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Everything posted by Sonixs

  1. always flame for you guys its all cool. Your war dont have CH in strategic castles and its normal to 1 clan have CH in Aden, Giran, DIon, Gludio 3 is stay empty and 1 use ... thats be great to see that ... i have a idea maybe GM add new CH in Aden and Giran and we see how many get chines so-so event ^^ Phoenix close topic thx p.s. Datplays for you all us kid always your ally have adult ppl
  2. I say you in another topic " go to your cave and die " you dont understand many point because you dont want or (highly probable) you cant (fault brain) I dont expected anytking ... Im in ROK and guys from Korea ( they play here longer than chinese ) have i tkink "more normal money in game" than chinese ... all of his money is donate ... you protect him because you have "ally" this's normal but Im rly wait to moment when your side quarrel with sb for spots, epics, castle remember 1 tkink when you have all its boring
  3. you got 13-14 years old or what ?? i dont wana start drama or smk i dont need CH to play but sytuation is rly bullsh....
  4. and again is sytuation to CH in aden buy lol clan, with 1 maybe 2 ppl and create last day and I 101% sure is chinese box this rly pitiful to see how they with the use real money destruction server and admins do nothing ( You say ban donators ... but they still play ) and no1 say me to ppl who start in this server 1-2 weeks have some many weapon ++ and cash for buy CH
  5. Myślę że temat można zamknąć ;-) teraz Myrciu promuj nowy klan ;-)
  6. First do drama next emo quit ;-) bb and GL with Soil and rest
  7. Demoss ja Cię prosze mając aktywne cp, które Cie non stop expi ( boś tank ) ty porównujesz expienie do daggera, który gra sam ?? pozatym jaki rok misiek tyś go widział ??? chłopaczyna zaczął grać później odemnie a ja tu siedze od września i tu niestety przykra prawda Rizo lvl dużo zmieni ponieważ wszystkie debuffy jakie chłopaki "próbują" w Ciebie wrzucić poprostu niewchodzą z racji lvl ... i tu przyznam racje Myrtanowi Rizo walicie flame, że vilgizerg ble ble ble ... a szczerze mówiąc ma chłopaczek racje .... tu się "niby" lejecie z ES a tak na siege i epiki to najlepsze "ziomki" w tym momencie kiedy większość osób z naszej strony odeszła macie teraz pole do popisu tylko pamiętaj o jednym ... jak u nas zostanie powiedzmy 1 clan albo "uda" się stworzyć jedno ally ( dobrze, że za marzenia nie karają ) to z kim będziecie się bić ?? bo teraz 80% serva jest po waszej stronie ... chinioli coraz więcej ( naboo i xiaoma pakują w ten serv grube eurasy i wszyscy o tym wiemy ), daliście Giran ciotom z TT ( jak gram w życiu ich na pvp nie widziałem, przecież ten stiba i reszta jego bandy to typowi farmerzy ) już lepszy pożytek by Demos zrobił z klanem z tego zamku niż tamci ale cóż wasza decyzja ... więc teraz się rodzi pytanie co dalej ... bo jak się ma wszystkie spoty, zamki, epiki i nie ma się z kim o to walczyć to walka zaczyna się między sobą
  8. Sonixs

    ROK PVP video :D

    GJ bro !! f....k chinabsoeimbatouch
  9. hahaha what i see i dont belive hello guys in server aresqq my favorite frag in old cartel or tales i dont remember ;p GL guys here
  10. ​So hopeful @HrabiaMonteKristo: If you're new, I zapraszam Delu Lizardman Scout @Dion Plains: - Varnish price ~2k so up to 6k from x1 HP mob, zajebiście ​no tak oczywiście bo przecież niewarto chodzić do LOA np na spoila bo i po co gg Szerloku ​I agree with your point, high lv spoil is obviously better, I just thought it's funny you said the 2.0 patch will come soon ​than i sorry Frederyk i look wrong point your post im a positively attitude to patch 2.0 come very fast
  11. ​So hopeful @HrabiaMonteKristo: If you're new, I zapraszam Delu Lizardman Scout @Dion Plains: - Varnish price ~2k so up to 6k from x1 HP mob, zajebiście ​no tak oczywiście bo przecież niewarto chodzić do LOA np na spoila bo i po co gg Szerloku
  12. z drugiej strony fajnie wbijać lvl i łapać pt na abg, loa i "mam nadzieje" niedługo w toi gdzie ten spoil będzie mega potrzebny
  13. Sonixs


    ​I miss your politics on our server Perks became a bit pu ssy cryers ​those pus sy cryers close LoA every prime. gg ​Your prime play is our prime to sleep or work than gg bro ​so far i know u re polish so cet time, or u go sleep after 7pm coz school next day, gg ​im not haters than you who stay only in house and write nonsense in forum i have work family than sry bro go to your cave and die ​cool, can i touch u? ​no sry dont like litlle fat boy
  14. Sonixs


    ​I miss your politics on our server Perks became a bit pu ssy cryers ​those pus sy cryers close LoA every prime. gg ​Your prime play is our prime to sleep or work than gg bro ​so far i know u re polish so cet time, or u go sleep after 7pm coz school next day, gg ​im not haters than you who stay only in house and write nonsense in forum i have work family than sry bro go to your cave and die
  15. Sonixs


    ​I miss your politics on our server Perks became a bit pu ssy cryers ​those pus sy cryers close LoA every prime. gg ​Your prime play is our prime to sleep or work than gg bro
  16. Sonixs

    Wts Clans/Clanhalls

    ​NFactors sold all they have ?? I have hope you sell for adena in game not "real"
  17. z ciekawości gdzie grałeś wcześniej i jakie klasy głównie
  18. Sonixs


    ​grow up, or atleast try to act mature, or had to go to sleep imadiately after siege, coz school tomorrow starts give them some time ​and this a fundamental difference beetwen you ( ally Perkunas ) and us you always grumble If you win pvp, siege, epic we are randoms, kids etc .... If we win always the same say: zerg, lags, bugs ble ble ble .... omg people this a game not real life datplays you're my master rly always flame hate and write to all people around you its idiots and you are the king of world ... I think you a very sad man, dont have friends and only you can do is sit to computer and flame flame flame GG for siege for all ppl
  19. Random player ^^ Music The best
  20. ​heh but if your cp attack ~10 lvl difference its be cool and this your problem to have afk ppl and rly look what video you add to forum than cry gg Guys Koukou how i learn you ;p remember !! first mass than mass ;p
  21. Sonixs


    wrong "departament"
  22. Sonixs

    WTB Recipe

    WTB : Recipe: Reorin's Mold Recipe: Metallic Thread Recipe: Reinforced Metal Plate pm me info here or mail in game with payment "Sonixs
  23. ​if datplays say Yes he cant flame Soil and other ppl who dont like
  24. like a topic send mail in game "Sonixs with payment