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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Absolutely not worth it. I went +7 dex -5 str, -3con with TH, and I was landing about ~80% or more. + I had BW heavy so not that bad crit rate overall.
  2. Good gameplays, but TH land rate is pain in the ass.
  3. Myrtan

    2.0 Duelist

    They will respect the red writings on the screen then
  4. Myrtan

    2.0 Duelist

    I don't rly care what he said. There is no way you will like everyone in your ally. I go wherever my clan goes, I would be stupid if I left JF just because we joining his ally. I play with these guys for more than half year now. Where would I go? exactly. Im pretty sure if Bizz will treat us like in this screen, we will leave, If you are part of ally you must be respected, if you not the ally don't deserve you. Simple as that. SM just found something and hating because let's be honest, they always do it.
  5. Myrtan

    2.0 Duelist

    No my friend, they hating because they have blue crest with two letters which are "SM" When I had war with WS, never had such hate, it's just bad personality that's all. As you can see they criticize everything done by JF. Thanks for honest opinion, still remember when we were the biggets enemies ha!
  6. Myrtan

    2.0 Duelist

    No, no "+" for Good gameplay. What missing? mass pvps. But since have ally will fix it in the next video But Polish rap best!
  7. Myrtan

    2.0 Duelist

    For fck sake, gtfo with your debate from this topic and create new one. And for SM hating:
  8. Not bro, sorry. Not gonna steal your job
  9. Myrtan

    2.0 Duelist

    Don't you understand that Im following JF? Your wise words will change nothing. As long as we have fun, we don't care what strangers from te internet say about us. I understand, you live in this virtual world so every word will bother you and your guys will act like forum fighters under every topi, but your flame under my posts or king's are just pathetic. Grow up, rly, you act like retards just because you don't like us in the game. p.s. There was once ally who was treating us like trash, and what happened?
  10. Myrtan

    2.0 Duelist

    Just stop QQuing that you will lose the TOI very soon @Phoenix clean that trash posts please.
  11. Myrtan

    2.0 Duelist

    I don't care what he thinks I follow leader, and the leader makes decisions the best for clan to expand. What some people think about us is not important. I have some friends in WS imho
  12. I wonder why you can never shut up?
  13. As u can see, Im chasing 2 ponies, they send their pets to my party mates and fight with it while im chasing them far away on the mounts. Also should the pony have 9 sec stun? Why was I chasing them? just to record this video. Discuss
  14. @Pendragon experts, experts everywhere!
  15. So much hate on mounts already, admins should give up and fix them. They will not gonna completely delete them. Don't even dream about that, but at least fix them.
  16. Even if he manage run without mount and relog he will not be able to keep kiting you with his pet. But I doubt he can run from duelist with sonic move when he is on flag. So the whole point is they use summon to attack and running on their mounts, when other classes are fighting can't use fcking mounts at the time, so no one can catch summoner.
  17. Ye, GL for summoner to run from gladi, tyr, archer, dagger etc. use brain. Not removing mounts, just not allowing to use them when flagged and then circus will end.
  18. @San0 we don't want this server to be 100% like official, we want it to be better. If you change something which failed on offi like these mounts used on combat or dagger mastery trigger. More people will want to play here rather than official. Make things as the majority wants.
  19. Third class summoner pvp in a nutshell
  20. Myrtan


    You falling deep in your lies. Scammers are banned, if owner decide Zacman scammed him he can report. Report = Ban. Zacman wasn't banned, you were just crying to owner about that WL so you got it back, but owner of this char wanted Zacman to have it. Just pathetic