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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/15 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    What was the problem to fix it earlier? You know that you are creating a gap between richer players and poorer, right? ​Iron Logic LOL. Maybe admins shouldn't fix party bug then because it will make lowbies be able to start leveling with full party and you couldn't? Or mabe let them stop working on bot protection cus it will make a gap between players cus some had a chance to bot and others won't? Every1 had same adena drop rate. And every1 will have same adena drop rate (just smaller). Wtf is your problem? ​ Adena drop was fixed and working as it should be = 70% chance (amount stayed the same) Change log will be posted in nearest future What was the problem to fix it earlier? You know that you are creating a gap between richer players and poorer, right? ​Iron Logic LOL. Maybe admins shouldn't fix party bug then because it will make lowbies be able to start leveling with full party and you couldn't? Or mabe let them stop working on bot protection cus it will make a gap between players cus some had a chance to bot and others won't? Every1 had same adena drop rate. And every1 will have same adena drop rate (just smaller). Wtf is your problem? ​ Adena drop was fixed and working as it should be = 70% chance (amount stayed the same) Change log will be posted in nearest future ​You dumb? What about new players? Why they couldn't make 70% adena drop right in the beginning of the server? I am not talking about myself coz I already made 5kk+ and getting my full C grade gear, I am talking about smaller lvl players that will struggle to get that gear with 30% more effort than I had to. Doesn't seem fair, does it? You or dumb enough to understand this simple concept?
  2. 3 points
    Why it was made only now? Because now economy changes, and some of the players will go to minus, because of new change.
  3. 2 points
    Ok guys. i dont understand why would u do that 20 days after server starts. do u realize how much economic will change and how many ppl will leave? we can take the bugged spoilrate ( sometimes not even 1x for some mobs) and now u revert the adena rate? is this for real? if its not gonna change back to 100% many ppl will start leaving including me and my group. best regards but still completly unprofesional . bots farmed Shittons of adena for top D/C gear and now the gap between the new players and the Old players is completly unreachable. do u realize that?
  4. 2 points
    ​ most of the players will just leave. what minus u are talking about. big "professional" staff we have right here. i wont even say that its IMPOSIBLE for new players to reach somehow the old players? do u realize that? tired of this kind of servers. all they care is the money they made after oppening.
  5. 2 points
    so.. First, America was a country, now is a language too.. interesting. It will be a world soon supp for the english channel
  6. 2 points
    I can't decide whether you're a genius or too naive
  7. 1 point
    buenas! soy cleric lvl 25, tengo ademas 1 spoiler y juego con 2 amigos, un wc y un ty. andamos en busca de clan / cp. solemos jugar despues de las 3 de la tarde (hora arg). Venimos jugando hace muuuucho, jugamos en clanes y en cp y nos amoldamos a cualquier modalidad. siempre que haya objetivos claros, buena onda y predisposicion. Cualquier cosa, whisp in game Shankar, Magosha Kasha o Sebastian. Gracias !
  8. 1 point
    Works. PS: Seems change chat colors don't Works with this program.
  9. 1 point
    As long it don't interfere with others gameplay and don't give u advantage over others its allowed
  10. 1 point
    "It was also mentioned that it would be difficult for beginners only. Don't worry, for them we have prepared a Starting pack that includes everything you need for more than comfortable start with not much of Adena use. Starting pack, with obvious reasons, will be implemented only with the bot protection." From:
  11. 1 point
    If you cant compete I guess you should shut your business up
  12. 1 point
    I would like to share with you seen the video shot during the conducting the event, it was very cool to be among the large audience gathered administration A little late with the video on technical issues. Maybe somebody will find yourself
  13. 1 point
    ​на руоффе с сосками качаться начали месяца через 3, а то и больше... По словам, шанс выпадения сделали таким, как он должен быть. Вы или не играли в хард, или я хз. Хотите халявы - куча пвп серваков с бешенными рейтами. Это игра, где необходимо пользоваться услугами спойлеров, крафтеров и т.д. Бесплатная игра в 1 окно создана для того, чтобы игроки организовывались в пати, а не солодрочили с трейнами, рейты подбираются так, чтобы нужны были все профы, в т.ч. живые гномы, а не окна и чтобы крафтились все вещи. А вы хотите всё и сразу. Ну серьезно, руофф достиг капа на 3 месяца раньше Кореи и по итогу превратился в болото, потому что кто-то трейнил по 24/7, а кто-то спокойно играл по 3-4ч. ​на х3 халява, бегаю палус кнайтом изи ваще ( ОФК БЕЗ СОФТА ) - делаю профу на бдшку, сосок бесконечное кол-во есть, и революшен и пре топ дуалы, брига, фулл Д бижа, у друганов также у нас даже суппорта нету, крафт да варк и куча физов разных мастей на х3 игра не заставляет людей думать головой, собираться в группы, рпавильно с высоким кпд использовать свое время ты можешь выйти из города пойти качаться один, в паре с кемто, можешь в фул - вообще похуй по сути на х1 все совсем по другому - игра тебя тупо не пустит к 40 лвлу, если ты долбоеб - или у тебя слабый пве класс ( любой кнайт например ) будешь крутиться, думать башкой , знакомиться с людьми эти хроники не для х3 ребята - вот какие мысли плотно засели в голове последние 2 дня + тут еще в последний день перед релизом внедрили внезапный донат с трейдебл колами, и фул бот сервак, где люди даже не общаются между собой, никто никого не бафает, очень грязная и недружелюбная атмосфера это фисто фан сервачок, какой хардкор лол заходишь в круму - агро в голема, он идет за тобой как даун ( агро не собьется никогда ) - твои пацаны его с сосками бьют просто в спину и все дроп со снайпа 14-18к адены ( был 100% шанс ) тоесть 2-3 снайпа в час и вы уже руду на сосочки окупили , ну и много всего такого
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    adena drop rate isnt 100% after rr.. same was yesterday for a while.. and u delete my topic...
