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Behind the scene reveal

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6 hours ago, San0 said:

I think you all missed the point of having a new client and all got so instantly consumed by hating something you didnt even understand that anything else stopped mattering to you.


Let me see if i can find a way to explain without hurting anyones feelings why having new  and more recent clients and files is good and why nothing of you you cried about is any relevant cuz we can pick and choose what to or not to use from it.


1 - Do you all like events? Do you all want to have new fun and different events? well, do you know there's only so much you can do with a small box of legos and then you get a new bigger box of legos and suddenly you can do so much more cooler stuff then you could with the box before only?

The bigger box of legos is the new client. atm making new events for us is super limiting being by amount of animations we have at our disposel, amount of items, amount of icons, amount of NPCs, what always ends up on events having to be recycled not only on client side with icons and npcs but also on server side were we need to keep taking old items to change to new items, this is a type of freedom we get with a more recent client becuz it gives more tools to us.


2 - Personal machine performance, 

Due to being a newer protocols of the game in some cases keeping up with recent clients and files help increasing not only your personal machine performance while playing but also the servers performance it self.


3 - Content options. For me as this is most of what i do this is the most important part.

For almost 3 years i have been trying to figure out a way we could some how with our current clients implement the elemental spirits feature cuz its something that is part of old L2 with elements etc and its a nice late game boost on stuff to grind and farm in game, and for almost 3 years i have come out empty on this part, guess what? a simple client change solves that issue and this is one example out of many things when it comes to this department.


list could go on but i think i proved my point, also the fact you guys look at this and say oh but this is essence CLIENT is not classic CLIENT, here is a crazy thing that you might not know there is no such thing as classic clients, every single version of classic lineage was created using clients from other version like for example the biggening of classic in godess of destruction clients. its only different protocols or versions of this same clients.


A client is nothing else then a bag of tools you get to use however you see fit, i know its a rare notion and not very common to have private servers that can take the client and do wtv they want with it, but thats how they were made to be worked with, the reason people get acostumed to put names to visual things is cuz in most of the cases and servers if you have h5 client, you gonna be playing h5, if you have antharas client you gonna be playing wtv version of classic they want to run till antharas.

For us this isnt the case cuz we can manipulate it however we want, we could even get this new files and make a server running from classic 1.0 looking like classic 1.0 for you, just on our side we would have way much more options to make new stuff and create new stuff that we wouldnt have chance to do if we would use the client its was used when classic 1.0 was made.


To sum it up. Clients are a BOX OF LEGOS, smaller older box you build a house maybe if you dont loose some pieces meanwhile, get a NEW BIGGER BETTER BOX OF LEGOS and you can still build that same house as with the small old box BUT, if you chose to, you can now build a bigger more complex house.


Client/files - Box of legos.

Server version - wtv we chose to put together with those legos for you to have in game.

in our hands they are not directly related, similar way you had TI starting on a older version of god client and then it got updated like 3 or 4 times and when dion started it used this latest version already, was still the same old game style and world and map and classes and items, it was just running in a newer more complete client.

1.yes,we like events,but events not important,more active ppl much more important

2.maybe good for server,it doesnt mattter for us,L2 is not a complex client for pc now want to implement elements????really?do u know how could it affects the server?

just like epics lv4,it will make randoms harder to catch up,we controlled 90% epics already,ofc,any new boost will benifit us much than these randoms

be careful about anything making char stronger,it will only make the gap between the winners and rondoms,I think its the biggest reason ppl left here.

its an old server with long history,the reason we still here is this server is stable,its an old server with long history,new ppl already hard to catch up.

GM always think we are bored with the current content,actually we are bored about not enough active ppl here,these changes you think could attract new

ppl just make them want to go away.

ppl already proved these players playing here dont like this idea,and I explained why new ppl wont like this idea either.

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gm dont play in our server,I guess they dont know how these lv4epics and anakim/lilith runes affect this game.

they are huge boost and already changed the game.elements are worse.ofc our side will control the elements,dont know how could it affect others

Before you adding anything new here,fix the spammers first,ty!


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If it's going to increase the possibilities, I believe it's worth it, but keep the current interface and open the possibility of voting before implementing significant changes...

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On 1/11/2025 at 6:35 AM, lov30 said:

If it's going to increase the possibilities, I believe it's worth it, but keep the current interface and open the possibility of voting before implementing significant changes...


We are checking if it's possible to make it closer to what we currently have. ( for now working on returning name into Char stats ).

We can't have current interface but with new features, current client won't support them. First we will open test servers so players can check things in game, how it works, how it plays and then will start discussions.

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I would first recommend perhaps polling the community on if the changes you would like to implement are even desired.

For me personally, events aren’t very important and the last one was very bad. I am fine with passive events where you collect item and turn in for additional reward. These other tracking features you highlight are meaningless to me.

I think adding elemental stones would be a giant mistake - the power of our characters is already quite high.

In terms of actual content… perhaps Frintezza, Valakas, Hellbound tower, etc. could be added with current client? If that’s the case I think it is more than enough to keep sever interesting for many more years.

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On 12/21/2024 at 2:55 AM, deathangel said:


I don't think this atracts more people.  I've chosen this server due to classic class change quests +  absent npc buffers. 


I would rather improve end-game mechanics:

  •  Like craft of A gear (which is not possible due to high A Gem price and breaks spoil/crafting mechanism)
  • Or opening catacombs/necropolises 

Totally agree on the catacomb/necropolis part 😄

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The design is cool. We all wait it. Please make all new features possible. We play club for many years and change isn't a bad thing.

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