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3 pointsSo, I just tested registration and authorization and have some comments and suggestions. At first sight these things might seem not so important, but in the end it all may cause a really bad first impression of your server, security issues and hundreds of forum topics like “Y CANT I REGISTER??!!”, “Y CANT I CONNECT??!!” and “SOME1 STOLE MY ACCOUNT OMG!!!” http://lineage2classic.com/register — website and LIVE-server account registration form has: Username field. It should be Account Name, isn’t it?No Password Confirmation field. It is useful, prevents from typos in a password.Uncomfortable order of fields. Most registration forms are ordered like Account Name, Email, Password, Password Confirmation, Security Code and people used to it.Bad error explanation implementation. Error message describes only one field at time and disappears after 4 seconds. Instead, it should indicate all the wrong fields with explanations, like on this forum registration form. Moreover, it should validate fields while typing — that would make registration faster and more comfortable. Unsafe field check implementation. It is implemented on a client side via JS so it could be easily hacked — edited and turned off. Instead, it should be working on a server side via PHP and AJAX.Rough error descriptions. They all must be the same style — short and clear, with no exclamation marks. For example, when I am trying to register an account with non-ASCII symbols in name it says “Username does not fit the name scheme: only a-Z and numbers are allowed, 2 to 64 characters”. Instead, it should say “Numbers and Latin letters only.”Weak Password rules. “Min. 6 characters!” is not enough. Obvious passwords (like 123456, qwerty, asdfgh, abc123, password, 1-2 repeating symbols, the same as Account Name) should be banned, space should not be counted in password length, minimum length can be raised up to 8-10 symbols. Moreover, it should calculate the password strength to encourage users to register safe passwords: long ones, with mixed cases, numbers and symbols. I would also allow using printable ASCII characters only, because I am not sure if other symbols will work in a game client.Incorrect Email length rules. It is not “Min 6 and max 30 characters!” According to RFC standards it is 3 to 254 characters long with maximum 64 characters long local-part. I would recommend using not regular expression but some good third-party function to validate email (like FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL in PHP) and leave error description simple “Invalid email.” Serious mistakes in the business logic. “Username is taken” error when email is taken, “Password min. 6 characters!” error when password is longer than 15 characters, “Username 2 to 64 characters” error when account name is 2 characters long.No email confirmation letter. It not only protects from bots, it also proves that user’s email is real and working. And it is not so hard to implement.http://account.lineage2classic.com/ — OBT-server account registration form: Has no error explanations at all. “Something went wrong, try again!” is really confusing.Has the same weak Password rules. Rules that allow register a password that consist of spaces only or contains non-ASCII — both of them do not work in the game client.Allows registering multiple accounts with the same email.http://lineage2classic.com/ — website authorization form has: Login field. It should be Account Name, isn’t it? Moreover, it should be Account Name or Email because most people have dozens of nicknames or pseudonyms that they use as their Username or Account Name and only a couple of emails. So authorization on the website with the email seems reasonable. Insecure error messages. “Wrong password, try again!” means “Account with this name is registered.” Captcha. It’s annoying. Is it really necessary here?I highly recommend fixing and improving all that before release. I also recommend implementing password recovery by email and password change on the website before release too.
2 pointsесли не знают кого брть, то надо брать того, кто гнет иначе его будт нагибать и мобы и игроки и он забьет. А люди . говорящие, что все классы хороши и все одинаковы просто не знающие идиоты, которые способны только кричать А кто гнет?=))) По моему тут много вариантов все зависит от предпочтения к расе и класу персонажа + умение играть.
2 pointsInteresting idea, but I don’t think it fits the Classic chronicle. This is supposed to be long term play chronicle. And if you spend let’s say 5 months leveling just to get to end game locations. You wouldn’t want it to be wiped after they add new end game locations to spend another 5 months leveling. You would like to go and try these new locations right away
1 point
1 point
1 pointI know they are busy with the project so I am giving them a free pass (for now) but if they don't sort out the language rules in game and forum people will be leaving. It is already getting bad press on Reddit and other Lineage 2 forums because of this, so the admins have to create some rules. It is not going to be easy, they are going to alienate some people but the rules should be made. It is supposed to be an international server with the English language as the language. If people can't or they don't want to adapt to that, they shouldn't be here. However if the admins have a different vision of this server (aka do and say whatever you want) they need to let us know, because I am not going to waste my time here. I saw on forum some people who used to run private servers so maybe admins should ask them for some help or guidelines in this field.
1 pointTak jsem ti ten post upravil, abys neřek... Upřímě: víc než borci, co prohlásí "můj spot" a vymlátí celou partu (a je mi úplně jedno, jestli to maj nafarmený legálne nebo ne), mě serou už jenom borci, co si honěj ego na foru kecama typu "cry much", kdykoliv se někdo zmíní o těch prvních (podle sebe soudím tebe, asi). Jak s tím souvisí "utápění lidí v random forum recruit klanu" to mi vážně uniká... PS: sorry, nechci tu flejmovat, ale tyhle chytrý kecy prostě fakt nesnášim...
1 pointSome people like turtles some trains, but it dosn`t mean you are influenced by a ram(male goat) peeing on himalayan peak!
1 pointесли не знают кого брть, то надо брать того, кто гнет иначе его будт нагибать и мобы и игроки и он забьет. А люди . говорящие, что все классы хороши и все одинаковы просто не знающие идиоты, которые способны только кричать А я сказал что они все одинаковы? я сказал что они все хороши не нужно придумывать, а если человек забивает на игру от того что он сливается пусть идет сервы с high рейтами либо уходит с л2 нафиг, на 1 рака будет меньше.
1 point
1 pointТип татуировки Могут использовать Тип татуировкиМогут использовать+СИЛ -ВЫН Все классы+ИНТ -ДУХ Маги+СИЛ -ЛВКВсе классы+ИНТ -МДРВсе кроме целителей+ВЫН -СИЛВсе классы+ДУХ -ИНТМаги+ВЫН -ЛВКВсе классы+ДУХ -МДРМаги+ЛВК -СИЛВсе классы+МДР -ИНТВсе кроме целителей+ЛВК -ВЫН Все классы+МДР -ДУХМистики
1 point
1 pointWell if develop this server will take 2 months i will wait 2-3 weeks more and i will play on official one. And i will pay 5euro/month than play here and pay for box. And no news isnt good for all. Yesterday i see little less peopel play on OBT than week ago.
1 pointAs promised, here is my color chat. Feel free to point out bugs or suggestions. Color chat by ve3k v2.2 Change log