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Everything posted by Berso

  1. Well was good 3h free farm w/o any pvp finnaly...Yeah best sieges till now = 6%+ for me
  2. May be u r right? But cmon 126 ppl vs 200 CC and that is w/o CHN. GG You are too good for us
  3. Cmon guys, i cant understand anything. Pls english, dont ruin that good topic
  4. Its hard to make 280+ ppl zerg like Perks did last day. Anyway they still lose 1 castle.
  5. Now put video how easy is your pt 1:0 tonight!
  6. As title said: WTB DEMON'S STAFF +12++ , KARMIAN SET+6, DOOM HVY SET+6 pm me in forum
  7. As title said: WTT PLATED LEATHER SET +6( 5 parts) + BOP +5 for AVADON ROBE SET +6 + DEMON STAFF+12 WTT BOP +5 FOR DEMON STAFF +13 pm me in forum
  8. ​skill cannot and doesnt crit, i wonder on what class u achieved 1200 P def and got 9k dmg tho Basically a warlord with doom heavy set, lvl 72. Check that I even had sws songs:​ ok, not 9k but close and still ridiculously high... ​ok, so there are few things worth noticing 1. u had zerk on, so it dropped your def by quite some 2. it could be FC into your back, thus 20% dmg increase (so the dmg to front would be like 6600) 3. u had triple slash on, which decreases your p def by 23%, so overall dmg boost by other ppl is like 30% (because of how formulas work) 4. PR could be on very low HP, so he could scale FC to the most and wuala, there is your possible 8200 dmg ​You forgot one more thing CmoTaH it's a guy who has +8 str dye and +5 bop,PL set(+4str) what did y expected?? Take for example other DD clas with max Boost dmg dye and good gear, and everything that Modoy said above. ​/fixed
  9. Berso

    MoDoy vol. 3 Solo pvp

    PS. where is this RektedDemon now? . who is fcking little pussy and can do fraps only at Zerg pvp... ​How you dare to talk about our archer CPs? Your pro Archer CPs (Uchiha's and CloudyQ's) reloging everytime in LOA and w8ing 1 CP to get train and after that they log and rush. Before 2 weeks Biz's CP and again Uchiha's CP reloged near heart w8ing some1 to get train or mobs and same sroty. So the fact is that u dare to face us only if u have 4-6 CP online its normal if we have same numbers or more in LOA to w8 your paper CPs at some spot. Or you expect we to relog 9ppl only coz you are 1 CP less. Stop QQ and try harder, or continue like this and be pussy!!! Best regards, cMoTaH Still w8ing for GVG ur CP but you still never accept it:( ​1. I don't have any info who want 9 vs 9 vs us. But not for that was your P.S. 2. If every time MoDoy's CP reloging in LOA its normal he to get bored and goes to BS for farm/pvp. Everyone ingame know that SR is beast vs other archers. 3. WP for MoDoY nice video. 4. Shame for you EtoRazEtoDva, you dont know what you are talking. If you start blame someone go to the end.
  10. Then ​if it works like that its bugged, because the damage must increase as the enemy's hp decrease ​Retard detected!!! /confirmed
  11. Berso


    Ops i found topic about that. You can close it!
  12. Berso


    Hello, If i buy smt from auction, how to transfer it to proper char?
  13. Mage counter? While cast 1 skill with archer, mages made 3 skills on me. But hands are needed for that
  14. Yes, it works now, but it wasn't when i post for me and all my CP members. Also website. We thought that there is attack against server!
  15. Fix your Updater.. its not working!
  16. If u put cake and after that golden, you will lose cake and will get only 20 min golden! /tested
  17. As title said... LF good spot 45-49lvl with agro mobs for AOE or LF good spot for AOE with Destroyer same lvl ty
  18. Berso


    Still WTB GREAT SWORD!!!
  19. Berso


    As title said. Pm here or ingame "AgMuHaEKyPBa
  20. ​I saw already 4-5-6 topics about that nerf and there is no even 1 answer from GMs about what they think about rage/frenzy. so: Frenzy lvl.3 Increases P. Atk. by 15% for 1 minute 30 seconds. Additionally increases P. Atk. by 40% when using a sword/blunt weapon. Increases Accuracy by 6 and P. Atk. by 10% when using a two-handed sword/blunt weapon. Available when HP is 60% or lower.52355251.16 VS В течение 60 сек. Физ. Атк. +14%, Скор. Атк. +20%, шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +14, сила Физ. Крит. Атк. +14%, Скорость +14. При использовании двуручного меча / двуручного дробящего оружия / древкового оружия Точность +8, Физ. Атк. +10%. Доступно при HP<60%. its awsome right?
  21. Berso

    WTS SB Death Whisper

  22. I cant see anywhere, if there is some changes for Destroyer skills (2nd class). As i see nerfed skills will stay nerfed or u think to change smt?
  23. Berso

    WTS SB Death Whisper

    ​HAHAHAH last offer ingame 8kk HAHAHAH ​1 sold for 8kk! WTS another SB Death whisper