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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. @MoDoy Omg, you have much more time spent in L2 overall, and you act like you don't know well things. In my videos I beat 3 different necros higher levels than me, because I had LUCK because as i said fight between these classes are based of that. If I get feared and my char runns, I get hits 1-2 k in my back for 8 seconds, so basically he can make 8k damage while I can't control my char. This is basically over of the fight, because I die or i am left with very little HP, then another fear lands or Anchor and just hits finish me off All these skills he cast fatser than any of my stuns. Back then we were not more than 65-70.
  2. 1 v 1 between necro and gladi is matter of luck. I won pvp with ITommy who is even higher level than RIP and I just was lucky because stuns landed (you can see that on my video), but you are clearly too stupid to understand that Necro is hard class to kill if you can't land stun and one fear = death. Because 8 seconds is mostly enough to kill you while your char runns back. You still didn't answer my question, dont change the subject. Name the party on the same levels as us back then, who could easily send us to town?
  3. Hmmm, again random asumptions. Tell me, which party of the same levels back then was able to do that? Ah wait, you were zerging us with 4-6 parties everyday and now trying to pretend honorable because you dont have thse numbers advantage in EU prime these days. Don't worry, you will not fool anybody. Even newcomers saw that zerg.
  4. @MoDoy Im pretty sure if you had all that parties you had before you would still do it. Just because now you don't have the numbers doesn't mean your zerging policy have changed.
  5. And what is your point @MoDoy? you don't even deny the fact that you always zerging. At that time, we had 6 parties active, so we could send 4 to AB because also they wanted to go too.
  6. I see WildAtHeart clan here, so tell me please. What is the point of putting video few months old?
  7. Im 99% sure, this "loser" would fuck up alone half of your party.This is how good you are
  8. Don't be too sensitive, hate speech is everywhere not only in this forum I see your obsession reminded you about my person, cuz there were more ppl in this discussion and you mentioned only me. You can't fool anyone, we saw that hard dick holding on epics. I love how you act tough, but when Vigilance crew was still around you all were bunch of izi cocksuckers. You got to the power (not because you are so good, you just left only ones EU prime with high levels and numbers) and were proud about domination with numbers also levels over low lvl clans, and talk about excusess. Just look at yourself, how big loser you are, being proud of such thing. Pathetic Yesterday, we and AD had fight with BabyRage and Ripwalker parties, we lost first one then like 2 parties declared they can come and help us, but AD said "no, we will not zerg them we go for fair fight" and instead our party Whiteba party went with AD to fight them, when we could easily throw at ur guys 4 parties. I don't remember such thing of a Perkunas ally, you were always zerging us and were proud of killing us with such numbers advantage. You don't know what honor is, you are just one big scum ally without any sense of dignity.
  9. Don't worry, you will see in my new video. Probably will come out after the siege recently we had many fights with Perks.
  10. You talking about such a toxic and respectless behaviour. But tell me what reason you gave them to respect you? With all your flame against us?
  11. I just pressed ctrl + f and wrote Myrciu. I knew, you would mention me and I wasn't mistaken, so obsessed with my person. 5 Times, congratulations. I don't know if you realized, but I ignoring all of your replies to me because you are boring and not worth to have conversation with. I prefer to talk with Modoy than you, so try harder.
  12. And NF will still lick Perkunas butts or eventually join their ally. Everything seems correct sir
  13. Do you know him so you know for 100% that he wouldn't do that. Maybe he didn't care about it just wanted to sell his char and mby he didn't know someone will find out. If that account and post was made by us, we wouldn't wait 2 months just to show that when they cross the line with their bullsh1ts here.
  14. Look at the join date, and date of the post Do you think, we would wait 2 months to report him? No, we just didn't care but they cross the line with all that bullsh1t they spam here.
  15. Well, yes we needed to expand and get stronger. We didn't care that we were small ally, we wanted to be loyal but the fact is we saw more respect from for example Rolan party who for example I talked with in private message than our current allies. He didn't try to recruit us to that ally, he just was respectfull saying that we have the balls here and he can't wait when we reach higher lvls so we can have equal fight. When it came to high levels parties ganking us, well. Most of the Times we just fought, no matter if it was uchica cp, rolan cp or Bizz cp. Yes we lost most, but we reallly rarely used pr, for example when we got ganked under mobs. We really wanted this ally to get stronger, but EU guys from it didn't give a single sh1t about us. Im not talking about Asian SM, because Jerna tried to help us as much as he could even staying a bit later than his prime. Also, Tys0n party was helping us some Times nd honorable mention of guy who was almost every day with us kktnxbye, so I dont talk about these guys too. There were more guys with high levels who at least could help us to not take spots and babysit us 24/7, because that was impossible. Just help us in fight against enemy ally. Holding spots even if we took from Perks back then would be impossible tho. After all these sh1ts, and possibility of losing good CP this decision has been made.Funny thinng is right when we left ally, they found some people at our late EU prime to gank us in AB but they couldn't help us before so you can see how much they cared for us. Thanks for respect, respect to you also and gl hf if you still playing
  16. Read my post from page 7 what was the main reasons we joined Rebirth. Also, atm we have almost 3 full CPs.
  17. There was many reasons. Decision about leaving was considered by us for some time. We didn't just randomly decided to leave. Sorry, let's be honest here, but flaming us with Perkunas who are enemies on a public forum wasn't a well treatment. First of all our enemies saw that you have 0 respect for us, and treat us like some kind of naive idiots. Second of all, one of our CP just wanted to leave after seeing how well you treat our clan. Eulogist had no choice, this wasn't easy decision for him. I know, you don't because we were talking about it almost everyday watching forum flaming from Kure and others. Other thing, your ally magically found time when we left the ally to gank us in AB for a week they were continousily ganking us. So, you didn't have time to help us and show us that we are in a good ally. Considering the fact that you didn't have anything better to do because some of you are already max level, but you had time to gank us when we left the ally in AB at our prime. And my final argument. We didn't like how you act like pussies against Perkunas letting them to do whatever they want, take LOA or AB no problem. "Come in LOA, we can't help you, we can't fight them" such pathetic. Jungle was fighting with Phoenix with high level Perkunas and theirr ally low clans for over a month everyday with no success but we kept trying and you did nothing.
  18. About our desire of free farm, if that was the case we would now non-stop stay in LOA day by day. But instead we are comming to AB to pvp for spots
  19. We wanted treatment with respect, and a little help. We got that, and look where we are now. I have nothing against you pistolas, but stop spreading bullsh1ts.
  20. Just let them swallow your arrow with eyes with full of salty tears, that drop in this forum
  21. Ah good point. Forgot about monster. But he is the only one with high lvl back then when we were fighting uchi CP monster didn't play he had break.
  22. I told them that not in public forum that this is stupid, unlike you were flaming us in public forum rather than talk with us in private back then when we were allies.
  23. And look at that hypocrisy