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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    On this movie in moments when i was 73 uchiha was 69 lvl trilbil 67 sws 69 ee 67, bd 67
  2. What can i see.. LegitLeonidas :O. i think its his brother on PP and bufing from time to time just 1 buff when there are advertisements in TV
  3. Dude WC/OL is not class to play solo. L2 is not solo game. I posted this movie just to show what good offensive skills wc has. Question is if the guy likes to play WC or not. Overall WC is nice class to play but you need cp - this is not hard to find for active wc. If I my CP wc made some movie i would post it here to show whats WC work in full pt pvp not in solo ganks.
  4. right now they can exp solo with infinite mana (cat/pony) and 35 lvl nuke, but i guess its not what ppl expect from summoner. On new update 2.0 which should come soon, there will be pet soulshots added so you will finally be able to with your pet kiling mobs. Its going to be rly strong class for pve and pvp on 2.0 patch. Dont listen to coments about WC from ppl who never played support. Just exp it for now, you can even exp to 5x solo if you have good weapon and armor( but im sure ull find exp or rb partys much earlier. If you try it off and decide that its not interesting class for you, you can easily start new character and have this WC as buffer box edit: Here is gameplay of WC gank on our server ^^
  5. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    Thx for tips. I had problem with sound track, Youtube blocked my movie several times for copyright, so in the end i just tried to just make it work with whatever songs :D, About DajtoVillage, true but its also nice to see the pvp from another point of view About WonderpOrk haha every1 who watch this clip coments this orc 1st. he is master of second plan :D. He is good orc <3
  6. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    Fixed. Check now
  7. If you like Warcryer, go for it, its cool class on pvp. Has strong debufs. Our cp WC is beast and never afk :D. Im sure you can find good cp if you pick WC.
  8. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    Well I put 18 v 27 or 9 vs zerg when enemies had some kind of lvl disadvantage etc so i thought its fair and interesting to watch
  9. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    My Action! (recording program) fked up so i couldnt record anything last 1+ month. Made move while was clearning ssd space. Thats truth there are less INTERESTING pvps lately, but still we pvp everyday.
  10. Rizos

    Jungle Wars (2)

    Damn I was happy that new Dagger pov movie released, but then i noticed that you rerolled :(. Anyway nice movie
  11. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    Phantom Ranger pov UchihaItachi CP Clan: Perkunas Ally: WickedSick Scenerio: 9v9's Ganks and Mass PvPs ENJOY!
  12. This PR is the worst PR on the server. Please dont expect too much from him ^^. Btw i saw your post about tyrants/destros. I liked it. Can you give me link to movie of 77+ tyrant on GK?
  13. pORK when i saw this topic bumped i thought u have red bow. Im disappointed
  14. P.S. Still waiting for proofs. edit. Rekt and left. Cya, take it as lesson not to shittalk about ppl when you have no proofs.
  15. Why should I be nervous? DOesnt make sense. Keep trying, 1st You accuse my cp that we have bot char in cp, then you say its clan mate, while in previous post you talk about classic clan. Damn you change your mind every post, i cant catch it sorry.
  16. Nervous? im laughing at ur post. Just read it again mby your english is too bad to understand it after reading once :D. I exped with him in loa so? He was friend of my cp mate. Is it a crime to exp with random DA? I dont deny it, when did i? Ofc its not my char, why would i need 2nd main DA :D. What does it mean he was with my pt? is it crime? I told you its friend of cp mate. Why do u need this info i dont know but whatever. Why would i need 2nd main DA if i hate playing tanks.. If i had 2nd main it would be tyrant/aw. If you think its my char, or im boting, go ahead report me, mby youll get answer from admins, if u dont believe my words..
  17. You saw it with our pt? So that implify i play 2 mains? having PR 74 and exping 2nd char DA in meantime? Good joke :D. "Reported my CP bot char"? We dont have any bot in out cp lol. Stop accusing us of bullsh1t if you have 0 proofs. You can report me everyday, i never exped with bot so i have nothing to hide. GM can check me everyday lol . He can check even my ip hwid check every char i logged in past 1 year lol. You picked wrong person to accuse of bot cos im actually reporting every bot even from my ally and im legit player. Try harder.
  18. Rizos

    Easter Event!

    I didnt even (and not going to) update client
  19. Little tank rekt /soe
  20. My bot? Nope. i never boted and its not my char so i have no idea what the fk ur talking about . Try harder, it starts to be funnier and funnier
  21. I would have nothing to you if i didnt see you botting several times on EV and BS and ganking 4xppl with 6x DA in EV (that time you let me get an opinion about what kind of player you are, and when i saw you bragging on forum how fast you exped on bot and how good player you are, u kinda made me laugh Yes im gonna give it back, i thought its normal. Mby for some thiefs or kids its not, but i can understand you.
  22. about orfen im not surprised what greek like you would do. Quit and forget instead of playing to farm it and give it back. You dont need to tell me it, i expected such thing from u.
  23. From info i got, modoy shot u, u said u are in cloudy cp, he asked u why didnt u join clan and u answered u want to make some fun with him. But then after 5 min you changed ur mind and started to cry to biz to let you farm cos poor tank is pked by archers :(. Poor boy . I almost dropped tear that day
  24. i remember him crying that we pk him in BS :DD. Poor tank crying to clan leaders that hes pked by archers