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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/16 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Well i have to say that im really impressed about the server. Nice population, really nice features you can use. like the ah, gamble, newbee stuff, shop. im coming from the innova retail and im really happy that i found this server, cause innova give shit for eu people. since this server is open over 1 year i hope it will stay like this for long time. cya ingame name : Bemmel /sh
  2. 2 points
    Sekmes zaidime! Tikiuos istempsi ilgiau nei 40-50lv
  3. 1 point
    I'm not gonna say a lot about this I think everybody already noticed that Mental Sheild doesnt work, I mean it works very very bad I did a lot of test and mostly all of them like 7/10 silence when mental on 8/10 silence when mental off and it was same lvls gear only classes was different. And not only Silence but other debuffs as well I think if y not gonna fix it in 1.5 pls boost it at least in 2.0 I would like to hear what other ppl also think about this buff, cos to my mind it doesnt work as it has to be
  4. 1 point
    Dear friends! It's been a year since we joined this amazing project! And on behalf of all Admin team we want to thank every one of you for joining us, playing with us, complimenting us, criticizing us, loving or hating us, but mostly for trusting and supporting us! It's been an amazing year and we hope next will be even better! We will continue working for the greater good of the project and for our community to grow and enjoy its stay on our server. Thank you, guys and girls! We love you!     Best regards, Kse, San0, Koll
  5. 1 point
    Jesus, just stop QQ and keep exp ur 50+ lv char! Dont be a asshole, just bcuz we had a hardtime doesnt mean that everyone else has to. I think its a great update for newcomers and i truly believe that this will increase the population on server. And changing a little subject. I think that the giran harbor market should be changed to giran, many new comers go to Giran and see no market there at all and think its a dead server. And Giran market is very nostalgic, i wish i could see this full of ppl selling and buying again.
  6. 1 point
    as basicly everything that is a drop on this game, it is based on a chance, if you hunting the right mobs in the selected locations keep trying my young padawan, force will be strong with you and shall bring you herbs!!!
  7. 1 point
    Thank you. We expect with 2.0 even more people coming. 
  8. 1 point
    - Slightly increased drop chance for Herb of Progress.
  9. 1 point
    OMG are u kidding? Gz
  10. 1 point
    GJ with this move! ​Stop cry lol! and use this:
  11. 1 point
    they do not stack so they will take 1 inventory slot per herb. and they disappear after 10 minutes if you dont use them so no one will be able to stock tons of them. we thought about they being use when pick but that way we wouldnt have a safe way to prevent the high levels from using them. This way we can be sure that ppl higher then level 40 is not gonna take advantage out of it.
  12. 1 point