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Everything posted by Sonixs

  1. ​Sano i write to you in Skype
  2. Sonixs

    CP Mage

    what clan if i can ask ?
  3. ​sry Modoy but what macro to necro heal his pp/cardinal when his dead ?? macro doesn't work like that and both know that nice bot ( maybe clicker but I dont think so rather adrenalina in my opinion ) you dont have to be sorry, idk why ppl apologize for being stupid necro never healead the pp/bp, it healed only means which is archer and what i said just means that if he was using macros on necro, after fear/stun he would have to switch on necros client and click macro again, but then again why would he click heal insted of debuffing armbar? (ps. it could also be clicker or simply stucked key on laptop, but i dont think the later is the case here and clicker is prohibited as well) ​being stupid ?? heh ok Master ... help your friend to not get ban if they have who defend all castles
  4. ​sry Modoy but what macro to necro heal his pp/cardinal when his dead ?? macro doesn't work like that and both know that nice bot ( maybe clicker but I dont think so rather adrenalina in my opinion )
  5. ​maybe you must to write a book "I know all to Soil" ?? why you so flame in all topic this guy ?? I got proposition to you maybe you must to go and i dont know grow vegatables or go to gym maybe you must to find a girl ( not only hand ) rly Dat with all respect to your person change your attitude because this is boring if you in all topic flame and flame Soil what he do to you ?? kill your dog with socks ?? he want to write New Year wishes and what to do Dat ?? flame flame flame ... grown-up Happy New Year to all and "less able person"
  6. ​i rly want too see "Drunk Siege" .... golems break to grocery ​Just find the right group of people, and any siege can be a drunk siege ​i have a proposition copy castle and give all clans 1 castle and in siege instead fight we all go to 1 village and drunk ^^ ​Hahaha! I have a feeling YOU are already drunk.. happy new years ​u2 and for all players Happy New Year
  7. ​i rly want too see "Drunk Siege" .... golems break to grocery ​Just find the right group of people, and any siege can be a drunk siege ​i have a proposition copy castle and give all clans 1 castle and in siege instead fight we all go to 1 village and drunk ^^
  8. ​i rly want too see "Drunk Siege" .... golems break to grocery
  9. ​you're kid of many in this world who think only donation is rly important to server developments ... you rly tkink admins go about one's own business ?? if they rly want only to earn the money honestly maybe he open server x10 for 3-4 months + full donate ( weapon ++ and armor ++ ) and closed wait a little time and open next server and over and over again thats my opinion and i tkink many ppl who play agree with me
  10. and we must remember if you get us patch 2.0 many ppl back and come for classic then when we can expect +- ??
  11. ​300 ppl ?? heheh nice .... you rly dont play here go and spam another forum gg
  12. we dont need player who go to easy play
  13. ​if you cant exp or you tired to play here because your figure gangbang for another player maybe go play tetris or smk ???
  14. jeśli masz ochote pograć zapraszam na ts: wejdź na "sprawa do administracji" i napewno ktoś "podejdzie" pozdrawiam
  15. Jak w temacie Szukamy Bisha do CP reszta info na TS:
  16. Sonixs

    Szukam CP/klanu

    Cześć ja poszukuje do cp bisha jeśli interesuje Cię jedna z dwóch klas to zapraszam na ts wejdź na "sprawa do administracji" i ktoś wejdzie do Ciebie pozdrawiam
  17. Witam, napisałem prywatna wiadomość. Czekam na odpowiedź.
  18. ​Koll do patch slowly but make to working 100% without bugs