  16. 1 point
    ​It was bug. We get report about it. We fixed it.
  17. 1 point
    ok but still 20 days after starting ? do u realize how much the economy will change?? instead of making it COMPLETLY imposible for new ppl to close the gap better leave it the way it is? imo this is completly dumb. 20 days of 100% adena droprate and now to 70% ( Even less beacuse green mobs have lower then 70% chance.) ok. economy fucked already. i dont see any point for me and my friends to stay here. less new players and more players will start to leave. its just waste of time . even if u bot 24:7 u still cant catch the 40+ players already beacuse u wont be able to farm with shots now. idk how ur staff came to this decision but its completly nonsence. im feeling bad enought that ive spend more then 2 weeks here.
  18. 1 point
    ​for u maybe is good when u are 40+ with TOP D or C items how dumb u have to be to aprove this change? still looking for staff answer just to know if its worth to waste time here.
  19. 1 point
    Dear friends! Our 4th Flash mob was a success as always! Really nice to see how it becomes tradition And now photo report from that amazing event! Enjoy!
  20. 1 point
    Yupp.... This is getting nowhere, admins showing tolerance to bots, decreasing adena rate which in return will make this server's shadow even bigger. Aw and all the bugs.
  21. 1 point
    What was the problem to fix it earlier? You know that you are creating a gap between richer players and poorer, right?
  22. 1 point
    This is drop from this mob by Classic 1.0 base. Адена ()24 — 5670%
  23. 1 point
    ​Innova is the master company of pay to win. look at their L2 and Aion servers it's ALL ABOUT pay to win, you seriously think the classic server is not going to be pay to win? loolll
  24. 1 point
    ​Про этот "главный баг" админ рассказывал: у них не было возможности его справить, они не программисты NCSoft, но в данный момент наняли реверс-программистов, которые стараются пофиксить, и при этом не поломать что-то ещё. Это не быстро, на подобное нужно время. Если ты такой вумный, то скажи, что и где им нужно исправить - сразу сделают. Если не столь умён, то просто подожди. ​довольно забавно читать в 2015 году о том, что у админов нет специалистов.Сразу возникает вопрос о том, что за команда стоит во главе сервера и откуда у них сборка ​Ну в конце концов они только админы, а не разрабы, но то что они фиксят баги по возможности это уже хорошо) они уже пофиксили больше багов чем админы некоторых фришек за несколько лет)
  25. 1 point
    Â El clan Targaryens recluta gente, podes wispearme a BiyPass o al lider Lion. Tambien puedes enviarme un MP y arreglar para vernos. Ts:Â ts3.targaryens.com Te esperamos!
  26. 1 point
    buenas, hace mucho que no juego al l2 pero me gustaria comenzar algo de nuevo, hay algun clan argentino reclutando o alguna cp en formacion? todavia no cree mi pj, juego de lo que sea
  27. 1 point
    Clan serio Targaryens recluta: Estamos buscando gente activa con experiencia ya que pretendemos llevar el clan a lo mas alto. TS: ts3.targaryens.com Podes wispearme a BiyPass o al lider del clan Lion, como tambien podes mandarme un mp al foro para arreglar un encuentro. Los esperamos! Â
  28. 1 point
    WTF are you talking about? if you wanna play 100% pvp just go to another server, 99/100 servers are full pvp, you don't even need to use bots because you already have free equipment and level. Get the fuck out of our server, it is for old school players.
  29. 1 point
    What the fuck is wrong with you, i hope you're just a troll and nothing more. And if it's a real suggestion then you're really dumb or what? Worst thing is to believe botting is hard and be proud to set correctly a bot. You have to make a effort to bot REALLY? If you think like that then it' sad, really sad.
  30. 1 point
    I'd much rather have a server of 100-200 real players than a server completely full of bots. Doesn't make sense to compromise anti-bot policies because it will lower the amount of people online. Any functional server is built upon the efforts of real players, not fake ones.
  31. 1 point
    Сорк, СХ, Некр... Не хватает только СпС-а. "Go, go, Power Rangers!"
  32. 1 point
    After finish with bot protection we will make new chat option with hwid check and etc. So for adena sellers will be harder to spam.
  33. 1 point
    Update: Shilen oracle 25 - Merilen - раздавам empower ако съм покрай вас с буфера пм