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Can be that items stayed droping till 27 day? And people got mistaken because this? Because you always first, put off the event drops and some days later, u put off the event npc? And this time, u did both things at same time, and people can get mistaken? Or i am wrong?
I happy, i like to see that u think same than me.
Is ironic Haibara, Better than say all that u say for nothing, and looks like i am crying, better say it is overpowered with ironic, cause admins wont make big thing, or at least didnt make Yes, you are right, I can tell you many examples too Try move to an archer, wizzard, tyrant, gladi, tank, summoner and kill them on 1 vs 1. Archer, u will get stun before u get him, if you go in hide, even u have a chance of fail backstab, then no more hide, he target u, stun, is landing 100%, so bye bye. you are dead. Same with necro, you go to him, even if you on hide, cause if you dont go hide, from 900 range to close range, he nuke you a lot or can even smoke a cigarete, cast fear, anchor, ... well, if you go on hide, you backstab him, if you are lucky no backstab fail, u deal around 2k damage, 1k him, 1k pet, then he target u, fear, bye bye, you are dead. Tyrant, same story, stun u 100%, oh no wait, no 100%, 99% DA same story Dwarfs same Only in some classes, like archers, some mages, no necro, with low con, if you luckyly land a 2x backstab, you can drop them. but eeeey, u know what? STR doesnt affect 2x backstab like it should, so another crap. I dont know why if debuffs are landing with so big rate, and daggers doesnt have debuffs like stun, fear, anchor, .. why the only fuucking debuffs (trick,switch) daggers have are not working properly? Oh wait, we have bleed!!! Are you more happy now Haibara? Useless words here. Lot of bugs and things not working like retail/oficial. Deal with it!!! This is no oficial.
Dagger class are very OVERPOWERED, nerf them.
Bein proud of so big big big garbage is so shameful seriously .. hahaha I went to pvp you because i was ok with it, even with pl set +6 and -15con dyes. I thought that there are many chances things go bad, but, wtf? i play to have fun, and i decided go. I died from mobs, but i got BRES, one know take care os his own ass. You camped me but i went there and BRESed me in your face. and this BRES was not from 6 col like some people can imagine hahahha I am lvl 73, you are 70 or 71. I pass you 2-3 lvls but got at least 4 succesfully horrors on that short pvp if can be called pvp, and some stun. even with mental shield lvl 4 and resist stun lvl 2. Since the 2nd horror i tried BSOE, but 7 secs horror, and getting horror one more time, and stun and one more time horror. I dont know where you got that skill to push f keys in that way, you are so pro man hihihihi so hard push horror key, wow that Jim Carrey video hahahahaha omg thanks for the fun guy. muahhahahahaha Check all the people's messages here and get it. I see too often the word "garbage" in this thread. Dont worry guy, we all fail hard sometimes, then you realize you failed hard, thats the path to change, gl.
Oh yes, i had forgotten it. More than persuade you, i known we didnt have acted rightly but i didnt want to "no more friends" with you, thats why i was talking with you. That raid (Garanky lvl 56) when we jumped on you with stun / fight, people in party chat was asking to pvp you, so it wasnt all me, people wanted to fight, have some fun, and yes, after thinking a bit, i can not say no to these guys who i was dayly killing raids with. "my clan leader is aprtying with u normally" i know him, we are known in game, that SK char with Kristinka his pp. Yes i know it wasnt nice when we jumped on you on garanky, thats why i tried to talk with you and tell you, dont take it so serious, sorry, lets make some raids... i was feeling like we could play together but omg, you totaly refused and didnt give me any chance. So we fighted. just the game. Have a nice night!! See you!
Muahahahahahaha Happened similar to me, i took Kraven lvl 57 raid from Sea of spores to Hardins private academy. I think, the thing is when u go with raid in peace zone and u hit the raid, it port back, because we had some secs/minuts the raid inside hardins private academy and it still not ported, but when we went to kill it and hit, it ported back to his respawn spot. Not sure 100% if this is like i say or just entering or in some time it port back. I think developers made this like that to avoid people moving raids and killing them in safe areas avoiding pvp/war. This is what i wanted to avoid bringing raid to safe area and hidden, on hardins private academy, that enemy could not annoy us. Dont u remember other raid, Ishka or Drake in giran arena, u were killing it, we went inside arena, to fight you, i think raid moved, when raid moved to safe arena zone, and someone hit it, i think it ported back if i am not wrong.
