally give u my acc info, u got it from biz probably cos i was using his orfen so i had to give him pass. I dont think he informed me he gave u or any1 else u listed here my pass. As screenshot u sent to Gm proves, you were using my char to powerlvl ur cp supports + ur destro(they stood in party on screenshot). I changed pass 2+ times since i was kicked from perkunas. 1st time was when me and uchi moved to official, and 2nd time was like 3 months ago cos i recruited new guy to cp and i let him use my tyrant which had same pass as AW so before giving him tyrant i changed AW pass. Unfortunately i changed it back to similar one i used in perkunas. So saying i didnt change pass is a lie. Or do u believe if as u say many perkunas ppl had my pass then why no1 scammed me for over one year? When every1 saw daily i have epics baium talisman etc on me. You also tried to lie to gm about this what i said above to make sure they dont return items. You would be happy then wouldnt u? Now dont lie ur happy everythins is solved, cos you hoped it ends different way. Now every1 know what kind of person u are. If u found out my pass and then even if its not u who logged 2h after then its cartain u gave info to some1 to log it. Now go back to ur cave. Such ppl like you have zero respect from me and are not worth my time. Look even dogs are more trustworth.
  22. Lol report, posting ticket conversation!
  23. Why should i be thankful i have modoy as friend? Is he veen friend btw?