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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    This setup is great for both PVP and PVE with plenty of heals or mana to sustain, duing AOE can even use shots on mages for faster kills 1. SE2. Bish3. Sws4. BD5. EE6. Warlord7. Sorc8. Sorc9. Sorc (Can be changed to BH for more profit on PVE)10. Out of party PP for greater shield (58 )
  2. 1 point
    ​Идёт ОБТ 1.0. Скоро будет ОБТ 2.0. Дата открытия неизвестна.
  3. 1 point
    Hmmm...I want to share with you one of the best party set ups Few yers ago, my friend newbie to l2...like he played it for week or two..said to me...Lets make Party of dagger and bluff Baium all the time, and while he is spinning we shall Backstab him. So i will go for 9x daggers
  4. 1 point
    There is, however one significant problem with raidbosses on low rates - they are not where you farm. And moving around is either expensive, or tedious. But yea, you will see bosses like ghost guilotine or dragon lilly dead most of the time.
  5. 1 point
    first of all, those who played L2 before already know how to make adena, so getting gear won't be a problem for them. secondly, if people want to have competitive clans, they'll have to get skills too. and to get clan skills guess what you need: items from RBs. the drop rate of items itself doesn't matter, since if people will keep farming RBs on daily basis, be it common or epics, they'll get what they need eventually in due time. but if it's all "delusional" for you, then simply don't bother about it. SWS were never meant to be tankers, they're supporters just like BDs. However, since SWS will get a silence skill in classic, they might actually be a worse pain in the ass for healers and/or casters in general compared to what tanks can do, especially if you get rooted right after getting silenced.
  6. 1 point
    Search tru some posts with same problem, u will find link with solution Edit: here it is http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/590-gameguard-temporary-fix/#comment-7312
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    boa galera!! vo jogar de main swm!!!