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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    hey, stuppid monkey, re-read it again, the low epics should be strengthened, not weakened
  2. 2 points
    With respect to all the enemies and allies, new compilation for past 2 months:
  3. 1 point
    we have an average level of 70+ on our server, maybe it's time up low epics(aq/core/orfen) to 70+ and strengthen them?
  4. 1 point
    idk why people are so mad, but it would actually be good idea. atm ppl log their necros and kill orfen in 3 mins. But making rb 75 lvl for example it means ppl will have to use their mains to kill orfen. Will people level their necros to 75 to farm rb as soon as his spawns? ofc not. we are lazy, we dont do that. So I see only positives here. p.s. this server already has no pvp. This one will make ppl fight for Orfen and other epics. EU vs China if it spawns early in eu time, EU vs Br if spawns EU late, BR vs China etc. p.s. u think randoms will steal your epic, that means u dont deserve that epic so stop crying
  5. 1 point
    Actually I think is good idea to make them like 75/76 so hitting with 78 lvl won't give drop penalty the best thing from this will be more pvp on actual main setups, will bring something new in farm strategies if mby for example, fix that fire resist on aq so high lvl sorc would be a good thing to have, power up they're skills etc according to lvl Somehow I would see it like a normal thing to "evolve" this low epics to curent server status and lvl. and I can't really see any disadvantages of this, is not like any lowbie clan/ally is farming them or has any chance, is still big boys competing for them so let them fight properly with big guns it will only make game more intresting and force people into more pvp
  6. 1 point
    stfu Pose, u pked 1st day playing with us with 20pk char with 24kkk+ equipment on u
  7. 1 point
    Nrolla change class to aw and go show to this bourgeois who is daddy here
  8. 1 point
    finally even pleb gear dagger looks playable
  9. 1 point