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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. :(((( dont flame my girlfriend plz @Phoenix help me bratku
  2. Nice try but not this time, you messed up some facts
  3. wow modoy, your brain works so slow mate
  4. wow Loki triggered :DDDDDDDD If you respect them why do you trashtalk them and accuse em of botaki because you said its my cp bot and im obviously not a botter here :DDD
  5. Ok so thats what trash you are. Nuff said.
  6. Man you say you respect my cp and u have nothing to the guys but you bring sh1t to the forum about some tanks that were on ban list etc to discredit our cp. ill try to say it in shotrest way. 1. im fair player, dont bot any alt chars and so on and i hate bots 2. I said my opinion about movie modoy posted 3 You started to defend boter cos its in ur clan, so you have zero sense of fairness, and you started troling this topic and me. Ok you can have your own opinion even tho you didnt even try to explain to modoy about "rest spot", you just ignored it which looked rly strange. 4 Even tho that boter wasnt in your cp you started throwing trash on me. Ok its forum bla bla whatever. But my biggest problem is that i try to speak here about this kingleonidas bot which is not even in your cp and i didnt try to discredit ur cp of flame ur cp or try to ban any1 from ur cp etc, buy you started throwing trash into my cp. You assisted ciril to fk our cp up even tho u know what kind of person he is and that he is pizdabol and you bring some facts to forum. Now i have 2 questions. 1. why do u try to fk up clan mate and clan cp thay you know pretty well its playing fair? 2. Why do you bring this sh1t into forum?
  7. The point is MACRO doesnt have any FEEDBACK, its just doing sequence of things and repeating it over and over again. In this case the program the guy was using had a FEEDBACK and could react to situations in game ( for expample if there is no mob around in x range go to x,y,z coordinates). So it wasnt macro. Anyway additional macro software or Bot program, there is no difference because both are forbidden.
  8. What do u want me to answer? cos i was rly busy pvping and just came forum after 30 min started reading since my last reply and balu post was 1st i found so i answered him. Now im lost about what u asked D:
  9. I didnt harras him or his cp, but i just said my opinion that kingleonidas is boting on this movie, but lokiardy jumped on me for some reason
  10. actually if loki didnt start harras our cp for no reason defending boter while modoy said for what purpose he made the thread and there wouldnt be that big discussion about it. But your cp mate threw oil to fire and now you complain its drama topic.
  11. as far as i know he was caught when he exped solo or he even got autoban when tried to log in with bot on,and i never noticed him acting strange (like bot) in pt.
  12. then why do they note it if someone is banned 2nd time?
  13. Dude you just confirmed some gossip thrown into our cp that you dont even have full info about it but you try to discredit our cp and prove false information that our cp is boting. Couldnt expect worse thing from guy who is leading eu prime when biz is off.
  14. But you try to make it related for some reason.
  15. throw 1 more sh1t to my cp and i swear to god i leave this clan
  16. Still as clan member, even clan leader cp member, you accuse your friends of boting, while bj and me already explained situation several times. ME OF ANY OF MY CP guys or even MODOY, didnt say a bad word here about Bizqquit cp, but you do such sh1t to us. You know what? its lieing about us to break our reputation on forum. Do you have problem with me? go flame me or pk or whatever. Report every of my characters everyday to be checked. I know im clear so im not afraid. BUT CAN YOU FKING LEAVE ALONE MY CP? THEY DIDNT SAY A BAD WORD ABOUT U OR UR CP BUT U TRASH EM LIKE SHIT ON SERVER FORUM. WAKE UP MAN. Its forBaluu and Loki aswell.
  17. When will you understand we have no tank in cp? Can you stop ofending our cp finally? Tell me where this tank is boting or give me movie with proof and i report him by myself.
  18. dude we dont have tank on cp. This tank is not even on perkunas. What are you talking about
  19. 1. show me proof its my tank, cos i thought i dont have tank in cp 2. show me proof its usung bot in the video cos i cant see anything suspicious, but tunno, you are bot expert here right? so where is the proof im boter?
  20. ? Im not boting. You are. There are proofs that your boting, there isnt any that i am. There is no char in my cp that ever boted, if you think there is then report it or give a proof. Im just pointing facts. Who is right here? You just lie about me and my cp without any proof. Cheater offending me, how nice.. You call yourself man? You are pussy, you break rules and you think you are not responsible for consequences. Thats it
  21. edited where did you prove that my party is boting? "hard"? iv read this whole topic and i missed the point. Can you point it out?
  22. Dude you broke rules and now you try to make victim from yourself. You are not 1st guy who is reported on this server. You cheated, get the punishment with honor instead of talking about dignity, or try to defend yourself, prove that you didnt use bot because the movie says different thing. So far instead of proving anything, you just try to offend as many ppl that want justice, as you can. Looks like you gave up on defending yourself because there is no way to prove your innocence so you just jump on ppl here with your hate and frustration. Be a man not a pussy.
  23. After reading last posts i can only say that its actually KingLeonidas spreading his hate in this thread, not modoy. Modoy actuallu doing his job here, reporting unfair players, but kingleonidas just flaming the other after making a "crime". Botter talking about dignity hahaha what a joke
  24. Hello little pizdabol kid