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MyrmidonAch last won the day on May 13 2019

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125 Excellent

About MyrmidonAch

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  1. Thank God someone is lucky and dont farm priests anymore at Deviates so he is not forced to farm them alone with people he only wants from the alliance he belongs to..
  2. If we judge from what we saw last months about their abilities of counting for sure using a calculator is highly recommended for their alliance ..
  3. Speak the guy who use numbers in order to communicate with his ally 1111111111 999999999 666666666 CCCCCCC Bangziiiii Ni cao Ma
  4. Opposition Recruiting Players 76+ and Const Parties.
  5. So it is our choice which reality we ll reveal to server's forum visitors But to be honest i need here the help of Pro Mathematicians to tell us about Perkunas Zerg against these guys with Allien crest @shakaalaka I summon you pro mathematician , tell us the numbers
  6. MyrmidonAch

    may 3 pvp prsha)

    Totally support everything you are saying Pince .. At least someone doesnt hide and express things as they are Keep up the good work , EXPOSE these biatches totally deserved it
  7. Bro there is no need to boost anyone ego's Who cheats should get ban ..Send enough proofs where you have to and let them take a decision I just dont like people who are hypocrite,deaf and blind but this guy who said about dicks propably was right
  8. Camera logs in from a specific IP..Just saying..
  9. @Drlord Mate do you have something according to these requirements ?
  10. These 2 shots from HdM for sure You are a clever guy dont pretend that you dont understand my point..
  11. Its like seeing Arrogance and Ninja Cp nearly one year ago at toi 10 ..Was happening exactly the same but by the opposite side ! Never forget what you were before and what your enemies can become one day..
  12. MyrmidonAch

    Olly :)

    @Destabilomaterializacja Really curious why he even mentioned my pm to Roolback...Just sometimes i am wondering what this guy is thinking if he has this kind of ability because clearly is questionable..
  13. Bro i didnt express any feeling , i just state what really happens ! And honestly i dont remember call you irrelevant or relevant but its pointless to talk about it Cya
  14. It was a devastating statement ! At least i am your life's spotlight !
  15. It could be Guest Star MoTOY but i forgot to who i speak..You need to be clever in order to think about it !