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  3. ha ha exacly what i told after seed that , whats point for archers to have more skill while he got no mp for ones he always had ;D now he has more skill and still no mp to use them 😄
  4. What is the point of the archer AOE nukes? I'm grateful for quick shot -- it's quick and crits -- but why is archer now AOE nuker with no mana and no recharge bonus?
  5. Hello. I can't give you access to it, but can explain why we did it if you concact me via "Contact Us!", bottom right corner, on a forum.
  6. or main la2 wiki?
  7. Hello! How can I access to the l2wiki? it asks for an acc, i tried mine of forum and the ingame but doesnt work. Thank you very much.
  8. Another option is to remove drop on death, but it's a big shift in the game
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