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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. UP UP, come have fun with us! still lf BP or person who want reroll to one.
  2. More excuses. Nevermind, I don't want to read them no more. Losing time, you lost. Didn't even have any MA only chaosand your bad gameplay as a bishop. This is not how organized party works. You are too sure of anything, but in the end seems like you are all that what @DerMeister said. Battlefield will resolve everything, and it will be sooner than u think. GL, HF grow up. This game seems whole your life.
  3. You failed by resing ee, and ee even didn't stand while at the same time you could heal pipiska so he wouldn't have to bsoe. I thought, that is the ganja and was asking how many vs how many was that fight, not that you challenge me. About challenge? Ok, we complete cp and no problem for me to fight you. It's a lame excuse for dying against bunch of lower lvl second classes rly.
  4. Thank you! We still need lvls to be honest, only I am 76. Lowest lvl of our party is 71 atm. A lot of work but we will get there.
  5. Not a bad boy, nor a forum warrior anymore. Just giving a proofs to my words instead empty words. cya on the battlefield.
  6. U talk too much but fail as a bishop. Speaking about PR. How many bsoes were used in this video? Don't answer, it's rhetoretical question. @realKingLeonidas @ZacMan @axzp
  7. I don't consider that fail gank, 4 guys against 3-4 third classes with dances, us without dances and yet I still only one third class from us kill two of you.
  8. That Myrciu is killing machine
  9. Doesn't matter. Wartag does not mean hate, at least not for some ppl. gl in the battlefield
  10. Video soon, now gtfo from this topic with your trash
  11. Dude, I just no more take part in your retarded forum fights. All day all night you can fight like this with WS. Im here to play the game not argue who is better. Stop trashing every thread with your drama. Rly Drama Team name fits you.
  12. Not gonna argue with you. You are just another angry SM on sight. Not worth the time
  13. Stop bullshitting dude. We are in "neutral" state with perkunas athought Bizz say we are war. But not war declared, or nothing. Just because we have war with you not them doesn't mean we are perkunas side.
  14. We are not looking for WC anymore but, we still looking for BP and EE
  15. Best gladi region Africa <3
  16. Myrtan


    Back in action, Lost 4% without a clan but worth
  17. Hello! Violence CP is back on the server and we currently looking for: BP Min lvl. 68 (But if you have lower still can contact us) What we offer? -Organized party -Fun -Clan with CH and Castle (Jungle Forces) What we expect? -Refering prime time -Playing for fun -Helping CP members For more info. pm KingLeonidas, Myrciu, Zacman propaganda video.
  18. 5€ will solve the thing, unless it's not first time ban
  19. Myrtan


    Dobra ekipa, Darmowe UP ode mnie
  20. Oh no, Im #EXPOSED I like my fans