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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos


    Good fair move bro. you should just talk to tankadin ask him for clan inv rights and CH usage, but give him CL, and solve problem in good way.
  2. Rizos

    Dajtovillage #2

    Nice movie placki
  3. I exped aw -15 con and didnt die, and gladi has more p def/hp. Try to get vampiric rage, with +12 str + pl set you will have that much dps that you regen hp well from vr
  4. Is u solo farm go +12 str-15 con to max ur dps. If u farm in aoe pt +pvp from time to time go +12 str -15 dex (if u dont pvp then keep -con) After 70+ you can consider hybrid +con +str- dex. Str also gives crit chance of skills (if not bugged), but not much https://4gameforum.com/threads/562841/
  5. on 30+ i liked breka stronghold upper spot with highest lvl mobs. then on like 35+ i moved to plains of lizardmen (Assassin archer)
  6. Ok you are right. lvl 1 30% lvl 2 32%. Never played mage, didnt expect this to give so much
  7. 30%? mby 30% mana regen not cool down
  8. Mby its koukou or mordekayzer type of player, so in this case mby better to discourage him?
  9. Rizos

    Spiritshot lag

    Its kind of minigame on nuker. Good nuker needs to control skills, click em with good timing to get spiritshot casting speed boost. You cant spam skills. Its good feature imo. It let good players have advantage over noobs. Its not bug, i remember its has been this way since i started playing l2
  10. More dmg on AOE. Also you cast skills faster than they reuse if you have +12 wit, so geting 4 int is good option
  11. Dopiero teraz sytuacja sie zmienila. Mowie zerg blebleble bo my mielismy okolo 140 ludzi a wy 240. Gdybysmy nie zaczeli kooperowac z chinczykami i ES jakie mielibysmy szanse? Zrobiliscie zerg wiec zaczelismy wspolpracowac z innymi proste. Nie mamielismy nawet ally z nimi, nawet mielismy war. To wasz zerg narzucil reguly i zmusil nas do takich krokow, dlatego mowilem na was zerg 140 v 240, reszta ludzi z "zergunas" to ludzie spoza aly ktorzy wspolpracowali tylko na siege i epikach.
  12. I counted around 25 ppl so looks like 3. When did i change my mind?
  13. You think i say smth without proofs? last 2 weeks its almost everyday vig ppl farm with 2-3 pts on 1 high lvl abg spot. Here in this movie you can see 1 party jumping from hill to join their zerg in ABG camps spot. What do you think so many ppl were doing on abg camps spot, obviously farming. Just go there and check by yourself, or are you blind? You can also see mighty myrciu aka "Myrtan" on the movie, and how this whole zerg is afraid to rush 9 ppl - Thats what i was talking about before.
  14. You just admited in your recruitment topic that im right and you joined vig for epics Cos he said it by himself in polish recruitment topic
  15. Jaki lovepve? Bajki opowiadasz.
  16. No. You chose vigazerg because they were higher lvls, controling epics and overall wining side. So you joined em so maybe someday you get one epic also they can prorect your rat ass and you can exp in peace like typical pussy. I see your clan, what kind of players play there. Only bsoe pr relog or fight 50vs9, and still afraid to rush the 9 enemies (have it somewhere in fraps :DD). Go back to your rat cave and exp with 3 pts on one abg spot.
  17. Haha poor wildatzerg pussy. So funny to see u cry cos you chose zerg side and now zerg breaking :D. What will you do now?
  18. KouKou quits? Fk yea!!! Finally ! -1 monkey!
  19. W twoim przypadku problem polega na tym ze poprostu w macie samych nieogarow w clanie, nie chce burzyc twoich marzen ale lvl nic nie zmieni. Za euraski rąk tez nie kupisz wiec have fun. Moze chociaz nieogarow rownych sobie uda ci sie zrekrutowac. Moze uda ci sie ich przekonac ze to fun bycie meatshieldem w vigazergu :D. Smiesznie sie czyta flame o orfenie od goscia ktory nigdy nie bedzie mial nawet pierwszego lvla. Rozbawiles mnie
  20. From my calculation 1 str on human fighter i s almost 4% p atk (4 str = 15%). I just guessed bonuses, didnt care much to give 100% correct values. You are right. The more str character has, the more % bonus p atk it gets from 1 additional str. +4 str works better on PR than SR for example. There is also another factor. Set bonus P. ATK and dye p atk bonus dont multiply passives. So for example tank who equip bow and mj light set gets 8% bonus from mj set but archer gets around 5% only (because of passives which are big part of his p atk) depending on his dyes. The more str u have the more p atk u have, the lower role of pasive p atk is so the more you benefit from % p atk bonus. I guessed numbers but they were actually pretty precise. Here is screenshot: For class without bow mastery, MJ light actually gives that 8% p atk, but if u are archer and most of ppl who use MJ light have bow mastery, you get only around 5% p atk, while from pl set 10% p atk. Anyway PL set gives you around 2x more p atk bonus than MJ set regardless of build and dyes. Character 70 without bow mastery p atk (44 str): Drake set 1199 (100%) MJ SET 1294 (108%) PL set 1380 (115%) Hawkeye 70 with bow mastery p atk (44 str) : Drake set 1906 (100%) MJ SET 2001 (105%) PL set 2088 (110%) For the your info tallum hvy had just 13 p atk less (1988) but 8% atk speed more than MJ
  21. Lol mj is good only cos of stun resist. It doesnt give str and the 8% is in fact like 4% in stats (while pl set gives like 15% p atk)
  22. Nie polecam. Clan to typowy meatshield, brak dobrych graczy. Poza tym to nie wow, tu nie ma gildii