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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/15 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    On the private server were I was playing from another game there was a Online/Offline indicator on the Website just a green/red light that showed when it was possible to log in or not, It wont be one of the priorities right now but in the future perhaps, its handy so people don't have to hammer the login button every 10 seconds And my compliments for all the work you guys are doing in the last days, how is sleeping coming ? Hairy
  2. 2 points
    Решил вспомнить молодость и начал потихоньку русифицировать клиент. Пока за 5 минут сделал только интерфейс, но планирую сделать полную русификацию и оставить англ язык с возможностью выбора. Так же могу попробовать вставить англ карту с возможностью переключения. ru.rar
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    As I was leveling in D.Elven starter area, I noticed some flying angels that had appeared in the distance. I knew that the direction I was looking at, was Rune Territory itself. Since that part of the map is covered by some kind of mist in this chronicle, I couldn't come over my curiosity and started to head towards the angels and Rune. I have drowned 2 times, but luckily I was able to get far enough to reach the location where the To Village and SoE puts you to Primeval and Rune Township. I have taken some screenshots on my journey and now I'd like to share them with you guys. It was a unique and amazing experience as I was wandering around a territory totally alone that shouldn't been there at all NPCs, MOBs were all missing, and the town seemed so clear and wonderful, Maybe I will try to go even further and reach the farthest point of the map during the OBT. Take care Shot00000.bmp Shot00001.bmp Shot00002.bmp Shot00003.bmp Shot00004.bmp
  5. 1 point
    Usually on weekends we work less, monday we will announce more important information.
  6. 1 point
    Good old times, NPC trolling players.
  7. 1 point
    ​Y si el que deja de jugar sos vos ???..o el lider de cp que creo la cuenta ???... queda re clavado el que la uso......no sean pelotudos.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    ​don't read this topic, or use google translaitor.
  10. 1 point
    PVP - Overlord Buffs: For mili - WC For Mage - Overlord
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    where can i buy world maps like we did in c1? So we drop them insted items
  14. 1 point
    ​I hope so.. if not, we both are not going play together... ​Or.. you could buy a premium account for two. I am sure two kids can afford 5$ each. ​2 kids? Oh man, I love people like you <3 ​If you are not a kid, and can't afford 5$ each... Then I can only pity you. ​Pity me then, I don't have the money and don't want to pay for something I can play for free. ​I pity you. Go ahead play for free. But if you cant play together, then you can't play for free anymore. So you will not play? Oh well, I will miss you. NOT ​We really don't have the money, if you don't have the answer, go ahead, let someone else answer my doubt and go live your life without triying to insult someone for your own happiness. My first hater, this is going to be fun, thanks ​Are you from the Phillipines? ​I think my nationality doesn't matter in this topic