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Posts posted by BeNicePls

  1. 11 minutes ago, Dancerok said:


    6) Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker

    7) Hawk Eye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger


    +1 ofc, thats totaly logical, this way is better than the currently.
    Daggers are harder to xp than archers, thats why they should be in diferent groups.

    Anyway i would delete class change, if u want to change class make a new char.

  2. 18 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    rly? They will buy 76 warlock? Cuze if your idea is applied i can change to warlock 76 and i have grinded with necro which is super easy compared to warlock. So all the work for example wynonarider put in is wasted. It's retarded idea. People who grinded high level on shitty classes in this patch deserve to be rewarded in 2.0

    Yes, like daggers, very rewarded, Archers can change to dagger, tank can change to dagger, sws/bd can change to dagger, very very very nice, very fair.

    Like dagger is so easy to xp than archers, sws/bd, tanks, .... all these gruops up the daggers.

    Irony OFF

    No comment!

  3. 5 hours ago, Koll said:

    Hello. Person banned for now. After he contact supports we will explain him that it's against rules and if he will contunue - he can be banned permanently.


    Realy you need to explain him that it is againts the rules? muahahhahaa, thats funny.

    Any guy that is able to play this game can get byhimself that do that is a big fraud, scamme. It is too obvius.

    Tooo weak and too much permision vs players that just try fuuck other players.

    This is a bad politic.

  4. 28 minutes ago, driver said:

    when u gang it doesnt matter how many u kill, if they didnt expect it. me on loki+artiemes+balu with pp buff killed 11-13 characters in bs all 72-76, does this mean they are newbs and we are super players?

    p.s. i am realist, i mentioned in a topic that legiana, realbuffer and cleef are the biggest fails of PR class. maybe u are good guys, but man, we laungh all the time when see your nick.

    you know what is the most funny, legiana acts and think he is pro, always telling stories about how pro he is, or being so proud and telling people something he did.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Legiana said:

    He was wearing mithril robe set (D)

    and what? 3.8k with full hp on light/heavy users is ok? do u realy think it works fine? what for you want double shot skill and critical skills on it if you are dealing almost 4k with FC on full hp?


  6. 18 hours ago, Pelocho said:

    I'm not asking to remove cameras, I'm just proposing a way to discourage (make harder) certain conducts that are inappropriate or lead to awful metagaming.

    Restricting lvl 15 (just as example) characters from using the gatekeeper to respawn in ABG wouldn't stop legit players from exploring, and would make harder for those annoying lvl 1 characters to come back every minute to interfere with people farming in ABG.

    Imo, stop crying.

    Takes 20 minuts xp 1 char lvl 15.

    U should create 1 character lvl 10-15 or other lvl, keep it in your spot, and log when u see 1 camera, and then pk the camera.

    I think after u pk that camera sometimes, he wont come more.