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Everything posted by kktnxbye

  1. ​Yep. That what I mean. If we will start to fix things like this - we will do that endlessly.
  2. ​most of the scrolls have their counter part, so if u get fighter scroll on mage, u can exchange it vampiric rage was working on every auto attack, every skill, be it ranged or melee, so it didnt really need counter scroll for exchange, coz everybody could profit from it, however since the change of it, only melees can profit from it, thus being it totally useless for archers and mages ​"u can exchange it" - Do U mean at Nostalgia? Or sell it on the market? If you mean trading with other ppl - this could bring us to endless unfair things of the l2.
  3. На эти вопросы уже 100 раз отвечали, 1. Даже наверное поболе будет, почти все локи 20-50 забиты, осады по 400 тел - сами примерно прикиньте. 2. Один комп\ноут - один клиент, или покупать па за коврижки. Луки и танки если чисто на рб кач - могут и без окон прожить (много таких). 3. Зависит, как обычно, - от шмота и класса. По рб кач быстрый, самые нужные классы там танк(после 40- бд и после 49 еще и свс, им тоже нужны луки) и луки. Маги после 25лвл кач на аое, танки качаются с ними же в перерывах от рб. Так же с 44лвл можно пойти на х2 эксп шаманов в FoM соло. До 52 примерно неделя, но шмот же нужен, с дерьмовым шмотом на рб брать не будут и соло не покачаешься.
  4. Mage scrolls are no point for fighters, fighter's scrolls are useless for the mages. What's wrong with that?
  5. Spoiler-bum diaries part 5: So I listened to that advise about PL parts (jusy prices you know ).This PL spoil turned out to be a pain in the ass. DV is swarming with aggro mobs (higher lvl) and dragon bear skeletons are in packs of 3 (x2,x2,x3 mobs) which take a lot of healer mp if you are in the group of DD+spoiler(+se box). Also not many of the mobs. And the most of the problem - huge respawn time of these. I see it possible only with AOE farm with bigger party. But it's not profitable cause of ppl qnty. Cannot say that above 40 it's plane sux, you can spoil CBP from 38 lizards till 44lvl then go to Ivory for varnish spoil (400-700k\hour with non-stop with se box - VERY dependend on qnty of ppl there) and stay there till 47lvl.
  6. WTS Avadon robe rec 450k and fabric 80k each PM Isan *Update - only fabric is available, price is updated
  7. ​Looks like you never played on "hard" servers. Here is no professional scammers clans(ppl who bulling U to PK them and then take your drop, stun under mobs,buff mobs, drop trains to u etc.). No clans who sells time of spot farm(otherwise they buff reflect dmg to mobs). Here is several locs for lvling 65+ (in original we had only LoA). It's not absolutely not "hard" here. About the tank stunned - resist shock buff+high con = no problem? Worked for me in original. Remember when you pick class - you will be invited to raid bosses not so often if u are not dd\support ​1) reaver was selling access to DV back in time during Perks DV lockdown on 1.0 (only one 45+ location cos cruma 2 sucks hard for mages) 2) stun under mobs is the here all the time 3) i have never met buffed mob.. but when enemy buff RBs it can be nasty 4) you can buff reflect to mob without party him? tell me how pls res. shock has not that big influeance (deff not bigger than lvl difference) and even +12con doesnt help you in any way... its classic, not original But i agreee, its defiinatelly not that hard as it was on 1.0 (3 times less adena, 10% deaths, no lcoations at all etc...) ​1) No point to tell what was in the past. 2) Never had one for 3 weeks I play here 3-4) Have no idea if reflect dmg is available on this server or how it could be done - my point is it's not so hard here as on another servers I played.
