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CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club
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but after i go to ketra For 3 hour, and there start resping many champions, dropped 1 EAA 2 more EAA spoiled 2 recipe Recipe: Dragon Grinder (60%) From Ketra's Prophet 82 1 4% 4 key dragon grinder 8 tallum blade 10 spiritual eye key 2 soul separator 2 legion A top 1 sword of miracle key and 3 gemstone A yes, top key from group mobs and they a harder well it's obvious that the reward in Varka is very weak and the fact that the mobs there are a little weaker by 30-70% p def p atack doesn't matter coust its full group farm spot I dont thinks that need increase x times drop, just need improve spoil, and add champions to +- balance
i farmed more 5 hours today there thats all from few days, dont know exactly how many mobs i killed its spoil+ drop together 1- dc gaiter key (23 key) 2 dc breast key (10) 3 - tallum armor key (4) 4 - nightmare key (4) 5 - mj plate armor key (4) 6- mj robe key (3key) 7 - nightmare robe key (1key) 9- dk robe fabric (2key) %% drop working as system in l2db if to see on % dc key most many others less, so its ok, but its not worth it so low rewards, dc armor robe key for glocery sell only
My question is, you saying that in 2k mobs only parts you dropped is MJ heavy x2 and spoiled MJ heavy x1? Or other keys dropped also. If yes, which one and amount?
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CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club
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Live on 1!!!!! some Quests
yes priest only adena drop, so there only 2 mob with drop spoil and even without champions and bad % to spoil
Spoil (rates x1) Item name Amount Chance Animal Bone 2 - 14 75.8739% Animal Skin 2 - 14 75.8739% Coarse Bone Powder 1 60.3496% Asofe 1 15.0874% Sealed Tallum Stocking Fabric 1 2.5% Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture 1 1.6% Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric 1 1.1% Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric 1 1/125 Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric 1 1/125
Varka silenos medium= Adena 12304 - 40394 70% DROP=== Coal 1 50% Oriharukon Ore 1 5.55556% Soldier's Badge 1 5% Sealed Tallum Stocking Fabric 1 1.25% Ancient Relic 1 1% Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture 1 1/120 Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric 1 1/180 Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric 1 1/250 Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric 1 1/250 Sealed Tallum Stockings 1 1/3000 Sealed Tallum Tunic 1 1/12005 Sealed Dark Crystal Robe 1 1/14993 Sealed Majestic Robe 1 1/40000 Sealed Robe of Nightmare 1 1/40000
Varka Silenos Warrior Adena 14298 - 48246 70% Animal Bone 1 - 3 50% Animal Skin 1 - 3 33.3333% Coarse Bone Powder 1 10% Soldier's Badge 1 5% Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiter Pattern 1 2% Ancient Relic 1 1% Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern 1 1/150 Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern 1 1/200 Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern 1 1/350 Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern 1 1/350 Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters 1 1/3000 Sealed Dark Crystal breastplate 1 1/12005 Sealed Tallum Plate Armor 1 1/14993 Sealed Armor of Nightmare 1 1/34965 Sealed Majestic Plate Armor 1 1/34965 spoil === Seale Iron Ore 2 - 6 79.4514% Silver Nugget 2 63.5611% Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern 1 1% Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern 1 1/175 Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern1/175
Hello. Checking Champions with scripter. Can you please give me full drop information. You are focusing on MJ Heavy as I see, but from screen Priest doesn't have drop/Medium have Robes and Warrior have MJ Heavy, so 2000/3 = ~650 if we think that you killed same amount of mobs per type.
CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club
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stream on 🙂
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CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club
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Still not resping champions on this spot, Dion server, cheak it please. i killed 2000 mobs+- 0 champ, did updated clien a few times. and spoil from all mobs 1 mj heavy key lol, 2 drop. nice 1/175% spoilers looks useles still... but in toi tablet DROP 5.9% from easy 75 mobs 5.5kk adena on traders aden so price for mj heavy armor key should be? from x5-x7 mobs 81 lvl. with x10 times less. 55kk adena?/ x17 key for crtaft need + 60% create. .(varka 6-9 characters in party + active spoil, toi 3-4 enough +) you can say /here is high lvl and you exp/ spoil/drop together, but i know many more better way to exp, farm adena instead of varka. and can just w8 for drop its whole top A armor from Castle, epic farm auctions. So its ruined varka just with those settings for now. i remember you wanted to make some change for spoil+ craft instead of waiting of full drop from Raids, its doesnt work strategy still. its spot doesnt worth time still, even that mobs here more weak, then ketra for example less p def 60%/ p atack /x.1.2- 1.8 p.s i understand, that you have a many anothers work, its just my observations of a player with a good online and average understanding of the game
Still not resping champions on spot, Dion server, cheak it please. i killed 2000 mobs+- 0 champ((
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CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club
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good job, thanks
1) I will take a look into drop/spoil again a bit later after I finish current tasks. 2) Regarding spawn: TI Varka Silenos Warrior: Dion Varka Silenos Warrior: TI Varka Silenos Medium: Dion Varka Silenos Medium: TI Varka Silenos Priest: Dion Varka Silenos Priest:
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