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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. HOLYY SH1T!!! NICE NICKS THERE How about lPoseidoN ? Fanboy or box?
  2. Rizos

    You stop, you die!

    Real DDs dont need to assist to kill (c) Modoy
  3. Rizos

    some thinks...

    can be even -1 lvl, nobody rly cares with this event brezes... Heaven for Stiba
  4. I feel kinda confused cos you pmed me 1 week ago that you want to join my clan but didnt contact after that :D. If you make up your mind, you know who to contact.
  5. Rizos

    Wtb core/orfen lvl 1

    WTB core/orfen only lvl1. Mail on forum with price
  6. My ex-bishop girl had always the highest pk counter in cp
  7. Modoy lets check out bugs out there?
  8. just sell for 3b if its not lie and stop crying
  9. not teaching randoms about new patches info, the less they know, the more we benefit
  10. Discussion is cos u try dirty games and one of u said some clan offer 3b, then one of u ask 2.8b for ch. Its obvious one of u is lying
  11. Dude when admins make new patch there might me new CHs, plus clans can get castle and dont need CH. good luck with ur price, mby u find naive guy, but better sell it before new patch. Discussion is cos u try dirty games and one of u said some clan offer 3b, then one of u ask 2.8b for ch. Its obvious one of u is lying
  12. i dont need to overprice CH when GMs make events with brez for 20k and 1 week death certificate for 300k? Good luck with ur Ch for 3b. I have time to wait for attractive offers not overprice. If u r willing to sell CH for less than 1.5b u know who to contact.
  13. You talk as if there were 20 clans willing to buy ch for 3b+
  14. key word "LIKE" defcon. Cos defcon doesnt pay retarded prices. GL
  15. This sever needs just smart made events w/o "free" brez and mby cheaper pk scrols to balance mistakes from the past.
  16. yea i pmed one of them, they both want +/- same price - unacceptable price. I think they have wrong info about CH prices. 1 Said he got offer 3b but wait for better offers, 2nd said he sell for 2.8. I smell lie from 100 km
  17. Mby some cp with tereza? I think she didnt even use TS
  18. UP. Slot for last cp, preferably archers.