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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Dude, you don't know me in real life. How I act for random people in that retarded forum is one thing, and how I act in real life is the other. Funny thing when SM were saying many times how good their CPs are and were fighting here in forum with Stiba not long ago you didn't say nothing. The thing here is simple, mass have voice. So if SM spamm your post with their bullsh1t, they are the ones who are right, because always voice of masses counts more and is louder than voice of single person. I wonder Demoss, is that personal hate on me or you are trying to be the smart one here?
  2. Nah m8, the opinion wasn't only from me, many people were saying this back in the days. When there was only one CP in our prime to beat us 1 v 1 which was Rip party we were one of the best and sorry, you can not deny it. Now we aren't and Im operating here with facts, and our fights that I remember very good. You haven't played, your cp didn't play so you know sh1t and talking just because JUNGLE FORCES member stated that, and most your ally members just hate us blindly, because of me, Zacman or KingLeo and our attitude in the past. Stop bulshitting, it isn't narcissism, these are facts and proves with videos!
  3. I like how you call someone names because have different opinion than you. I thought you are smarter than that. Oh wait, I forgot Demoss you were the one who was constantly yelling at ur clan members and kicking them without good reasons. Some anger issues
  4. Since you are one reasonable person here, I will answer you. No, Im not comparing my party to ripwalker party in current state. Im talking about the past, when we were in equal strength. Also, I said that we WERE one of the strongest clans and sorry but no one can't deny that by my or eulogist videos. I was talking with Rip when our CP disbanded and he said himself that too bad it was only one party that could fight with them on +/- equal performance, even tho Rip crew had bigger lvls than us + (not sure) epics. Ok bro, I have no time to talk about it anymore, I'm not playing actively lately. Have my own things in real life so if you wanna talk about it, hit my pm. I'm not interested to lead that conversation in front of all these blind clowns. Sorry, have a good day Anytime and GL in L2
  5. I said the truth with facts. Keep laughing or watch my videos where is everything. Not gonna argue with blind retards no more. Cya nerds!
  6. Ladies and Gentlemen, today we have very crucial day for bright future of our prosperous nation! New attention whore was appointed in the forum. Clap clap Shinryu, for real. You haven't reached even the level that Violence CP had back then, simmilar in pvp with ripwalker party. You can only dream about it. The sad truth is if this CP never quit, you would be in the same position as before below us But some guys quit, our CP broken and need to rebuild it from 0. Show me your frapses where you achieve such victories as we did in my/eulogist's videos. Really, only break broke us nothing else, and it's not great achievment to be better from us with full party when we miss sws/bp/wc. Stop your blind hate, you turning Myrmidon lately. Show me at least one good fraps of your party facing 3 enemy parties and win. You are ridiculous. This is how your heroic party works
  7. Don't even wanna argue with you. Ofc, SM was always the strongest, the smartest players, and most mature ones. @Pendragon is right, you all should look at your ego. No wonder I don't play that often, this community really is deep shit that you even dont wanna come back to game. Pce
  8. Yes, maybe we do. But you must go somwhere or you will not have fun in game bro. You must understand if enemy outlevel you and also outnumber, if you have problem with classes for your cps and getting wrecked because you don't have ally, it's highly demotivating. And people stop play because of that, and clans die.
  9. And what we should do? Get outnumbered all the time by both sides, and do nothing in game? JF was one of the strongest clan, now we aren't so we must adapt. It's just smart thinking. Not this ally, so the other but have ppl behind. It's obvioous dude.
  10. Omg, gtfo attention whore really. Why you must be so annoying?
  11. I'm sorry both necros, both good skill so my bad.
  12. My bad, mistaken you with Fishfood sry m8
  13. Dude really, I didn't know about talismans protecting from debuffs or something. It is my first oly ever in L2 also first server, so well every horror land was for me perma debuffed Couldn't fight with it, but I took lesson from Rizos video.
  14. You sir, have won the internet
  15. Don't worry! Soon with your attention whoreism you will beat my record. I understand you think you can say everything because you feel safe behind your monitor. Doesn't matter how many posts I did in the past. Matters how many I do now. Just big mouth you are, nothing else. @ProGressive Look at your fellow ally mates responses. This is perfect answer for your question! There is nothing to think about.
  16. Too big mouth, too poor personality... Keep living in your dream.
  17. And from where do you know I don't have friends in your ally. Bullshitting as its finest
  18. As long as I know, they don't starting flame wars under ur topics, your friends start them (under literally every single topic like pvp video) so where do you see the problem? Dude, find your eyes before blaming everyone. I don't say my friends behaviour is good, but your no-lifers ally mates constantly provoke them.
  19. Yes, we don't have to like eachother as long as we can kick Drama Team's ass together. Forum behaviour from your friends is more than pathetic.
  20. Mby you haven't considered the fact that your fellow ally members trashtalk as hell in game also in forum? This can be one factor. Look at discussion between AD and ur ally mates. Toxic af
  21. Myrtan

    Oly points?

    I get it, thanks. As I said, my first oly ever and I thought it's more simple counted. Can close