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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Sonic Blaster - Problm in here is with description translation, the skill does not need forces to be used. what they failed on the translation part is, it increases power when using charges and this power increased by consumption is limited to 2 charges.  to sum up: doesnt need charges to be used.it increases the dmg with every extra charge it uses.maximum of 2 charges are consumed to increase the power.Sonic Storm - You are correct its not increasing power upon charge consumption but its also not consuming the charges.   Sonic Buster - It is increasing power when it consumes charges. about the rest is also translation errors on l2 wiki that we have fixed on our server, it shouls consume 3 stones and power up on 2 charges not the other way around. we dont have it wrong, l2 wiki has it with wrong text.   so the only real problm here is the Sonic Storm function of consume charge to increase power not working.
  2. 1 point
    Hi, I dont know if its bug or intended change, but since 1,5 patch, drop rate of pob in cruma IS EXTREMELY DECREASED. Before update (on 1,3) i could farm around 10-20 pob in 20 min buff round, and now if i get 3 pob in 1h im lucky. Im playing here 2 months. I made clan with friends. We rly miss clan slots. We have clan lvl 3. We have more or less active ppl in clan but with 30 ppl max, its hard to get 9 ppl online to make 1 pt working and go farm together. And im talking about ONE PARTY WORKING. I think clan is supposed to be group of few partys that can cooperate. I saw u made a thread with suggestions about bringing more new ppl to the server. 1 guy made a good suggestion to make clan lvl 4 easir. Its big problem at the moment. U can have only 30 ppl in clan and u need 5000 pob to increase clan lvl. We tried to farm pobs and we got 5 pob in 2h cruma aoe.. Maybe increase pob drop rate or decrease the 5000 requirement? Or keep it hard but increase number of players in lvl 3 clan?
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    ​You need something to attract new players. Server is quite old already so imo the way to go is to make leveling 1-40 easier. The game slowly starts to shape after you are 40+ before its just a pain. TBH pre-40 there is not much to enjoy. Pre 35 you barely can find a party as a nuker, any other class requires a bow to raid. And if you raid you hope that someone brings high level buffer for a raid and people have C grade bows so you can do it below 20min. You care so much about D grade market that beside top weapons and brig helmet/mithril gloves does not exist. People want to hit 40+ to enjoy clan parties and catch up more levels to factors and perhaps join sieges and wars. Nobody wants to lag behind. Do you know the feeling when you are level 30 you join raid party as a human knight with ng armor and top NG bow while 7 other members have top weapons / top +4,5,6,7 bows? Its "maybe I should start on some fresh server". 7 out of 9 lowbies are geared twinks.What actualy is not bad because it means there are new players around. Make server new-player friendly advertise it as such and the word will spread around that it is worth starting on because it is possible to catch up.
  5. 1 point
    ​Администрация тут вроде и вправду хорошая, но вот, как вы написали, "обманщиков", на рынке достаточно много. каждый день встречаю по 2-3 гнома, которые в гиран харборе продают шоты меняя количество и цену (к примеру 8 шотов Д по 7658аден). Мне в целом пофиг натакой развод (а вот новичок, у которого всего 200к аден и обидется может =)) ), но можно было бы и по ip или железу за такие штуки банить... ну там на 1 день к примеру, чтоб не повадно было. ​Банят. Но они регают нового перса и сидят заново.
  6. 1 point
    you are da. keep moving on raid party, and you never get mp dwon till 0.yo uare getting mana regen when runing passive skill.
  7. 1 point
    ​A thread similar to this was the moon quest, and the whole debacle towards whether or not the moon quest should be implemented or not. People were against it because "It was against the spirit of classic", l2 is supposed to be "hardcore", and ruin the non-existent d-grade armor market. First class changes should be free though. No one wants to do that crap. Hell make 2nd class change free. We've been playing l2 for how many years now? I've done those quests way too many times. Or make it so you can donate for 2nd class change for all I care. No one wants to do those quests. They're anti-fun. Also advertise once in a while on www.reddit.com/r/lineage2 ------ Making some sort of academy system that gives out proof of bloods? To give incentive to top players to help level up noobies. Was something I also had in mind. Or even special tokens where you can buy certain hats with.
  8. 1 point
    1. If ppl wanted a really hardcore server they would go to the oficial one which is x1 and not a x3 server. 2. If ppl really wanted a classic server they would go to a c4 or c5 one, what ppl dont like are the one winged chickens, 122344244lvls, z1000armors etc.... The only thing u achieve Now by not adding new content to help new players is to increase the number of bots, ppl report bots, they get banned, they go to another server, no new players = old players get eventually bored and leave the server. Just by adding for example herb drops to solo zones would make a great difference without the need to give gear
  9. 1 point
    I would suggest, to make it easier to create clan community. lvl 3 clan is obtainable at OK rate. However 30 ppl is very low number, if you are not playing hardcore and running constant party system. Our clan for example has no constant party structure. And it is very hard to fit semi-active ppl in clan to have some kind of farming/lvling going in 1 clan. We have lost some ppl due to them being forced into alt-clan which has lower activity and clan chat is almost dead. So they got bored without interaction and left server. Maybe you could lover the amount of PoB needed for clan lvl or drastically increase drop chance. Before 1.5 we were able to farm 1-5 PoB per buff round. After 1.5 it dropped down to 1-2 PoB per hour. With 5000 needed for clan lvl 4 it is 2500-5000 farming hours. Unreal Also more clans at lvl 5 means more aliances and you can use aliance chat to socialize with lower levels which makes them feel more engaged in the game and keeps them playing. You dont need to give clan skills to new clans, with ppl playing you can get skills quite easy. --- The idea for free items is not that good. I wouldn't mind to make NG pack last until lvl 20 and give out more than 3 buff packs. Then you can introduce this quest for D grade armor. Fun way to get free D gear.
  10. 1 point
    da delete na pasta system e corre o update de novo. s mesmo assim nao funcionar ou se tiveres algum problema com o updater, tenta fazer download do patch directo do site.
  11. 1 point
    ​I think that is a good idea, to implement some other farming spots for POBs. Because right now to collect 5000 pobs, seems impossible - Added Proof of Blood drop to some new locations: Forest of Mirrors - Taik Orc Captain.Cemetery - Taik Orc Supply LeaderFields of Massacre - Doom ServantChanges in the test server
  12. 1 point
    The number 1 is really important. I notice it a lot on RB. I don't really know about number 4. Does Soulles have more p atk than shadow in official classic server? Maybe they changed it in the classic files.
  13. 1 point
    ​Most intelligent response I've seen you make on these forums.
  14. 1 point
    Starter Package D grade will kill the market of the D grade. That's why you canceled the quest to armor of moon. In this patch Adena drops a lot. Her enough to buy better armor and weapons. I'm against. We need something else.
  15. 1 point
    Bribe PlayShelly and let her stream from our server or... find cute female already playing here to stream on Twitch Such a combo Sweet Girl + LineAge 2 is a killer