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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. No, my friend, it's not about playing. You just are arrogant and toxic trash who forgot what games are for. When comparing you to Stiba, sorry but you are a lot more retarded with your behaviour in forum also in game. Like a little angry teenager who treat every conflict here like it was real life. Im glad I realized how retarded I behaved, so Im not anymore like you. p.s. don't even try excuse your behaviour with trolling, it can't be believed
  2. @MyrmidonAch keep me out of your absurdity
  3. Fake, admins can check how much adena I have sent without getting any items. Stop trolling dude, guy who created this topic must have rly boring life And Im the literally last person that makes tons of adena, because I hate crafting/spoiling etc.
  4. Don't need to start again, you guys doing it perfectly fine for me
  5. You all are mega zorgzors, all continously flooding this forum with useless flame and keyboard fighting here who is better. Isn't trashtalking in game enough for you? That is getting boring rly, always the same people blah blah blah all the time.
  6. If it is about the money (adena) no one will care what lvls are you, just will think about the profit. Im helping my lower lvl friend with high lvl TH to farm it, and we share profit. This "3)Get Rekt" is what leaded your dagger friend to cry for half of the day in Aden and also spam my pm how Im killing newbies, because your friend PR pked my bro.
  7. Myrtan


    Wonder how much did he pay
  8. Myrtan


    This party is kinda cool, one CP against whole serve. GG guys respect from me
  9. Myrtan


    He don't play in this server anymore, he relogged in castle before siege and when you took the castle, he logged and was inside. So he made video bait to make you mad in forum Chill guys, it's quite funny. He will be now stealth assasin, trying pk afkers cuz he delogged there. Watch your backs.
  10. There is a reason why basically everyone used to play Mage. Gladi without its range stun would lose every single pvp with Mage. And archers are supposed to stun and kill the Mages even tho many times fail and die two hits. So please...
  11. Myrtan


    Napisz pm do osoby o nicku Pajcik, moje ziomki i szukają drivera na coś. Może i się załapiesz. W pełni PL ekipa lvle 60+
  12. Myrtan

    OL LF CP

    If you wish to reroll to WC, I can take you to dagger pt project
  13. Myrtan


    Kur... A mam właśnie SWS-a 73 wolnego powodzenia na servie
  14. Myrtan

    First days with TH

    Can't expect loyalty when you treat your allies like pure meatshields. Cya
  15. Myrtan

    First days with TH

    Wonder when were these positions with 0 allies, just you and few your friends against all without wars fighting for -4 because this is your clan's politics but you are too loyal to leave it and go somwhere else. Don't tell me about loyality, JF is in deep sh1t now yet still Im here, and didn't leave with my party. Get your facts straight.
  16. Myrtan

    First days with TH

    And where is the reason why shouldn't I use hide? This is how I play, this is how I will record my gameplay and I can be newbie dagger for you I dont really care. If I gank with hide, I record ganks with hide. I don't have yet a full party to record good pvps with it. I don't have alliance to record good pvps in mass fights. About this SH, he attacked me first while I was farming not me, I automatically used hide to not die. Annd stop about this JF logic bullsh1t. If you were on my place, you would aready switch side or stop playing. Not at all constructive criticism, just stupid comment, so I won't even start discussion.
  17. Myrtan

    First days with TH

    You don't take into account that switch land rate is +/- 25% on a guy with mental shield lvl 4. Also appearing out of nowhere behind enemy back many times makes him panic cuz guy wasn't prepared at all. So taking your good advice I run to Necro, he sees me, uses fear because it's very fast casting. If fear lands, I'm dead. By the way I approached both necros they panicked, one tried to fight but luckily for me nothing landed and I was very close to them so I could hit. When I see bigger group like you see in the fight with TFD I don't use hide from beginning because I have chance to use hide and survive in pvp. But if target is single, it's all about psychology and I have no fear that I have to use hide to survive because in most cases they panick. And I'm sorry Im not able to take part in mass pvps, because I don't have full alliances behind my back. Give me rational reason why shouldn't I use surprise element in pvps against one guy where I don't see the big risk of losing.
  18. Myrtan

    First days with TH

    This is how you play with TH. TH is not gladiator, you must be sneaky and attack unexpected. I can't win with Necro who see me running to him from miles away. Try to play dagger here and you will see that this class must use everything to minimize risk of losing pvp. After I get out of hide they still have chance to fight back anyway.
  19. Myrtan

    First days with TH

    Not sure if you saw my first videos with glad. I just started, can't master this class in a week. Especially that I'm used to gladiator playstyle and buttons for my macros.
  20. Myrtan

    First days with TH

    So you shouldn't even comment. That would be better for you because you know nothing Jon Snow