Horror DA

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Well, lvl 8 horror landed on 70 lvl char + lionheart + mental shield. I check on site and 8 lvl horror is 64 lvl skill. Is that even possible? Better check it

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I didnt get owned from a 64 lvl tank, a 70 lvl tank can't even kill me. Stop hating me that much man, im just curious how it works while lionheart gives 80% resist and you got resist from mental shield as well. Stun and fear are not the same debuffs,fish

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I didnt get owned from a 64 lvl tank, a 70 lvl tank can't even kill me. Stop hating me that much man, im just curious how it works while lionheart gives 80% resist and you got resist from mental shield as well. Stun and fear are not the same debuffs,fish

​i dont hate u, dont take me wrong, i consider u as joke

to the topic tho, lionheart doesnt give u 80% resist, it increases your resistance by 80%, so if your basic resistance is lets say 30%, then with lionheart it will be 54% (80% out of 30% is ~24%, so if u add them its 54% and not 80 as u think so)

edit: looks like description is written badly, and it doesnt work as i wrote

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I didnt get owned from a 64 lvl tank, a 70 lvl tank can't even kill me. Stop hating me that much man, im just curious how it works while lionheart gives 80% resist and you got resist from mental shield as well. Stun and fear are not the same debuffs,fish

​They are calculated the same with base landrates. But things like mental shield/MEN effect mental resistance and stun resist/CON effect stun attacks.

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CON/MEN doesnt help with resist on classic, And u ll always have chance to get debufed from enemy if u dont outlevelhim by 7 lvls. If it was like u think, for example on gracia final u would get zaken + antharas + resist shock+20 and u would never get stunned cos 30%+20%+50% resist, but %s dont sum up bro

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Men does have influence on necromancer 's fear, so i think it does have influence on horror as well. 

Con does have influence on stun resistance.

No stat has influence on anchor resistance.

(test server)

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CON/MEN doesnt help with resist on classic, And u ll always have chance to get debufed from enemy if u dont outlevelhim by 7 lvls. If it was like u think, for example on gracia final u would get zaken + antharas + resist shock+20 and u would never get stunned cos 30%+20%+50% resist, but %s dont sum up bro

​CON/MEN DOES effect resist on classic but I don't know the exact values, I'm assuming not so much it's all about the levels.

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Men does have influence on necromancer 's fear, so i think it does have influence on horror as well. 

Con does have influence on stun resistance.

No stat has influence on anchor resistance.

(test server)

​Then grats, u found a bug!

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If you are refering to this:

i did the same test not with 200 con, but with 80 con. In our test server, you become inmune to stuns. But if you go above 99 con, it "crashes" so i suppose that they failed there.

However, do you think that con "should not" increase stun resistance? because according to GoD and l2 wiki database, it should. Same with men parameter: it increases fear resistance as l2 wiki database and GoD says.

Anyway, we were talking about horror. Here is the test:

According to this, a 6 lvl difference is not sufficient to be inmune to horror. Lion heart helps, but still, there would be chances to not resist it. I dont know if mental shield is affecting it. If it does, dont know by how much.

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Fear is a mental attack, so I think it's safe to assume Horror acts the same way as Nuker/OL fear. Meaning mental shield does provide resistance.

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If you are refering to this:

i did the same test not with 200 con, but with 80 con. In our test server, you become inmune to stuns. But if you go above 99 con, it "crashes" so i suppose that they failed there.

However, do you think that con "should not" increase stun resistance? because according to GoD and l2 wiki database, it should. Same with men parameter: it increases fear resistance as l2 wiki database and GoD says.

Anyway, we were talking about horror. Here is the test:

According to this, a 6 lvl difference is not sufficient to be inmune to horror. Lion heart helps, but still, there would be chances to not resist it. I dont know if mental shield is affecting it. If it does, dont know by how much.

​yes i think it shouldnt give stun resist. If it gives its bug i believe. Sano should check it


All debufs were changed and caped to 90%. Dunno why stun would be exception

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Dex in status window description doesnt say that affects land rate of blow skills. But it does.

Same with skill critical rate on STR stat.

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I didnt get owned from a 64 lvl tank, a 70 lvl tank can't even kill me. Stop hating me that much man, im just curious how it works while lionheart gives 80% resist and you got resist from mental shield as well. Stun and fear are not the same debuffs,fish

​i dont hate u, dont take me wrong, i consider u as joke

to the topic tho, lionheart doesnt give u 80% resist, it increases your resistance by 80%, so if your basic resistance is lets say 30%, then with lionheart it will be 54% (80% out of 30% is ~24%, so if u add them its 54% and not 80 as u think so)

edit: looks like description is written badly, and it doesnt work as i wrote

​Yep true, damn. I wasn't reading carefully. But still there are so low chances to land on me this lvl skill. Shouldn't even be able imo, 6 lvls difference + buff resists. Also that's the same for others fears/anchors etc. I think im gonna reroll to a nice well made necro :D It gonna be fun and easy. (Don't start saying glad it's an easy char to play, please..)

