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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan

    Oly points?

    So it depends of performance? I mean, your HP at the end of the fight or something and by better performance you can get more points right?
  2. Myrtan

    Oly points?

    Hello, I take part in oly and I made 20 victories, and 10 loses, and as you can see here are my points (14) I checked other chinesse duelist and he has somehow 16 points, but have same situation like me (20 victories, 10 loses) Maybe I don't understand scoring cuz it's my first oly ever. Is that bug or something else? Thanks
  3. I just wonder how can someone call you bad person when they don't know you in real life. Cmon, do they expect to treat them good when they never do it?
  4. Myrtan

    First month 2.0

    What can I say, epic video, epic party
  5. My old form is much worse than this. Trust me Rather than this, you should see how your fellow ally members behave in forum. It's only blind hate and I'm not like this anymore.
  6. Stop raging, we will have posibilities to have pvp in the near future. Now we are getting ready Chill, calm your tits
  7. @pistolas you just got owned, with bigger level and better equipment. Deal with it
  8. Violence CP will be back with full force sooner than they think <3
  9. Myrtan


    That's why I can point them out, so he knows next time.
  10. Myrtan


    I suck but it doesn't change the fact targeting of this guy is awfull in this video.
  11. Totally agree, it's psychological war. You rush, they move back and that's advantage for you. No smart archer or nuker let gladi or destro get close to him.
  12. Even in mass pvps, fighter party is useless for kiting. Our job is to rush the enemy after mage/archers kiting with full force, and make the enemy back up. Ofc I don't mean to rush first seconds you meet the enemy before mages/archers join.
  13. If melee party have one gladiator + one wl, it can't kite enemy in mass pvp. Unfortunately, Melee party is not for kiting, from all kiting, glad will lose most MP, because blaster is very costly in matter of mp usage. Melee party job is, to attack at the right time bro, wth full force. Attack enemy, make them run, then mages can do the job against running enemy. It's psychological war, if you rush enemy mage/archer party with fighters, stun them and kill one or two, you make them back up, then your mages can push forward. Kiting with melee is bullsh1t, when two classes can do something only, rest can just stand back. Gladiator with banana, and WL with that range stun, while archers + mages full party can kite succesfully. About Sensei, it's that skill less bishop from SM Kyrios. He hates everything what is related with JF, no wonder his life is all that fame in this game. Not worth the time bro.
  14. Wonder why you haven't realised that fellow gladi from ur ally agreed to this bullshit. Are you really that one sided, blind idiot who will criticize every single JF member not looking at ur own? Just because he has JF crest above his head. Damn, you are so obsessed...
  15. Yes, and no fun in pvp. With sonic rage burning mana is not that bad. Are you a gladi or retarded version of wl @Arcanum?
  16. Who cares about mana at the end of the fight?
  17. Myrtan


    Ok if we ever had full squad like you. Unfortunately we are in stage of rebuilding. Missing 3 important classes for melee cp so can't rly compare. I'm not criticizing your video, I just point out whenever we put unfair fight, SM experts coming and screaming that this fight was unfair blah blah. So u got me wrong, you put indeed really good clips just don't understand some commenting hypocrites. That's all mate
  18. Myrtan


    Wonder where are those SM experts who completely ignore the fact in one clip you have 3 parties against 1,5. Why aren't they screaming here that is not worth the video? Also look at targeting from this DH duelist 4:40 min (My eyes bleeding)
  19. Honest gladiator. Classes that need buff are all daggers. They are pathetic weak compared to other classes. Can't rely on Pose video. Few good actions and probably thousand failures and deaths. For example you backstab Necro, he cast fear, u cast trick, don't work his fear lands and you know what happens "GG"
  20. Duelist is already too strong and one of the strongest class in L2.
  21. Yes, because it's nice way to travel. If they disable them, I want striders to be in the server so we still can travel on mount