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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/15 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    ​Honestly it's a lose lose situation for the devs, it's the same with companies. You don't state a date, and people get pissy because they have no information. If you do give them a loose ETA, they get pissy if ESTIMATED deadlines are not met. What amazes me is how people get wound up over this on a private server for a game that's ancient, Seriously, is your life so boring that if the server doesn't come up by the end of the month you're going to kill yourself? We all know there are bugs still floating around the server, and we all know these need to get fixed before live. So instead of bitching about a release date either go do something else or go beta test either way seeing multiple topics a day about the server opening is just annoying.
  2. 2 points
    ...is Aug 27th. I'm sure everyone concerned knows why. Just sayin'... EDIT: Alright then... It means it is the last day, when some information (mainly concerning WHEN) may stop/limit the exodus of players to another, very similar server, that launches the next day. I know this is frustrating, and i kept my own impatience at bay so far, but this is no longer just few spoiled kids crying, this is THE breaking point for many, many people...
  3. 1 point
    rofl I'd never join a pure russian shithole server, I dont really mind russians playing in na/eu servers but I would not play on a ruskie server
  4. 1 point
    it's been already explained before. it was said that the rates would have been x3 from Classic, not default. so in the end it should be 1/2 rates compared to 1/6 from offi, at least on EXP, drop and spoil. Adena-wise should be the same as offi, since it got increased on offi as well with recent patches.
  5. 1 point
    most EU/NA people won't bother to migrate over there anyway, since that server will be for the 99% made of russians. hell, even the forum was full russian with just ENG as sub-section language. in any case, making new threads about this situation day after day after day until the end of august won't change anything. if you can wait for fixes, good, if not just move on and that's it. no point in stressing over it on daily basis, especially when it's all about a private server project.
  6. 1 point
    It's because website account doesn't share same database than OBT account. Your account created on your first post work on OBT only.
  7. 1 point
    try this for website account http://lineage2classic.com/register ​game account http://account.lineage2classic.com/ for game account you need to make letters and numbers exp: classic1230 pass: classic1230
  8. 1 point
    Staff should come clean with the players. There are still many bugs in game, how you are going to launch it by the end of this month?
  9. 1 point
    We will announce a live date "very soon"!
  10. 1 point
    august will not happen! once again boys.... get ready for this. 23. aug now. 7 days of promoting will never be enough to introduce the server to new people, never ever. the staff know it and they will not bring it live, just talking nice till end of august.
  11. 1 point
    considering the facts, i'm already prepared for a postponed date. if we're lucky, maybe we'll be able to play in september :v
  12. 1 point
    tranquilos gente son errores que se solucionaran rapido seguramente y agosto no terminara y estaremos en vivo ajjajajajajajajjajajajajjaajajajajjajajajajajajjajajaajajaajjaja
  13. 1 point
    its extremely rare to happen unless your are red and everyone dealt with it just fine the first time around. you drop shit and your friends help you get new stuff. so either make good friends or play very carefully