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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. I remember how hard i was laughing when i heard from many ppl on the server that "zaken patch in october"
  2. Reroll to tyrant?! Wow new competition =O
  3. Rizos

    aden castle wall bug

    this bug happens easily on toi 12 when u try to move into wall with wsad :d
  4. you can check past suggestions on forum. There are plenty of them. Most of classes lost several important skills they had in the past. There are suggestions to give back blinding blow to daggers, to give back pain of sagi to PR, to give back trance to ee, fear to sps, doom crusher to destro, bring back old evasion system, hawk totem on tyrant etc. This topic was discussed plenty of times, it always comes to one conclusion: - either add all these suggested skills to these classes cos in most case its very logical to add these skills and most of ppl dont understand why these skills were removed - or dont add ANY skill How exactly admins are going to explain why they added invocation on bishop but they didnt add fear to sps?. You cant add 1 skill, you add 0 or all. If you add all i think its gonna have bad impact on the server. Server would be full custiom, not even close to official classic, there were several custom features on the server when i started playing here. For example there were no assassin transforms, there were additional support summons (queen cat and seraphim), with reuse reduction and crit buff for pt, fatal counter with reduced dmg. After some time ppl realized that custom features are not what ppl want and most of custom changes were removed(support summons remained but theis party buffs were removed). Ppl even debate to remove giran harbor trade zone because they want it to be official- like. Most of ppl who want to play on low rate, are looking for f2p server which is as close as possible to official, and with low number of bugs. In long run server would die if you make it full custom because not many ppl would join this server. Ppl like Modoy are not against specifically your idea. There is some logic it it and it might be good change in general. Ppl are just against adding any custom features because it would start some kind of "customization snowball", so many ppl here are against any custom changes.
  5. We are looking for 1 ranged cp (mages or archers) to fill last cp slot in our clan. We are looking for EU prime cp active atleast 5 days/week online around 20-23 CEST. We offer very fast exp on mini epics, help on oly with making atleast 1 hero for each CP and some epics farm. We are in alliance with TimeForDrama NA clan. Mail me on forum or pm in game Knom/Dankolov/Rizo/Masha/Nunaly
  6. @Poseidon i have video how you make epic fights on open oly last saturday, casting guard + ud when having 15s root etc. Want me to upload? Well laugh together, ill bring beer. Or you want ot say that you sold acc?
  7. Rizos

    Made in China

    Yea tl;dr XF got 5th ring and 2nd baium talisman, DS recruited 5th CP and XF 7th cp, I was inside baium pit with myrciu stiba zorgzor and kingbotaki in one party. We carried Koreans with my imba party. We had 280 ppl CC vs 40 chinese. XF gonna get next 2 baium rings for mini epic help for TFD, koreans didnt want items form baium cos for them enough reward was kiling untagged china. China not number one anymore (Is there even china clan? there are rumors they disbanded clan cos all china are out of clan :O). Cu on next baium and next episode of BLUES ZERGING SERVER. Thx for help and items, dont forget to make baium quests. The most greedy leader.
  8. Rizos

    Made in China

    ofc. greedy, never share. EVERYTHING FOR ME!
  9. Its like @UchihaMadara asked zilion times to class change from useless HE to PR but he never agreed to do it. Loyal to his sh1t class :/. Modoy in the other hand class changed form sh1t class to sh1t class ._.
  10. wait what? I just dont play dagger lately cos tyrant is MUCH STRONGER. Didnt even use hide shadowstep or reset movement q_q
  11. Its not fair then cos ppl who dont play get same sh1t as ppl who participate in clan events everytime
  12. Hahahaha when I shared all clan farmed items in clan with ratio coresponding to cps activity on epics, daily and oly and i even gave to ppl who didnt even have real cp items worth 4-5b, ppl around try to convince community we are greedy clan, that CL i keep everything to myself etc. While in other clans ppl dont get sh1t from CL. Guys wake up :D. @pistolas look what kind of fake person you are. 2-faced. Big friend when you can get any profit and when it comes to drop share ur fking asshole. Look even stiba kept more dignity than you. I rly regret i gave you anything. After what i saw i wouldnt give u even 1 adena. Thats interesting how the CL of the greediest clan doesnt even have epics except aq and baium rings right? ask DarkSky @Destroi or TFD how greedy xFactor is. Everytime ppl participate in ally events, get fairly rewarded. Fake ppl and fake info everywhere.
  13. Rizos

    Update 2.5 ??

    Pojebalo was. Jak wyjdzie na wiosne to bedzie sukces, ale ja to bym liczyl ze wyjdzie za okolo rok. Dopiero klient konfiguruja a gdzie im do naprawy bugow
  14. hmm so u think our server is gonna go ahead of Korean server? They still have 2.0 Secret of empire path and u talk already bout 2.5 ?