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I didnt get owned from a 64 lvl tank, a 70 lvl tank can't even kill me. Stop hating me that much man, im just curious how it works while lionheart gives 80% resist and you got resist from mental shield as well. Stun and fear are not the same debuffs,fish

​i dont hate u, dont take me wrong, i consider u as joke

to the topic tho, lionheart doesnt give u 80% resist, it increases your resistance by 80%, so if your basic resistance is lets say 30%, then with lionheart it will be 54% (80% out of 30% is ~24%, so if u add them its 54% and not 80 as u think so)

edit: looks like description is written badly, and it doesnt work as i wrote

​I think im gonna reroll to a nice well made necro :D It gonna be fun and easy. (Don't start saying glad it's an easy char to play, please..)

​well, what i can say for sure its easier than it was in earlier chronicles, where u had different combos for different situations and no stun ;) also being a good necro isnt as easy as u think

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I didnt get owned from a 64 lvl tank, a 70 lvl tank can't even kill me. Stop hating me that much man, im just curious how it works while lionheart gives 80% resist and you got resist from mental shield as well. Stun and fear are not the same debuffs,fish

​i dont hate u, dont take me wrong, i consider u as joke

to the topic tho, lionheart doesnt give u 80% resist, it increases your resistance by 80%, so if your basic resistance is lets say 30%, then with lionheart it will be 54% (80% out of 30% is ~24%, so if u add them its 54% and not 80 as u think so)

edit: looks like description is written badly, and it doesnt work as i wrote

​Yep true, damn. I wasn't reading carefully. But still there are so low chances to land on me this lvl skill. Shouldn't even be able imo, 6 lvls difference + buff resists. Also that's the same for others fears/anchors etc. I think im gonna reroll to a nice well made necro :D It gonna be fun and easy. (Don't start saying glad it's an easy char to play, please..)

Low chances.. hmm. Ppl get drops thats like 0.001% so whatever u say about low chances.. ppl should rly learn to deal with things they dont like

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I didnt get owned from a 64 lvl tank, a 70 lvl tank can't even kill me. Stop hating me that much man, im just curious how it works while lionheart gives 80% resist and you got resist from mental shield as well. Stun and fear are not the same debuffs,fish

​i dont hate u, dont take me wrong, i consider u as joke

to the topic tho, lionheart doesnt give u 80% resist, it increases your resistance by 80%, so if your basic resistance is lets say 30%, then with lionheart it will be 54% (80% out of 30% is ~24%, so if u add them its 54% and not 80 as u think so)

edit: looks like description is written badly, and it doesnt work as i wrote

​Yep true, damn. I wasn't reading carefully. But still there are so low chances to land on me this lvl skill. Shouldn't even be able imo, 6 lvls difference + buff resists. Also that's the same for others fears/anchors etc. I think im gonna reroll to a nice well made necro :D It gonna be fun and easy. (Don't start saying glad it's an easy char to play, please..)

Low chances.. hmm. Ppl get drops thats like 0.001% so whatever u say about low chances.. ppl should rly learn to deal with things they dont like

​Im saying this cause I remember stunning with my 32 lvl warrior a 38 lvl archer and it was 0/15 stuns and there were no resist buffs back then. So please I don't have to deal with smth like that I don't like. I like it, it's fine for me the horror. It lasts 3 sec anyways with lionheart, I don't care, the fact was that landed.

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I didnt get owned from a 64 lvl tank, a 70 lvl tank can't even kill me. Stop hating me that much man, im just curious how it works while lionheart gives 80% resist and you got resist from mental shield as well. Stun and fear are not the same debuffs,fish

​i dont hate u, dont take me wrong, i consider u as joke

to the topic tho, lionheart doesnt give u 80% resist, it increases your resistance by 80%, so if your basic resistance is lets say 30%, then with lionheart it will be 54% (80% out of 30% is ~24%, so if u add them its 54% and not 80 as u think so)

edit: looks like description is written badly, and it doesnt work as i wrote

​I think im gonna reroll to a nice well made necro :D It gonna be fun and easy. (Don't start saying glad it's an easy char to play, please..)

​well, what i can say for sure its easier than it was in earlier chronicles, where u had different combos for different situations and no stun ;) also being a good necro isnt as easy as u think

​Yep I know, you needed full focus to make full dmg, not like now you need only 2 focus for full dmg or 4, it'd be better if there were no +12 dyes and no blaster-stun on gladiator here, i'd enjoy more the game like this. Necro is an very easy char to play, all mages are. All you need to know is how to kite ppl.

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I agree with you soil. I liked much more when there were +5 dyes and tyrant/glad needed lvl 7/8 force to maximize dmg (tyrant here). Now they made tyrant/glad easy chars for noobs :( plus blaster stun op

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