the biggest problem for archers is this class is not suatable for small group or solo,thats why ppl only play tyrant to solo
archers always be greatful for big pvp(more than 4pt vs 4pt)
so the biggest problem is not enough ppl here,there were some arhcers pts in the past years and they are useful, anyway this change looks interesting
Im a little disappionted that you dont want to touch other classes for now,ppl are so tired of some brainless classes such like DA and necro,but I can understand
your careful attitude about these changes and its good for this server.
if you reduce the land rate of fear it could ruin this class totally,but I think u can think about to reduce the debuff time from 9s to 3s,ppl fell sad due to they can do nothing
while landing fear,3s fear may help them to react before DA/necro's CD ready,increase the CD a bit is necessary too. the debuff of silent are the same