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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos


    Yes but we have 1.5. Also blows power change on 2.0 i think ( lf @San0 confirm)
  2. Rizos


    Its true that they make insane dmg and im also wondering how, but they have different chronicle so you cant compare it to our server, as i said best proof is dmg vs mob with same conditions on both servers
  3. Rizos


    Othel rune works same as vicious stance, if you get 200 critical dmg from othel rune its working same as if you would have 200 more power on vicious stance About dmg proofs again. If smth is wrong about dagger dmg i would search it on full buff (buffs might scale wrong with blow dmg), compare dmg vs classes with crit dmg reduction (tanks/bards) - there might be some kind of bug cos i see insanely high dmg from daggers to tanks on gran kain. Also if you believe dagger dmg is wrong best proof is to take same lvl, gear, buffs dagger here as on some old 1.5 grankain stream, find moment when guy stab mob wuthout debufs and compare dmg to our server. That would be great test giving 99% cartain info ( i used same kind of proof when i tried to prove that fatal counter dmg was wrong)
  4. Rizos


    I like the fact that you made some test etc but in my opinion, to prove that anything is wrong with dagger dmg you need to use same conditions here as on gran kain (same lvl, same buffs , same items and class) and prove that dmg is different. For example you cant use bd instead of glad, because bd has different hvy armor mastery, and test when you have vicious stance and 74 lvl while guy on movie has 63 and no vicious stance, doesnt provide any usefull information, unless your dmg on 74 lvl would be same or lower. Try to make new test and copy conditions from gran kain and compare dmg.
  5. CP lf PR and SWS or driver for our char. (67+ lvl)
  6. as far as i know there wont be any enchant limit
  7. con resists bleed and stun on this server right now
  8. I actually doubt anything is resisted by wit, i think it only gives magic evasion
  9. No, id rather ask cmotah to join us ^^, i bet he is bored likevhell on that warlord and would like to go back to pr.
  10. No, he probably meant that cubics are working on summons not only players so summomer effectively has 2 cubics of same(mass cubic) type (1 above his head and 1 invisible but working above summons head ). Also i think summoners as the only customly boosted class on this server aside of dagger and wc (?) need more love and boosts
  11. Wtf happened to dds on this server, my cp also cant find dd for over a week now...
  12. Its name of quest not name of 2nd class. I thought you had to make the same quest in the past
  13. I investigated this. Its not bug, its just classic mechanics working different than on old chronicles. Our server and official server summon mechanics work totally same. There is not any bug. /summon @MoDoy he has like 10 videos with proofs. You must accept ( guess you already did) that summons work worse than they used too but as long ad they work same here as on official, there is no reason to touch it.
  14. Rizos

    YET Another one :)

    Nice movie. Mana is pain on gladi . 4:44 HOLY SH1T MAGE DPS D:
  15. Damn so clueless. I thought u had better knowledge bout the game. Damn i was wrong
  16. Rizos

    Anathema April

    Ok who is excuse queen now. Cya pussy
  17. Rizos

    Anathema April

    Ok we farm abg today 21 cest, are you coming?
  18. 2 glads, i would take atleast 1 tyrant in tgat setup, anyway nice to hear that new cp is forming. Bump
  19. Server stoi prawie 2 lata ogolnie przez te 2 lata tendencja byla rosnąca. 2 miesiace temu w czasie siege bylo ok 2000 ludzi online. Ostatnio troche mnie ludzi gra- wszyscy czekaja na nowy patch 2.0. Warto tu grac, lepszego classic servera nie znajdziesz, ale z takim czasem grania nie oczekuj szybko rosnacych lvli