  8. ​Looks like you never played on "hard" servers. Here is no professional scammers clans(ppl who bulling U to PK them and then take your drop, stun under mobs,buff mobs, drop trains to u etc.). No clans who sells time of spot farm(otherwise they buff reflect dmg to mobs). Here is several locs for lvling 65+ (in original we had only LoA). It's absolutely not "hard" here. About the tank stunned - resist shock buff+high con = no problem? Worked for me in original. Remember when you pick class - you will be invited to raid bosses not so often if u are not dd\support
  9. Dunno but 1\250 from Nos Lads ewc on AI looks absolutely not attractive. And it's best chance as I know. PL yes - from dv skeletons.
  10. It does have automated antibot protection. But it's always the struggle of sword and shield. Every new version of bots is penetrating the defense and with some delay a new version of defense is releases.
  11. I think if these money is just given - they will be banned as well. But if boted resourses\money are spent on the market (in friend-elf's interest ) - no way to punish them.
  12. ​U can click whatever you want with any delay u like using macros. But only few lines. I hope this case gives a clue to admin how such a blue lanterns are created.
  13. Another update of spoiler-bum diaries. I tried to spoil sop finally - I wouldn't advise that if you are not lucky - one hour you can get 12 sop (~600k) but another - only 2. Today I had a row for 86 windsus without sop. Anyway what I wanted to add - you can improve your profitability in ~1.5x on 20-40 lvl if you have se box and c sword\blunt (at least top luxor). So the most effectiveness you will get at 40lvl. The problem is - there is too many ppl sometimes in locs to have effective spoil.
  14. Oh, sorry guys, I forgot that it's not like it was c2-c4. There were no such attributes in aq and baium rings. My fault.
  15. ​any decent mage pt will rekt even strong archer pts on our server, so i guess some ppl are lucky that half server makes archers? ​Now, but when +5 dye cap is implemented? Do not forget that we dont have hero scepters for mag crit rate, and now we will have baium rings which will add 15% dmg to archers. Now high mag crit rate is balansed with x2 dmg but when u took it away from mages and give to archers another 15% of dmg....maybe I don't see some balancing advantages for mages?
  16. No Light Vortex for MM? No Divine Protection for ee\bish? Magical Crit will be still the same x2 not x4 but +5 dye cap? That's why a half of the server is making archers now? WTF "blessed spiritshot bonus" - I dont remember this stuff in original c2-c4?
  17. Don't play stupid - it always been a thing of agreement between ppl who leave a clan\cp and the rest. You have decided what's yours for yourself. And such a thing is never been banned - don't play stupid again. Analogy in real life - if an employee one day seening his company is collapsing and he takes what he decides for himself - he will be prosecuted for that.
  18. Trading to higher grade weapons always been for aa (as i remember) in c3-c4. I'm exactly curious about trade of the same level of middle c. Especially of DC>>Homa trade. That will drop mage weapons prices about 2 times.
  19. Guys, will be the mammon's itroduced in 2.0? I mean the possibility to change any of your mid c grade to another one(for free)?
  20. ​Problem is ncsoft making stupid decision for game. For example epics, why not make with every update +10 level on epic bosses so u farm them with mains? And so on and so on... I fuking hate epics Its good to increase ally budget but... Its no interesting to login 40 sorcerors and [email protected] with them all the time ​Guys, just curious why it's this way here? Usually it was logged out main characters which is not in use in the respawn time + pk (for killing enemy's sorcs)+high lvl support for our sorcs and pk. So pvp on aq were on high lvl characters and who's won - took the AQ afterall.
  21. Never seen that a person brought an evidence agains himself. So if ppl are still farming epics it's okay to take whatever you like from shared epics? Without any discussion who gets what after cp is collapsed? It is possible to add the Gollum model in Lineage client? And change all person's characters models to Gollum?
  22. So, everything is going to - WAS any agreement about epics on leaving cp or NOT. If he was informed about the policy and agreed - yes, he scammed epics. And if it's true(a couple of witness can confirm) - the warning for the others should not contain insults(calling names) - only the description of the situation. Such informative topic should not be deleted - it's not insults anyone - just describes the game situation. That's funny - the same rake ppl step on at every server=)