they checked some of their members long time ago already, coz some of them played with dhemon in pt while hunting for rbs, and they said they didnt find anything only thing i can say that if we didnt take ishka to shillien temple (where lvl 1 dark elves start) we couldnt be sure they wont find us, thats how hard some ppl were trying also u didnt answer to my question, would u consider it as violating rules if they took it into castle and put orfen minion into the doors (which would be open), resulting in you getting curse every single time when u try to enter? Yet even when we took ishka rb to Shilien temple we still lost it, remember Modoy? dont even remind me of it, we were so pumped how we make some screenshots with ishka dead there, and it ported back when it had like 5% hp and as far as i remember, we even lost it in DV coz our buffs run out and dhemon killed it in the end >.< Big ooooooooooh!!!! <3 Mates Modoy and Rizos, so nice times, having so much fun these days, was so exciting. I remember, first thing i said or thought when we took some bosses from you was, i didnt gonna troll you or similar because i thought realy it was not so fair pvp because the numbers, i think we were 6-7-8 guys while u were 4-5, but still was exciting find you and have some fights and get the raids. Game was realy funny on that point. All started with first ishka that you stole from us, u came with that necro, and piu piu all of us, but after that raid, we had more care and we took some raids from you. It was so great. We moved some drake / ishka raids to wastelands to hide them. I still remember that ishka at 5% hp, omg, hahaa, we were going to take it, but then you took it, but i kept the respawn camera ON to check how it was, raid boss are coming back to spot if you dont hit them for sometime, so my smart ass was telling me that we still have some chances, rb could port back, and we would have time, since the way to move ishka is long. And then, after some minuts, booom, lol, raid boss ported back at 5% I got loled hahahaha, i told party members ( what i have to say they were nice, helpfull ) guys, lets reagrup, buff and go! we gonna try, we gonna have some fun, and then, you were like 2-3-4 guys i think or maybe just 2, and we were like 6-7. We went there and took raid from you, u relogged, lol, and it droped 1 yaksa mace if i am not wrong, or some other weapon. Very funny, i hope 2.0 bring more fun, i think we will see more fights for raids since they will drop "keys" to make SA on weapon. So i hope we have some realy funny times. Regards Modoy and Rizos. Thanks L2Classic Club !!!!
+1. Better for players and server that we didnt have to put shops each 24 hours or less.
cuenta premiun Gente de Argentina cuenta premiun
DheMoN replied to DavidYT's topic in General Discussion
Buenas, bienvenido. Hay 2 tipos de cuenta premium que son iguales, lo único que varía es la duración. Una cuesta 30 Coin of Luck ( COL ) y dura 7 días. Otra cuesta 100 Coin of Luck ( COL ) y dura 30 días. Ambas cuentas premium las debes comprar con COL, como consigas los COL es cosa tuya. Puedes pagarlos con dinero real através de la web o puedes comprar los COL con adena o que alguien te los de. Son tradeables entre los personajes por lo que se pueden pasar por trade normal o enviar por email. Respondiendo a tus preguntas: 1.- La de duración de 1 mes que son 100 COL cuesta 10 euros. 2.- Creo que puedes pagar con paypal o alguna vez se ha podido, no se si actualmente se puede. 3.- Duran 7 y 30 días como te he dicho. 4.- Lo principal de una cuenta premium es eso, es premium porque te deja loguear un segundo cliente por lo que podrás jugar 2 personajes en un mismo ordenador. Si tienes 2 cuentas premium podras jugar 3 personajes y asi sucesivamente. 5.- No lo se, creo que no. 6.- Cualquier difusión del server, siempre y cuando sea buena, yo creo que los dueños del server estaran agradecidos. Ya sea la difusión por facebook o por youtube o cualquier otro medio. Osea que yo sepa no es algo prohibido, todo lo contrario. -
Suggestion: Separating the fourth group into two different groups
DheMoN replied to Cyane's topic in General Discussion
Any Admin answer? 4 of each 5 guys voted yes. Regards -
+1 Where you see what this item is for pve ? Maby ncsof make it for mags on long pvp. Cose mana from mag go down very fast on siege. So for us this item like pvp. And we dont have time for recharge mama during pvp. Hahahahaha funny jokes guy, like always, you are so funny.
Yo soy TH 71, que lvl sois? cuando habeis empezado en el server? hablamos in game DheMoN o LoveU. Soy Español de España, un saludo.
for d grade armor you can make a quest at lvl 25 on gludin that will give you a D grade set heavy/light/robe. That's true, but D market for weapons is still pretty horrible. You're lucky to find a non-enchanted D grade weapon these days. OMG D weapons market is horrible, this is too much for me, omg what drama, go Giran and buy the weapon from npc like most of the people did and does. Incredible!!! Anyway we can understand that buy mid D weapon and sell after to take back the adena to buy top D shop weapon is a bit hard, because few people buying mid grade weapon and crystalice it doesnt give back the adena u burned when u brought the mid weapon. So .. Maybe admins could add the upgrade D grade weapons with adena, from low D weapon to Top D shop weapon, not real top D(only craft and full drop). Add the upgrade in the way of D grade low weapon + adena diference = next lvl D grade weapon. This way people that start in server, can buy low D weapon when they get the 300-400k adena it cost, and change/trade for next lvl D weapon when they get the adena needed for next upgrade. They can upgrade his weapon and dont have to focus on trades or cristalicing that they loose adena because D crystals are realy cheap. You can make a spoiler, spoil some COAL or some mats, sell them and get 400-500k or more. Ask people for some adena in giran harbour. 50-100k each x 5-10 guys and u almost have adena to buy Top D npc shop weapon. The other point Yaranx is talking about s/he cant or is hard find people to make party 25-40, well, we can understand, game is to have fun. I advice you write on party matching LF ..(what u need).. to dayly XP/Farm ... Make friends, add them to friendlist, join a clan, ... Write msg on party matching "LF Spoiler w/ High lvl buffer (no need spoil)" or something like that, u wont get loot random with spoil, so u wont get the spoil but u will xp having high lvl buffs. so u will xp faster than going solo. u will kill more burning less soulshots. so u will keep some adena. And remember this, this game is hard only the 100 first years, dont worry!! Be happy!! PD: Yaranx, u posted on wrong thread, i think some admin should move ur post and the answers to some other thread in right section, like i need help.